NCAA Division III Week continues!

Read on to learn more about Division III Outreach and two more of our CC student-athletes. As a reminder, our student-athletes are currently hosting a drive for TESSA, whose mission is to help individuals and their children achieve safety and well-being while challenging communities to end sexual and community violence. 
  • Items needed: body wash, lotion, shaving cream, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, paper towels, toilet paper, non-perishable food, phone charging cords and bases, laundry & dishwashing pods
  • Drop-off locations: Adam F. Press Fitness Center, Mathias, South, Loomis, Jordan L. Knight (West Campus), Hybl
  • Have questions or want to get involved? Email Niklas Nilsson at
Today’s athletes represent our Women’s Swimming & Diving and Men’s Track & Field teams. Read more about their team’s academic accomplishments in 2023:
Class Year: 2026
Sport: Swimming
Major: Chemistry
Favorite Class: Environmental Geology
Top CC Academic Moment/Accomplishment: Talking with my professors to choose a major. 
Special Talents/Skills: Juggling while unicycling.
Hobbies: Sailing, hockey, and painting. 
Proudest Moment at CC: Teaching my teammates how to do a Rubik’s cube on a travel trip. 
Community Service Experience: 
I participated in Little Cats, teaching local kids from Colorado Springs how to swim. 
Class Year: 2025
Sport: Track & Field
Major: Philosophy
Favorite Class: Either Metaphysics with Helen Daly or Biz Comm with Mike Edmonds
Top CC Academic Moment/Accomplishment: Getting a B+ in Mafia Movies.
Special Talents/Skills: I’m a Google Spreadsheet wizard.
Hobbies: Love to read, write, and run.
Proudest Moment at CC:
Breaking the Fully Automatic Timing 4x100m. recordCommunity Service Experience: Tiger Trail Creek cleanup!
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