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Monday, March 10, 2025 - Day 29
Archive of past GAE Legislative Alerts this year

Legislators will be in session Tuesday and Thursday.
Wednesday is designed as a "committee work day."
The House Retirement Committee and the Senate Retirement Committee meet tomorrow.  No agenda is available for either meeting at this time.  The Senate Education Committee meets Wednesday and Thursday.  No agenda has been published.

Senate committee passes bill establishing new penalties for operating a school bus under influence

The Senate Committee on Public Safety passed HB 296 today, which creates new penalties for operating a school bus while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
House committee passes 2025-2026 budget
The House Appropriations Committee passed their version of the 2025-2026 fiscal year/school year budget today, which includes among other things:

  $22.7 million, including $10 million in newly appropriated funds, to support programs recommended by the Georgia Council on Literacy.

•  $18.5 million for Regional Education Service Agencies (RESA)-based literacy coaches to provide individualized teacher support to ensure structured literacy and the science of reading.

•  $25 million for the first-year cost of the statewide School and Student Safety (S3) Database to gather and investigate school-based threats.

•  $19.6 million to fund a new program under the state Department of Education called "Student Support Services," which would provide academic and mental health supports for students in and outside school.  School systems could earn $20,000 for each middle and high school for mental health services, to include contracting with mental health providers, tele-mental health contracts, or hiring staff for in-school counseling.

$28 million to be spent to support economically-disadvantaged students.  According to the House Budget and Research Office, "With this funding, Georgia joins 45 other states in providing additional funds through a 'poverty weight' to systems with a high level of these students."

$14.7 billion to fully fund the Quality Basic Education (QBE) formula.

Additionally, the House budget proposes a small amount to lower the school psychologist ratio from 1:2,475 to 1:2,420, totaling $871,982.

$10.3 million in additional funding for pupil transportation to update bus fleets and fund operating costs, for a total of $364.2 million.

$7.5 million for School Supplies for Educators pursuant to SB 464 (2024 Session).  These funds will provide educators with $100 to purchase school supplies.

Next Legislative Update: Tuesday, March 11

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