Annual Meeting this Sunday
Join us between services in Wallace Hall
Please make plans to attend the Annual Meeting between services on Sunday, January 26. The meeting will begin by 9:45 a.m. and conclude in time to attend the 11:00 a.m. service.
One item of business will be to elect four new Vestry members. Click here to see this year's nominees.
| Holy Eucharist, 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. |
Please join us this Sunday for Holy Eucharist at 8:30 or 11:00 a.m. The 8:30 service will be live-streamed and available on demand for later viewing.
There will be no Adult Formation classes this Sunday.
For Families: The nursery will open at 8:15 a.m. for ages 0–3 years, and the 8:30 service will include a children's homily for 3 years through 6th grade.
We are excited welcome Rev. Sarah Condon as our guest preacher this Sunday, January 26.
| Paid position and volunteers needed |
Are you Interested in a part-time job as a nursery caregiver? We could use someone for those 5th Sunday mornings, special evening services, and as a backup when a regular caregiver is unavailable. Please contact Emily Newton at for more information and to apply.
We also need nursery volunteers! The Nursery is growing, and we could use extra hands on Sunday mornings. Please follow the link to sign up for a volunteer shift, either during the 1st or 2nd service (or both).
• Children ages 8-12 may help along WITH a parent.
• Children 12+ are allowed to help without a parent.
• We would love to have our Youth or Young Adults - and shifts can count towards school/organization volunteer hours if needed.
Click here to sign up to volunteer.
Leslie McGilberry has accepted the invitation to serve as the Assistant to the Rector for Justice Ministries.
Thank you Leslie for agreeing to serve as leader for this thriving and vital St. B's ministry!
| Two new Adult Formation class options start next month |
Starting February 2, there will be two Adult Formation classes meeting each Sunday:
Jill Zook-Jones will be teaching "Heresies and Creed: Why Do We Believe What We Say We Believe?"
And, Fr. Josh will be leading a class entitled "The Episcopal Church – Who Are We, What Do We Do, and Why?"
| Suicide prevention training Sunday, February 2 |
Keep/Watch is the suicide prevention ministry created by The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. Begun in 2021 with a stand-alone workbook (Keep/Watch: Suicide, Christ & Community), the Project has since expanded into training workshops offered for lay people and clergy. Keep/Watch exists to equip and empower God’s Church in “keeping watch” with people at risk of suicide. This training is available to youth 16 and older, as well as clergy and lay adults. The training is led by Holle Tubbs (Dio ATL), author of Keep/Watch.
Registration required and limited spots are available. If interested, please register by 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 30.
| Spring semester starts February 6 |
On February 6, the Thursday women’s Bible study will resume its study of Old Testament women using Lindsay Hardin Freeman’s Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter (the expanded 2nd edition, from 2023), available in the bookstore and anywhere you buy books. Feel free to join us at any point in the semester! We meet 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the rectory. This multigenerational gathering is open to all women of any walk of life and at any point of the faith journey. We’ll reflect, discuss, and pray for each other and the world. For more information, contact Shannon Truss/Rose Wynne Brooks
Learn More About Affordable Housing |
Justice conversation with Rebuilding Together Nashville
Join us on Tuesday, February 13, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in Wallace Hall for an inspiring evening with Anton Jackson, Director of Mission Advancement for Rebuilding Together Nashville. Anton will share insights into the vital role that preservation plays in addressing the housing crisis. To learn more about Rebuilding Together Nashville or Anton Jackson, visit their website.
| Manna Ministry continues to provide meals, and you can help
At St. B's, we have a wonderful opportunity to live out God’s love by caring for our parishioners during challenging times. Right now, Tim & Pam Goodenough need our support with meals. There are open dates that need to be covered, and you can sign up to help at this link.
In addition, our Manna Ministry is seeking volunteers who are willing to provide occasional meal assistance to those experiencing illness, recovery from surgery, the loss of a loved one, or the joys and challenges of caring for a newborn, adopted child, or aging family member.
If you've ever received a meal during a difficult season, you know what a profound gift it can be! Please prayerfully consider joining our distribution list and becoming part of this vital ministry.
For more information or to sign up to be a regular volunteer, email Mindy Mumme.
A Prayer for Those Who Have Lost Their Home
Loving God, our strength in times of despair, be with all those who have lost their homes to wildfire, comfort them in their distress, strengthen them for the journey ahead, and sustain them with your loving embrace, that they may find a sense of home once again. We ask this in the name of your son Jesus Christ, who heals the sick and restores the lost. |
Episcopal Relief & Development |
There are available upcoming dates to dedicate the altar flowers in honor, remembrance, celebration, or recognition of a loved one or significant event. You can sign up by clicking here or by contacting Charity Voiles.
If you have a prayer request or would like to add a name to the prayers, please send an email.
Receive prayer on Sundays after communion at the prayer desk nearest the pulpit or on Wednesdays after the 12:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist.
| Wednesday
Holy Eucharist with Healing Prayers in the Nave, 12:15 p.m.
Holy Eucharist in the Nave, 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
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