Urgent Appeal: Save Camp Namanu!
Dear Camp Namanu Families and Supporters,
We need your help!
Camp Namanu has survived over 100 years through the ties that bind us together in a common goal of maintaining a piece of magic settled between the Bull Run and the Sandy. Together, we thrived through times of joy and brought the grit necessary to get through hard times. It is with heavy hearts that we write to tell you that right now is one of those times.
The last four years have been a very challenging time for many non-profits, and Camp Fire Columbia and Camp Namanu are no exception. We are proud of the work we have done to adapt to this changing environment while giving every child the opportunity to find their spark. However, we are facing significant budget challenges that are threatening the continuation of Camp Namanu as a safe haven for youth in the outdoors.
Rapidly increasing costs, supply chain and labor costs challenges during a major camp construction project, and a dramatic reduction in state and federal funding and fund-raising opportunities have led us to rely on our cash reserves to fund Camp Fire Columbia operations while working to reorganize and create a sustainable organization in light of these new realities.
We have implemented many changes to streamline Camp Fire Columbia and Camp Namanu operations and administrative support functions over the past year that have impacted our staff and the number of families we serve significantly. Even with those changes, we will have no remaining reserves by the end of 2024.
Beyond our operating reserve deficit, Camp Fire Columbia and Camp Namanu have $2,000,000 of debt related to the construction of the new accessible, inclusive and climate-resilient Sherwood cabins at Camp Namanu.
As we face one of the most difficult times in Camp Fire Columbia and Camp Namanu’s history, our highest priorities are to fulfill our current obligations to ensure that Namanu is here for future generations. But we need your help.
How we plan to reduce debt while adapting our business model for sustainability
We have developed a budget that will allow us to fulfill commitments to community partners who rely on Camp Namanu to provide programs during the school year and allow us to continue to offer our camp program to families for Summer 2025. This budget includes further reductions in staffing and cost-saving measures, and a plan with a regional agency to help reduce the debt accrued from the construction project.
With these other efforts in place, we have a gap of $1,000,000 to fund the Sherwood Cabins through donations from individuals, foundations and corporations to continue operations as we evolve to a new future state.
What are we doing to save Camp?
Camp Fire Columbia and Camp Namanu leadership are exploring multiple paths to fund and protect Camp Namanu. Beyond pursuing the external partnership mentioned above, which will help preserve the Namanu property, we are raising our rates to more closely meet the true costs of camp, including staff, food, supplies and maintenance. We are also looking for external grant funding opportunities and support through foundations and corporate partners.
What does this mean for 2025 Camp Namanu Registration?
We are continuing to plan for Summer 2025 even in this season of uncertainty. We will collect a small deposit right now to secure spots, and if we are able to execute on our vision and meet our fundraising goals this winter, we will begin collecting the remaining registration fees in early 2025. We have a deep sense of hope and belief that we will successfully raise the funds we need and that we will be together in Summer 2025 to continue the mission and magic of camp.
How can you help?
There are a few ways that you can help preserve Camp Namanu and ensure its legacy for future generations.
One of the best ways families can support Camp Namanu right now is to register for camp. Having a clear sense of interest and commitment will help with our fundraising efforts. Registration opens on November 3rd at 9:00 AM. Click here and share the link with friends and family.
Support Sherwood! We desperately need your help NOW to help us through the next few months as we put this plan in place. We are seeking to raise $500,000 before the end of 2024 and an additional $500,000 during the first quarter of 2025 through individual donations and foundation and corporate partnerships.
This amount will help complete the work to adapt our operations as needed to preserve Camp Namanu for future generations. Without these funds, we are facing a very uncertain future for both camp programming and Namanu. We know that this is very difficult news to hear, but we believe that our community will come together in this time of great need to ensure this treasured place that has touched so many lives will be here for generations to come. Please consider making a gift of any size through this link OR as you are completing your Summer 2025 registration.
Share your love for Namanu and encourage folks in your community to make a gift today to cement its legacy for future generations. We’ll provide further updates over the next few months so that families can make the best decisions for their summer planning.
With 100 years of gratitude,
Melynda Retallack, Board Chair
Julie Briggs, Board Vice Chair
Karen Hill, Interim CEO
Camp Fire Columbia/Camp Namanu Staff & Board of Directors
 | 10300 SE Camp Namanu Rd Sandy, Oregon 97055 |
 | Camp Office 503-659-6041 Downtown Office 503-224-7800 |
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