Solar Eclipse with Renalson Sullivan
April 8, 2024, brought a total solar eclipse to our front door. But Arkansas wasn’t the only place that got to witness totality.
CNN says, “Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermin, New Hampshire and Maine” are other places where you could see the eclipse.
The next total solar eclipse will be in 2044. Since Arkansas was one of the states in the direct line of totality, many people, including NASA scientists and Good Morning America, traveled here to view it. NASA scientists were on the ground in Hot Springs National Park to talk to people more about the eclipse.
Since seeing something like this eclipse for many people is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, 350 couples got married during the eclipse. Russellville hosted a mass wedding for couples who traveled from all across the country. There were about 25 states featured in the wedding. It was hosted in the city’s soccer complex, and hundreds of couples said their I do’s as soon as the moon covered the sun.
Written by Lilly Gardner & Emma Milam
On last week's edition of The People's Poll, most people seemed to enjoy our Dodgeball Tournament more than any other CAC event that we do. On this week´s edition of The People's Poll, we want to know what your favorite edition of Annie is in honor of Annie Jr.! Click below to vote.
On this week's edition of Speak Up, we asked junior Jaxsen Myers about her drama experience and her role with Annie Jr. "My role in Annie is being a dance captain alongside Emma Davis and Sydney Dare. I have been dancing since I was four years old, and I always wished there was a dance opportunity for me at school. Doing musicals was the closest thing to that opportunity. I love the community it creates. I’ve gotten to know some of my closest friends through CAC drama, people I would normally not get to become close with in the regular school day." For anyone who is considering joining drama, she says that jumping in and getting involved will bring great memories, and she wouldn't trade those memories for anything.
Written by Naomi Hyatt
A sneak peek at Annie Jr.
Video by Jordan Kasinger & Peyton Baker
It's Time To ⚠️ BeReal ⚠️ |
They definitely weren't just playing charades...
Definition: Overusing large words until it becomes unintelligible nonsense.
Example: “She continued to say gobbledygook for the rest of her speech.”
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Thursday, April 11th
JH TRACK/FIELD @ Clarksville
SB plays Mayflower
5pm BSB vs Maumelle
Friday, April 12th
4:30pm SB vs Bigelow
5pm GSOC, 7pm BSOC @ Dardanelle
Spring drama production
Monday, April 15th
4:30pm SB @ Magnet Cove
5pm BSB @ Jacksonville
5pm GSOC 7pm BSOC, @ Lisa North
5:30pm Elementary Gymnastics- PV
| Tuesday, April 16th
4:30pm SB @ Cutter Morning
5pm BSB vs Mayflower
5pm GSOC, 7pm BSOC @ Baptist Prep,
Wednesday, April 10
5pm BSB vs Morrilton
Wednesday, April 17th
JH TRACK/FIELD Conference @ Clarksville
Thursday, April 18th
SB @ Bauxite
GSOC @ Baptist Prep
BSOC @ Baptist Prep
| Stay connected with Student Media:
Editor-in-Chief: Solomon Barnes
Assistant Editor: Naomi Hyatt
Writers: Lilly Gardner & Emma Milam
Videographers: Peyton Baker & Jordan Kasinger
Adviser: Hannah Owens
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