Bulgaria, as a nation, has existed since the 5th century, but much of its history has been under the rule of others. The Ottoman Empire ruled from 1396-1878, later followed by Communist rule from 1947-1989. In 1990, Bulgaria became independent, and in 1994, the Church of the Nazarene opened work here. Bulgaria achieved member status in the European Union (EU) in 2007. As with many of the countries of the former Soviet and Eastern Bloc, there has been a significant exodus of young people in search of well-paid jobs and higher education, leaving the past of Communist rule and the instability of the country due to widespread corruption behind. This, along with the fact that religious freedom is still not fully achieved in Bulgaria, impacts church development and sustainability. Therefore, ministry to young people becomes a significant challenge if they are to remain in Bulgaria and become part of the church for the future. The Church of the Nazarene has sought, since its beginnings here, to minister in this diverse context. Discrimination against Turks and Roma people groups (comprising over 14% of the population) is significant, and the need to introduce the grace of God, which breaks down the dividing walls of prejudice is imperative, and educational ministries are critical. It is also significant that over 27% of the Bulgarian population makes no faith claim or is unspecified in religious connections. The story that follows is an indication that "church" may be reimagined for a new generation of Bulgarians and a sense of belonging can be a magnet, drawing the young to a home in Jesus.
| 5 Fully Organized Churches; 1 Not Yet Organized Church
| 2 District Licensed and 5 Ordained Ministers on 1 District
- Pray for the development of leaders in the church.
Pray for believers to become members of the Church of the Nazarene.
- Pray for the lost to discover the love of Christ.
- Pray for new ways for the Home(made) church to serve those in Sofia.
- Praise God for new believers in Sofia.
- Praise God for the health of the church.
- Praise God for opportunities to share Christ’s love.
Just over a year ago, there was no Church of the Nazarene in Sofia, Bulgaria. But the Lord is moving in an uncommon way. Now, there is a local Church of the Nazarene in this incredible city. In the past year God has brought together a new local expression of the body of Christ into what is the “Home(made) Church.”
Over the past year, this new church has served others in the city of Sofia: cleaning playgrounds and partnering with a ministry to orphans in Bulgaria. They have donated items to refugees, provided translation and social help to refugees needing housing and work, and have contributed funds to disaster relief.
They have also begun contributing regularly to the World Evangelism Fund; they support European Nazarene College (EuNC) as their education provider for the preparation of ministers and they support district ministries. Recently, they received their first Alabaster Offering. They celebrated the occasion by telling the story of how the house where they meet was built with Alabaster funds. A parade followed this as the children came jingling their boxes and jars for Alabaster.
In recent months, the church has continued to grow as college students from Sofia University have discovered the church and joined in worship. New believers are coming to Christ, and others are growing deeper in their walk of faith with Him. On a Sunday not long ago, the church met with over a dozen children, sharing the story of Christ washing the disciples’ feet. The children washed each other’s feet while the adults discussed what it means to continue serving in Sofia as the Body of Christ.
God is moving in Bulgaria!
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