The Peak Pre-Launch email
The Peak Pre-Launch email

Something new is coming

for the CC community...

Black text on a gold background. The Bulletin is leaving the block. Something new is moving in.
Just like that other great story of transformation at Colorado College, this one begins with a group of people sitting around a table. Granted, this one wasn’t a table at Murphy’s, but a Spencer Center conference room table with one member of the group Zooming in from another state. But, just like their beer-swilling predecessors, this group knew change was needed. And so, a decision was made.

We would retire The Bulletin, CC’s alumni magazine.

It had to go. Its format was old, the content lacked the vitality of the school it represented, and the name had no connection to the college! CC needed something better. The Tiger community deserves better. Something that is as dynamic and innovative as the campus and people it features. A publication that could show the true uniqueness of CC through a multimedia experience.

And so, The Peak was born.

The Peak will encompass everything that is Colorado College. The name represents where we are – set high in the Rocky Mountains – what we are – an institution at the apex of academic and athletic excellence – and who we are – alumni, students, faculty, and staff reaching the pinnacle of achievement. The mission of The Peak is to engage CC alumni and friends in the advancement of the college and its entire community. It will feature stories and content that reach out to prospective students, guide our current students to be successful, and help our graduates thrive.

This platform will seek to sustain and strengthen the connection between the college and its alumni through thoughtful and powerful multimedia storytelling that highlights the contributions of CC students, faculty, and alumni to society, their communities, and the world. Its content will be in service to the things that make the college and its people unique.

And fear not, fans of the printed word. We will still release a print magazine once a year.

Get ready for the coming launch of The Peak!
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