External Funding Opportunities
***Limited Submission***
The G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Foundation
Program: Grants — Spring 2025 Cycle
Synopsis: Supports basic scientific research, and more recently with the advent of newer investigative methodologies, technology, and tools, the Foundation now embraces innovative translational research proposals. Examples of current research areas the Foundation supports include immunology, microbiome, structural biology, cellular physiology, cancer biology, genetics, genomics, microbiology and infectious diseases, stem cell biology, and neuroscience. Renewal applications for the same or related research will not be accorded priority consideration. It is strongly advised that any re-application for grant renewal consider a new direction based on prior research or emphasize some new potential translational aspects and not merely an extension of previously funded research.
Award details: Up to $700K over 3 years. Maximum indirect costs are $10%. In award-making and calculating award amounts, the Foundation considers the number of researchers and their training; the type of model being used for experiments (mouse, drosophila, c. elegans, etc.); supplies required for experiments; genetic sequencing or other outsourced services, test setup development, etc. Awards do not include funding for lab equipment.
USC Internal Announcement: https://rii.usc.edu/limited-submissions/mathers/
External announcement on website: https://mathersfoundation.org/
USC Internal due date: December 6, 2024.
Letter of Intent due date: March 14, 2025.
External due date (invited): May 23, 2025.
***Limited Submission***
NSF / Directorate for Geosciences - Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences
Program: Faculty Development in geoSpace Science (FDSS)
Solicitation #: 23-577
Synopsis: Supports one tenure-track faculty position bearing research, teaching, service, and educational outreach responsibilities in geospace science at the submitting IHE. The FDSS faculty position may reside within one department or be shared among several departments at the IHE. The proposal must clearly identify which NSF AGS Geospace program(s) the hire is relevant to and what research priorities of the program(s) will be addressed. NSF AGS Geospace programs/priorities include, but are not limited to, the following: Aeronomy: research on the mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere of the Earth, and the phenomena of ionization, recombination, chemical reaction, photo emission, and the transport of energy and momentum within and between these regions; Geospace Facilities: research areas that rely upon existing facilities or develop new instrumentation for geospace observations; Magnetospheric Physics: research on the magnetosphere, coupling of the magnetosphere with the solar wind, ionosphere, and atmosphere; development of ground-based observations and lab-based plasma physics; Solar-Terrestrial: development of U.S. ground-based solar observation, lab-based solar plasma physics, and instrumentation capabilities, including polarimetry techniques, and new modeling and theoretical research that connects to current or future NSF solar observatories; Space Weather Research: system-of-systems research on the physical processes in the integrated Sun-Earth system that underlie space weather and space climate, and characterizing space weather impacts on critical infrastructure and technological systems. The proposal must not designate any candidate for the new FDSS faculty position, but should include a description of the desired skills, background, and training of the desired candidate. Principal Investigators should be someone at the institution with the authority to implement the proposed FDSS program and select and hire the new faculty member. These may be, but are not limited to, a dean, provost, director of a university associated research institute, department chairperson, or a senior tenured faculty member.
Award details: To allow sufficient time for the FDSS hire to stand for tenure review or at least complete a pre-tenure review at or before the end of the award period, it is expected that the award duration will be 5 years. The maximum total award size will be $1.5M over this duration.
USC Internal announcement: https://rii.usc.edu/limited-submissions/nsf-23-577/
Announcement on website: https://new.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/fdss-faculty-development-geospace-science/nsf23-577/solicitation
USC Internal due date: November 15, 2024.
External due date: March 3, 2025.
***Limited Submission***
NIH / Division of Program Coordination
Program: Biomedical Research Facilities
NOFO #: PAR-25-061
Synopsis: Supports projects to modernize existing or construct new biomedical research facilities, with the goal of strengthening biomedical research programs. Each project is expected to produce substantial long-term improvements to the institutional research infrastructure. Intended projects are the construction or modernization of core facilities and the development of other shared research infrastructure serving an institution-wide research community with broad impact on biomedical research. Applications from both research-intensive institutions and Institutions of Emerging Excellence (IEE) in biomedical research from all geographic regions in the nation are strongly encouraged.
Award details: Application Budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project for a maximum project period o f5 years. The maximum award budget from Federal funds is $8M. Applications with a budget less than $2M will not be considered.
USC Internal Announcement: https://rii.usc.edu/limited-submissions/par-25-061/
External announcement on website: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-25-061.html
USC Internal due date: November 8, 2024.
Letter of Intent due date: December 16, 2024.
External due date: January 27, 2025
***Limited Submission***
NIH / National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Program: NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Early-Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99 / R00 — Career Transition Award / Research Transition Award)
NOFO #: Par 23-286
Synopsis: Supports postdoctoral fellows with research and / or clinical doctoral degrees who do not require an extended period of mentored research training beyond their doctoral degrees. The objective of this award is to facilitate a timely transition of these fellows from their mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent tenure-track (or equivalent) faculty positions. The program will provide independent NCI research support during this transition to help awardees to launch competitive, independent research careers. Researchers in the scientific areas of cancer control, cancer prevention and cancer data sciences are especially encouraged to work with their institutions to apply.
Award details: Mentored phase (K99): up to $100K per year toward the salary, plus $30K per year toward research development. Independent Phase (R00): Up to $249K per year, which covers salary, benefits and applicable F&A costs.
USC Internal announcement: https://rii.usc.edu/limited-submissions/par-23-286/
External announcement on website: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-23-286.html
USC Internal due date: November 15, 2024.
External due date: Multiple due dates for all types of applications, except AIDS applications, through 2026. Next due date is February 14, 2025.
Japan Foundation New York
Program: Grants for Japanese Studies
Synopsis: Supports projects that will enhance further understanding of Japan through academic exploration. Such projects generally take the form of conferences, colloquia, symposia, presentations, and lectures within the United States as well as in virtual format. Priority will be given to those projects that have secured additional funding from sources other than the Japan Foundation.
Award details: $5K
Announcement on website: https://ny.jpf.go.jp/grants/grants-for-japanese-studies/jfny-grant-for-japanese-studies/
Application due date: Rolling. Proposals for online projects must be submitted at least one month prior to the project start date. All other proposals for projects must be received at least 3 months from the start date.
Council on Foreign Relations
Program: International Affairs Fellowship (IAF) for 2025-2026
Synopsis: Supports the next generation of scholar-practitioners by bridging the gap between study and making foreign policy. With more than more than 650 alumni constituting a who's who of the U.S. foreign policy community — including a former secretary of state, several undersecretaries of state and defense, ambassadors, and many other influential leaders in government, academia, and the private sector — IAF offers fellows the chance to experience a new environment and gain a different perspective at a pivotal moment in their careers. The IAF program does not fund pre- or postdoctoral research, work toward a degree, or the completion of projects on which substantial progress has been made before the fellowship begins. Candidates must be U.S. citizens with at least a bachelor’s degree. For candidates from academia and the private sector, preference is given to candidates with no significant prior work experience in the U.S. government or at an international organization. CFR assists fellows coming out of academia or the private sector find a suitable placement for their fellowship year in the U.S. government or at an international organization.
Award details: Stipend is $120K for 12 months. Award begins in September.
Announcement on website: https://www.cfr.org/fellowships/international-affairs-fellowship
Application due date: November 1, 2024.
Wenner-Gren Foundation.
Program: Post-Ph.D. Research Grant
Synopsis: Supports individual research projects undertaken by doctorates in anthropology or a closely related field. The goal is to support significant work that advances understanding of what it means to be human. There is no preference for any methodology, research location, topic or subfield. The Foundation particularly welcomes proposals that integrate two or more subfields and pioneer new approaches and ideas. Doctorates in anthropology and related fields as well as independent scholars are eligible to apply.
Award details: Maximum award is $25K. There is no limit to the duration of the grant, and applicants may request funding to cover distinct research phases (for example, two summers) if this is part of the research design. Wenner-Gren awards do not include indirect costs.
Announcement on website: https://wennergren.org/program/post-phd-research-grant/
Application due date: November 1, 2024 for projects that begin July 1, 2025 and December 31, 2025.
Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy
Program: Grants
Synopsis: Supports emerging scholars for social policy research. Applicants must be Ph.D. candidates and be currently working on their dissertation. Applicants must not have already received a Ph.D. and must have had their topic approved by their department before applying. Proof of approval is not required, however, applicants will be asked to certify that approval has been granted, and provide the contact information for your dissertation chair. U.S. citizenship is not required.
Award details: Each grant is worth a total of $10K; $7.5K is awarded initially and $2.5K upon completion of the project. A Trustees’ Award of an additional $3K is given to the project judged as the project with the most innovative approach in theory and / or methodology. An additional $5K is given to the most outstanding overall project for the signature Irving Louis Horowitz award.
Announcement on website: https://www.horowitz-foundation.org/
Application due date: December 1, 2024.
The Hertz Foundation
Program: Fellowship
Synopsis: Supports individuals who are currently or planning to pursue Ph.D. studies in the applied physical and biological sciences, mathematics or engineering. Hertz Fellows have the freedom to pursue innovative projects wherever they may lead. In addition, fellows take part in ongoing mentoring, symposia, and workshops with our vibrant community of more than 1200 fellows, a set of peers who span disciplines, generations, and geography. Applicants must be college seniors, first-year graduate students, or individuals in a gap year preparing to apply to graduate school. Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
Award details: Up to $250K for 5 years.
Announcement on website: https://www.hertzfoundation.org/the-fellowship/apply-for-fellowship/
Application due date: November 1, 2024.
Simons Foundation
Program: Simons Collaboration in Mathematics and the Physical Sciences
Synopsis: Supports outstanding researchers to address a mathematical or theoretical topic of fundamental scientific importance, where a significant, new development creates a novel area for exploration or provides a new direction for progress in an established field. The questions addressed by the collaboration may be concrete or conceptual, but there should be little doubt that answering them would constitute a major scientific milestone. The project should have clearly defined initial activities and goals by which progress and success can be measured. Proposals should specify a core group of PIs. Additional PIs may be added only after an LOI is approved. Inter-institutional and international collaborations are allowed. The foundation strongly encourages the participation of PIs from underrepresented groups. The support from Simons should be seen as critical for the objectives of the project.
Award details: Up to $2M per year for up to 4 years. The announcement lists allowable expenses including summer supplement support, workshops and conferences, support for postdocs, graduate students and undergraduates, support for a collaboration administrator, and more.
Announcement on website: https://www.simonsfoundation.org/grant/simons-collaborations-in-mathematics-and-the-physical-sciences/?tab=rfa
Letter of Intent due date: October 31, 2024.
Full proposal due date (invited): February 25, 2025.
If interested in this funding opportunity please contact Jennifer Lidar, Executive Director of Foundation Relations < jlidar@usc.edu>
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Program: Museum Grants for American Latino History and Culture
Synopsis: Supports projects that build the capacity of American Latino history and culture museums to serve their communities, and broadly advance the growth and development of a professional workforce in American Latino cultural institutions. The solicitation includes in its definition of “museum” as science / technology centers; nature centers; anthropology; historic houses / sites; specialized museums that are limited to a single distinct subject, and other broad interpretations of museum. A museum located within a parent organization is, say, a university, historical society, foundation, or cultural center, may apply on its own behalf under specific circumstances. Applications involving partnerships or collaborations are welcome.
Award details: Budgets requests from $5K up to $500K in total direct and indirect costs may be considered.
Announcement on website: https://www.imls.gov/sites/default/files/2024-08/fy25-oms-alhc-nofo.pdf
Application due date: November 25, 2024.
NOAA / Office of Marine Sanctuaries (NOMS)
Program: FY25 Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program
NOFO #: NOAA-ONMS-NFS-2025-28612
Synopsis: Supports individuals who currently or plan to pursue master’s and doctoral degrees in oceanography, marine biology, maritime archaeology—these may include but are not limited to ocean and / or coastal: engineering, social science, marine education, marine stewardship, cultural anthropology, and resource management disciplines. Individuals who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, or citizens of U.S. territories, and are applying to or have been accepted to a graduate program at a U.S. accredited institution, may apply. Prospective scholars do not need to be enrolled in a graduate program at the time of application, but must be admitted to a graduate-level program by the time they accept the award. Scholarship selections are based on academic excellence, letters of recommendations, research proposals, relevant experience, and financial need. Applicants must have a cumulative 3.30 grade point average (GPA) to be eligible to apply and maintain a minimum cumulative and term GPA of 3.30 for every term and for the duration of their award. Qualified women and members of minority groups are encouraged to apply.
Award details: Yearly support of approximately $47K per student (a 12-month stipend of $35K in addition to an education allowance of $12K), up to $10K of support for one 4-6 week program collaboration at a NOAA facility, and travel expenses to attend Capitol Hill Ocean Week (first week of June annually) before the end of the scholarship period. Applicants can only obtain funding for the number of years they have remaining in their graduate studies when they apply for this program. Funding is up to 2 years for a master’s student and up to 4 years for doctoral students.
Announcement on website: FY25 Nancy Foster Scholarship Program
Informational Seminar: October 15, 2024.
Pre-Application due date: October 31, 2024.
Full application due date (invited): February 14, 2025.
Fisheries Headquarters Program Office
Program: FY25 Saltonstall-Kennedy Full Proposal Competition
Funding Opportunity Number: NOAA-NMFS-FHQ-2025-26868
Synopsis: Supports fisheries research and development projects addressing aspects of U.S. fisheries, including, but not limited to, harvesting, processing, marketing, and associated business infrastructures. The term “U.S. fisheries” refers to any marine fishery (including the Great Lakes) that encompasses commercial, recreational, charter, subsistence, wild capture, and aquaculture that is, or may be, engaged in by citizens or nationals of the United States or other eligible applicants. The objective of the S-K Research and Development Program is to promote U.S. fisheries by assisting the fishing community to address marketing and research needs. The term "fishing community" means harvesters, marketers, growers, processors, recreational fishermen, charter fishermen, and persons providing them with goods and services. Proposals submitted to this competition must address at least one of the following priorities: Promotion, and Marketing; Development, Infrastructure and Capacity Building; Science or Technology that Enhances Sustainable U.S. Fisheries.
Award details: Maximum awards are $500K for 2 years.
Announcement on website: FY25 Saltonstall-Kennedy Competition
Application due date: November 25, 2024. Projects begin September 2025.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) / Advanced Research Concepts (ARC) Opportunity
Program: Investigating how Neurological Systems Process Information in REality (INSPIRE)
Solicitation #: DARPA-EA-24-01-04
Synopsis: Supports research that will explore the question: Are there new ways to explore and describe how functional neural systems store and process information that expand beyond the limits of digital representations? Research should address the overarching goal of discovering new fundamental theories in neurosciences with
the potential for further foundational insights or development of novel technologies. Experimental, computational, and theoretical efforts will be considered in-scope for the ARC topic. In all cases, performers will justify how their methods or insights go beyond the current state of the art. Approaches providing insight for a single neuron and new vertebrate experiments are out of scope.
Award details: Each ARC award's total cost is expected to range from $100K to
$300K, including direct and indirect costs, and graduate student tuition if applicable. $10K or less is limited to materials, equipment and other direct costs. The maximum period of performance is 12 months.
Announcement on website: INSPIRE
Abstract submission due date: Abstracts will be reviewed on a rolling basis until January 31, 2025. Proposers are encouraged to submit abstracts as early as possible.
Department of Energy (DoE) / Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management
Program: Oxygen-conducting SOFC and SOEC Research and Development for Hydrogen Production
Funding Opportunity Announcement: DE-FOA-0003366
Synopsis: Supports projects that advances the Biden administration’s goal for a net-zero carbon emissions economy. Specific objectives are to overcome the challenges with high-temperature, oxygen-conducting, Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (R-SOFC) systems which are 1) low total resistance, where total resistance includes all ohmic (area specific resistance, ASR), polarization and concentration over potentials; 2) high steam / hydrogen utilization; 3) high steam / hydrogen inlet concentration; 4) low capital cost; 5) high DC efficiency; 6) high hydrogen production rate (HPR); 7) high current; 8) low, long-term degradation rate at high current; and 9) low system footprint. Overcoming all of these challenges are steps forward in achieving the DOE-wide Hydrogen Shot goals. Broadly, the 2 areas of interest are
- Area of Interest 1: Oxygen-conducting SOFC and SOEC (solid oxide electrolysis cells) R&D for reduced long-term degradation at high current density and high steam utilization
- Area of Interest 2: SOFC and SOEC component materials thermodynamic database
Award details: Area of Interest 1: Maximum federal share is $750K for 24 months; Area of Interest 2: Maximum federal share is $500K for 24 months. 20% cost share for all projects.
Announcement on website:
Oxygen-conducting SOFC and SOEC Research and Development for Hydrogen Production
Application due date: December 2, 2024.
Department of Energy (DoE) / Office of Science (SC)
Program: FY25 Continuation of Solicitation for the Office of Science Financial Assistance
NOFO #: DE-FOA-0003432
Synopsis: Supports work in the following program areas: Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Basic Energy Sciences, Biological and Environmental Research, Fusion Energy Sciences, High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Isotope R&D and Production, and Accelerator R&D and Production. This NOFO is SC’s annual open solicitation that covers all research areas in SC and is open throughout the Fiscal Year. Any research within SC’s Congressionally authorized mission may be proposed under this NOFO.
Award details: DoE anticipates awarding grants, cooperative agreements, other transactions (OTs), technology investment agreements (TIAs), and / or interagency agreements under this NOFO.
Announcement on website: FY 2025 Continuation of SC Solicitation
Pre-Application due date: Optional, though recommended pre-applications may be submitted at any time while this NOFO is available. Note that some topics may have required or strongly encouraged submissions by specified dates if an application is to be considered by a review panel.
Application due date: This NOFO succeeds DE-FOA-0003177, and will remain open until September 9, 2025. NOTE: Applications for conference or workshop support must be submitted at least six months before the meeting date and no later than April 1, 2025, to be considered for FY 2025 funding. Renewal applications compete with all other applications and must be submitted through Grants.gov at least six months before the scheduled expiration of the current award’s project period.