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Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Part 3

On Monday, April 22, the Supreme Court heard the case Johnson v. Grants Pass — a case to determine whether it is cruel and unusual punishment when communities ticket or fine unsheltered people for sleeping outside.  

On Friday, June 28, the Supreme Court issued its opinion: They said it is NOT cruel and unusual to ticket, fine, or otherwise punish unsheltered people for sleeping outside, even if there are no shelter beds available. Naturally, the entire national homelessness advocacy community strongly disagrees. (See the Council’s statement here.)  
A Closer Look: The National Health Care for the Homeless Council's Policy Blog

New on A Closer Look:
We've highlighted five positions SCOTUS took in the Johnson v. Grants Pass ruling that are particularly troubling.
But don't despair! Together we can push back against this inhumane ruling.
We outline three ways you can help in this critical moment.
Read More on 'A Closer Look'
Barbara DiPietro

Barbara DiPietro
Senior Director of Policy 
National HCH Council


This publication and all HCH advocacy are funded by dues from Organizational Members of the Council and by private donations. Consider joining the Council or donating to support this work.
Are You a Policy Wonk Who's Passionate about Housing Justice? We're Hiring!
The National Health Care for the Homeless Council is looking for a Senior Policy Manager to help us to advocate and build legislative power in the movement to end homelessness!
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