Sunday info

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Holy Baptism

"What's In A Title?"

Guy D. Griffith preaching
 Sophie Maness assisting

Psalm 1

Psalm 1

- Hymn 457

I Corinthians 15:12-20


8:30 a.m. Laudate Choir

I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry

John Ylvisaker

God is Our Refuge

Allen Pote

11:00 a.m. Westminster Choir

My Shepherd Will Supply My Need

Mack Wilberg


65 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

816 If Thou but Trust in God to Guide Thee

353 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less

For those of you worshipping with us online,
the hymns are available at the back of the bulletin.

LIVE Stream
All Sunday School classes begin at 9:45 a.m.
Covenant Class
Fellowship Hall
The Outreach Foundation is a Non-Profit and Public Benefit Organization aimed at making a difference in the communities in which we work by promoting education, developing talents, and offering social support and a safe haven to those who need it. TOF works to engage followers of Christ for His work in the world. They partner with many international mission organizations to engage Christians in 28 countries worldwide.

Please join us this Sunday as Rev. Dr. Thomas Boone, Associate Director for Mission at The Outreach Foundation, talks about their mission and how Westminster is involved.

Meeting ID: 894 6664 5369
Passcode: 452041
“In Life and in Death We Belong to God”
The past two Sundays these classes were held in Fellowship

February 2: “Blessed are Those Who Mourn? Practicing
Christian Faith in a Death-Denying Culture”

February 9: “Spiritual Engagement with Life and Death,
Belonging to God: End-of-life decisions, Palliative and
Hospice Care; Storytelling and Finding God; Grieving,
Celebrating Life, and Witnessing to Resurrection”

Recordings and slides are available now on the

At a future date this spring, a third class will be held to
go more deeply into planning a memorial service, making
end-of-life preparations and decisions, and provide time
for questions and deeper discussion. Please contact
Heidi Hudnut-Beumler for more information, or to
access resources.
Murdoch MacLeod • Library

We will discuss this week's gospel lesson.

For more info, please contact Paul DeWitt,

Back to Basics: Christian Belief

Goodpasture Hall

Westminster is continuing our new series of Sunday School classes to help us get back to the basics! This Spring we’ll continue with an introduction to Christian Beliefs. We’ll explore how Christians understand their faith, the doctrines of the church, and our own Reformed tradition. Attendees will become familiar with the beliefs of the church, why they matter now, and how they shape and form our lives as contemporary Christians.
This class is great for anyone who is new to the faith all the way to seasoned theologians who would like a refresher—all are welcome!
Email Will Wellman with any questions. 

Faith & Fellowship

 The History of Popes - Church of Man or Church of God.
For more info, please contact Donna Schwaber,

Young Families

This class will join the Back to Basics class in Goodpasture Hall.
Winter New Member & Inquirer Class
Please join us in the Overlook Room.

This class series provides the opportunity to learn more about Westminster and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), meet others, and explore ways to become involved in the wide array of opportunities for growth in faith, belonging in fellowship, mission, and service.

We run through February 16, 
with the opportunity to join on March 2 for those who feel called into membership. 

To sign up for the class, please contact Sherri Givens,

For questions or more information please contact co-chairs Kathleen Simcoe, ( and Ken Larish (, or
pastoral staff Heidi Hudnut-Beumler (
We will not have Sunday School or Youth Group this Sunday.
Children's Sunday School Begins at 9:45 a.m.
2s are in room 149
3s are in room 161
4s are in room 163
Godly Play/Kindergarten in 183
1st - 3rd  Chapel first and then will be picked up in rooms 
4th & 5th Grade in room 292
February 23
Congregational Meeting
9:45 a.m.
Fellowship Hall

If you’re left-brained, we have lots of numbers you can add up. If you’re right-brained, there will be things that will make you smile because they don’t add up at all. You’ll get the latest on what’s up and where we’re going! Show up!  

The purpose of the meeting is (1) to elect Elders for the Class of 2028; (2) to elect members of the Church Nominating Committee for the Class of 2028; (3) 
to elect Trustees for the Westminster Presbyterian Church Legacy Fund for the Class of 2028; (4) to review the church’s annual budget for 2025 and our pastors’ “Terms of Call”; (5) to hear a report on the State of the Church; and (6) to act on any other matters arising out of the above.

Westminster Blood Drive

February 25
9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Help us make our goal! We need 35 more donors!
Blood Donation
Today's generosity message is about gratitude. We are in awe of
your faithfulness, prayers and support during our campaign. In
the words of the prophet Isaiah, God is always doing a new thing
among us. We have seen this truth unfolding before our eyes—
new opportunities for growth, service, and outreach are becoming
a reality - thanks to you. It is because of your faith and your
willingness to answer God’s call that we are able to step into this
new season with anticipation and hope. While we are so close to
completing this important chapter, we know that it’s not the final number that matters most, but the spirit of generosity and commitment that has been woven into every part of this journey.

Do we even realize how fortunate we are? In a time when many churches are closing
their doors and finding their worship attendance declining, Westminster continues to be a vibrant witness to what can happen when generous hearts come together - committed to faithfully doing God’s work. Your generosity is a testament to that living faith and enables us to continue to grow, serve, and reach out to our community in even greater ways - just as Jesus showed us. Together, we are making a lasting impact, and we are excited for what lies ahead as we witness the new thing God is doing in and through
our church.

With heartfelt thanks and blessings,

- Generosity Committee
Generosity 2025 Pledge

If you would like to dedicate flowers in the Sanctuary or Parlor this year, please click the link below to sign up for a particular date.

June Dates Added
Flower Reservations
4:00 p.m. Rehearsals


5:00 p.m. Rehearsals

Laudate Choir
Chiming Children

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