Celebrate milestones with your St. Luke's family.
Celebrate milestones with your St. Luke's family.
The monthly "St. Luke's Celebrates" newsletter
helps St. Lukers connect to one another
as we navigate life together. 
We wish a very Happy Birthday to all our St. Lukers! Click the button below to help us celebrate the next few months of birthdays. 
We appreciate the faithful commitment St. Lukers make to the church's ministries. Click the button below to help us celebrate the next few months of church partnership anniversaries.
On November 20, Diana Sterman was baptized at the 9:30 a.m. Traditional worship service.
Joining the baptism were her parents Danielle and Daniel. Welcome to the family, Diana!
Congratulations to the Colman family!
On November 16, Ashley and Matt Colman adopted Wakinyan Josiah Birdshead-Colman, Aubriana Rose, and Alithia Aura Colman
St. Luker Otto Evans passed away on August 11, 2022.
Otto had been a partner with St. Luke's since 1989 and had a passion for serving others.
A service for Otto was held on October 8 in South Carolina. Please keep his family in your prayers. 
Jean and Carter Williams Shepherd’s Hope dedication 
On November 7, the family of Shari and Tom Williams dedicated the Central Office of Shepherd’s Hope to the memory of Tom’s parents, Jean and Carter Williams.
Pastor Jenn, Bill and Kim Barnes, as well as Shari and Tom’s family joined in recognizing Jean and Carter, both long-time St. Lukers, as dedicated caregivers.
Celebrating Sherry Ferrantelli
We celebrate the decades of incredible jail and prison ministry of Sherry Ferrantelli.
Sherry led the Pen Pal program through Shalom Prison Ministry. Her compassion and commitment to those incarcerated is so visible in the way she grew the ministry to include discipleship and sharing resources for returning citizens.
Please join Missions in thanking Sherry as the Pen Pal Ministry comes to an end due to regulation changes. She has touched so many lives over the years!
The featured Staff Shout Out goes to
Technical Director, Xavier Krejcha
Shout Out to Xavier Krejcha for being super flexible and helping the Grow It Forward team with music during the Planting Party.
Another Shout out to Xavier and his team for going above and beyond (as usual) and meeting all the tech needs for the Fall Family Night event.
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Send in your milestones and photos and you may be featured in an upcoming issue of St. Luke's Celebrates!
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