Join Dr. Myisha Cherry for the J. Glenn and Ursula Gray Memorial Lecture in Philosophy 

Please join us on Thursday, March 7 in Gaylord Hall in the Worner Campus Center from 3:30-5 p.m. for “On Conversations”. Dr. Myisha Cherry’s talk is sponsored by the J Glenn & Ursula Gray Memorial Fund, the Philosophy Department, the Robert Lewis Endowed Fund for Philosophy, andthe Rubens Family Fund. Dr. Cherry is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at UC Riverside and author of The Case for Rage: Why Anger is Essential to Antiracist Struggle.
If conversations are a way for our social, linguistic species to express and explain, correct and collaborate, make sense of things and make things happen, then why are they — particularly the personal and political ones — so difficult to have? This talk considers these challenges and addresses the following question: How can we be the kinds of people that others would want to have a conversation with?   
 More information can be found hereAdd this to your calendar.
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