September 17, 2023

Upcoming Milestones & Special Events

Children's Sabbath is Sunday, October 22 during both services. The 5th and 6th grade children will lead all the liturgy and the children's choirs will sing.
1st Grade - Instructed Communion is Sunday, October 29. This is a workshop during the Sunday School hour to help children and parents learn more about baptism and communion together.

What are we up to?

See what the children's classes are talking about on Sunday Mornings...

You as parents have asked to know a bit more about what your children are covering on Sunday mornings. See the details below. Please let me know what else is helpful.
In the fall all of our classes move through Old Testament stories. In Advent we focus on Christ's birth. Beginning in January all the classes begin to move through New Testament stories.
2 year old class -3 year old class-4 year old class-  All 3 of these classes started with creation, taking care of God's world, Noah's Ark, and this week counting the stars of Abraham and Sarah's descendants.
Godly Play/ Kindergarten class - This class began with the story of the Good Shepherd to learn the rhythm of Godly Play and to deepen their understanding that God is always with us. They will focus on the creation story this week.
For all of these children, help them notice the beauty around them. What do they see that God made?
1st - 4th Grades - This group gathers in the chapel from 9:45 - 10 am each week. We have a covenant for how we behave at church. We are working on learning the Lord's Prayer together.
These grades cover one story for several weeks and explore it in lots of different ways. One week might be art, the next week drama, and cooking. Lots of ways to see the scripture.
Our current story is Abraham, Sarah and Isaac, Genesis 18: 1 - 15 and 21: 1 - 6. This is the story of God calling them to go on a journey and promising them children. They wait a long time and wonder if it will happen. Finally, they have Isaac, whose name means laughter.
With this group look up what their name means. Tell them the story of their name, how did you choose it.
5th and 6th Grades -  This group has a team of dads teaching and they are great. They watch a short video and explore a story. The teachers love to get them talking and help them connect scripture to their lives. So far they have covered Creation with an emphasis on our worth comes from God, The Fall with an emphasis on disobedience is not the end of the story, God remains with us, Suffering - while suffering God is present, The Flood- God's commitment to restore us gives us hope and this week the Tower of Babel - we want to make a name for ourselves without God. God stays in our story no matter what.

Wednesday Night Dinners are Back!

Please join us for dinner on Wednesdays beginning Sept. 6. We will meet every week in Sept. and most weeks in October. The link is below. Sign up and invite a friend.
Dinner begins at 5:30.
Wednesday Night Dinner Registration

Click here to access this week's
children's bulletin!

3900 West End Ave.
Nashville, TN 37205

PHONE: 615-292-5526

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