We knowthere is uncertaintyand concern about the recent large number of announcements, executive orders, and other policy actions from federal government agencies and the White House. There are questions about how theyimpactour work, our personal lives, and the broader community.Across the university, we are navigating the wide array of issues and analyzing still-emerging details of the actions, which affectareas ranging from immigration to federal research funding to different types of inclusivity efforts. While answers may not always be immediately available, we are supporting our students, faculty, and staff and moving our educational and research mission forward as we address these matters.
Although further guidance from federal agencies is expected,many of the actions have been legally challenged and new developments thataffect their implementation can occur very quickly. Leaders across our university are carefully assessing legal and compliance requirements anddetermining the best next steps for our university by engaging our internal experts as well as higher education associations who are taking the lead on broader public policy questions.While this work continues, it is important to avoid rushed conclusions, hypothetical situations,or unnecessary preemptive actions. We will share relevant information as it becomes available,and we have also launched aFederal Policy Updates website with news and university resources.
Withimplementation plans still unfolding and new orders on additional topics possible,our teamsare focusing on what we know today and addressing topics that are directly impactingAmerican University and our people right now. The following resources and campus points of contact are available for community members affected by the recent orders.Please understand that offices may not have immediate information about all aspects or potential future interpretations of the executive orders or other federal actions.
Immigration and visas––For students, contact International Scholar and Student Services (ISSS) at isss@american.edu. For faculty and staff, contact Human Resources at employeerelations@american.edu. We have updated and affirmed the 2016 university guidance about immigration information and enforcement, which reinforces our commitment to treating all community members with dignity, fairness, and respect and upholding our responsibilities in a manner that is consistent with the law. Theguidance documentis available on our website.
Inclusive Excellence––As we continue fostering an inclusive and welcoming community, we are working with teams across campus to determine the impacts on our inclusive excellence strategy and programs. Contact ie@american.eduwith questions.
General support––Many of the recent federal actions have a variety of personal and professional implications for community members that go beyond AU. Campus support resources are available, including the Center for Well-Being and Psychological Services and the AU ProtoCall 24-hour support line (202-885-7979) for students and theBHS service for faculty and staff and their families. Faculty and staff members who may be facing urgent financial needs due to the orders can also access the university’s emergency loan service by emailing employeerelations@american.edu.
I am confident that our community will effectively navigate these challenges as we fulfill our commitments to research and inquiry, community well-being, and inclusive excellence. Thank you for your continued support for our community and theimportant work we all do to advance American University’s mission.
Jonathan R. Alger President, American University
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