The latest news about the Corps of Cadets from the Commandant.
The latest news about the Corps of Cadets from the Commandant.
We are in the final weeks of the semester! It feels like just yesterday, we welcomed our newest members to the Quad for Fall Orientation Week, and now, they are just days away from earning their Corps Brass. 

Most immediately, I want to remind you that the Q-Drop deadline is today, November 15th, at 5 PM. Please encourage your cadet to evaluate their schedules and use their Q-drops appropriately. 

I also want to note that next Wednesday, November 22nd, is a reading day. There will be no classes. In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, there are no classes on November 23rd and 24th. 

This time of year can be particularly trying for each of our cadets, regardless of their classification. From their Corps to their academic commitments, every cadet has an undoubtedly full schedule. This is what sets them apart from the rest of the university. Though not a typical college experience, the Corps of Cadets is preparing them to deal with adversity by utilizing the support system available to them. 

Even though this season of life may be challenging, your student will leave this experience with the confidence and competence to conquer whatever lies before them. Should your cadet need any support, whether academic or personal, please refer them to our list of resources, accessible here. 

It isn’t easy, but nothing worth doing ever has been. Remind your cadet of that fact! A majority of people don’t even have the courage to attempt the path your student has chosen. Be proud of that, because I certainly am.

As always, if there is anything within the Corps that your cadet is experiencing that may be out of line with my expectations of a respectful, values-based environment, tell us. Contact one of our advisors, who are experienced leaders. 

Their email and phone number information can be accessed here.

Remember: one more hour, one more day, one more week. 
Thanks, Gig ‘Em, 
Brigadier General Patrick Michaelis ’93

Housing Update

Though this update does not affect every member of the Corps, we have received quite a few messages that voice concern from those affected by dorm changes. I want to provide a bit of context on why these moves are happening for some of our cadets, and hopefully clear up any confusion that may be floating around. 

Residence Life has asked me to return one floor of a dorm to use for non-reg (non-Corps) student housing for the spring 2024 semester. Given the number of cadets who have left our organization since the beginning of this semester, their request was fair. 

My staff, in coordination with Residence Life, has identified the third floor of Dorm 9 as the floor that we will return, since there is already a floor of non-reg students in that dorm. 

Those affected by housing changes have received detailed communication from cadet leadership as well as my staff. So you can be informed, the high level housing changes include:

Bringing satellite cadets back to their home outfit/major unit’s floor/dorm.

Conducting moves associated with the transfer cadet process (change of outfit and/or making space for incoming Spring Orientation Week fish).

Moving a specific unit from Dorm 9 to Dorm 7 in alignment with our plan to return that Dorm 9 floor to ResLife.

I understand that this is not an ideal time to conduct housing moves, but, unfortunately, all of these moves need to be completed prior to cadets departing at the end of the semester. As some cadets might not have finals and leave after the last day of classes, this essentially dictates that all moves must be completed no later than the last day of classes for this semester (December 4th).  

This move only affects a select group of cadets. I understand the impacts of this move may be inconvenient for them. The military and operations advisors, as well as the Corps housing office ( are available as resources, and can assist with any questions your cadet may have.
Cadets on Kyle Field Commandant with an Old Ag Corps Commander during veterns review

Mississippi State vs. Texas A&M Football Recap

After what has felt like an endless stretch of early games, the Corps of Cadets was finally able to return to Kyle Field for an evening game! With the game against Mississippi State also falling on Veterans Day, our cadets had an eventful and impactful day on campus.  

The day started earlier with our Corps conducting our annual wreath laying ceremony at the MSC and Corps Plaza, timed symbolically at 11:11 AM, in honor of our servicemen and women. We were joined by special guest, James McIlroy ‘45, a World War II veteran and former cadet, for this ceremony. It was a pleasure to welcome him back home to the Quad and honor his service. 

Prior to kickoff, the Corps of Cadets hosted our annual Veterans Review in honor of those who have and are still serving our great nation. Our cadets did a phenomenal job, looking sharp as they passed in review before Major General Michael Martin ‘92 (USAF), who served as our reviewing officer.  
Once we made it to Kyle Field for the game, there was an undeniably electric atmosphere. Our cadets and their support certainly played a role in the Aggies’ dominant 51-10 win over Mississippi State. 

Before closing the day out with a win, our Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band delivered yet another pristine halftime performance. This drill was also accompanied midway by a contracting ceremony for 60 of our cadets. Major General Martin delivered an oath to these young men and women, solidifying their brave commitment to defending our country after their graduation from Texas A&M.

Photos from this past gameday are accessible here.

Proud is an understatement. In one day alone, our cadets selflessly used their time to honor our nation’s veterans, from sunrise to sunset. If that doesn’t make you proud of students, I am not sure what will. 

I can’t wait to see everyone bright and early this Saturday as we prepare to Beat the Hell Outta Abilene Christian! This game will also serve as our iconic “Block T” game, with the entire Corps forming up at halftime. If you haven’t seen this before, I highly recommend that you make time to join us at the game!

As a reminder, our march-in route has been changed due to the early kickoff time. The Corps will now conduct a campus march to close out the home football season. 

Details on this march-in, to include step off time, are accessible here
Corps Brass

Corps Brass: A Tradition of Unity

Whether your cadet currently has it or if they’re still working toward earning it, the Corps Brass season is an exciting time for each of our members. 

First appearing over 60 years ago, Corps Brass has stood as a consistent symbol of one’s hard earned place in the Corps of Cadets. When they join our organization, freshman cadets wear “A.M.U.” insignias on their collar until they earn their brass at the culmination of their first semester.

Each piece of the Corps Brass insignia is representative of a greater symbol. Crossed in the background of the brass are a sword, representing soldierly virtues and military tradition, and a fasces, representing the statesman. Superimposed on these is a shield and helmet representing a knight, for the knightly gentleman. Above it is a scroll upon which is written in Latin, “Per Unitatem Vis” – through unity strength. 

These symbols represent the ideals of the inscription that appear on the pedestal of the Lawrence Sullivan Ross statue – “soldier, statesman, knightly gentleman.” Freshmen cadets undergo several trials in pursuit of their own Corps Brass, representative of these three components. 

Though rigorous, what they learn and how they grow from the Corps Brass experience will never leave your cadet. They will be faced with lows, but the reward that lies at the end of the tunnel is unlike anything they have achieved to date. 

For the Class of 2027, the reward at the end of this process is rapidly approaching. 
Cade Mahlen '24

Drum Major Feature: Cade Mahlen ‘24

Have you ever wondered what goes into becoming a Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band Drum Major? 

Meet cadet Cade Mahlen ‘24, the current Infantry Band Drum Major. Cade is one of only three cadets to hold the position of drum major each year. Despite a busy course schedule as a Nuclear Engineering major, Cade continues to make an impact on those around him through his leadership position. 

Read more about Cade and his journey toward becoming a Drum Major here.
We Want Your Feedback!
We are currently seeking feedback from our newsletter audiences! Whether you love the content you are receiving or have suggestions for how we can improve, we’d love to hear from you. 

Use the button above to complete our survey. 

Data from this survey will be collected anonymously and used as part of an unpublished, graduate level academic project. Results collected will be used to make recommendations on how to improve the Commandant’s newsletters in the future. 
Feedback Survey
Upcoming Events
November 18th - Abilene Christian vs Texas A&M Football

November 18th - Bonfire Remembrance

November 19th - Corps Brass Culmination

November 22nd - Reading Day, no classes

November 23rd & 24th - Thanksgiving Holiday, no classes

December 3rd -  Holiday on the Quad  

December 4th - Last day of classes

December 5th & 6th - Reading Days, no classes

December 7th-12th - Final Exams

December 14th & 15th - Commencement Ceremonies

Stay up to date with upcoming events in the Corps of Cadets here

To view the latest photo coverage of Corps events,
visit our Flickr account here
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