Get to know CC student-athletes and celebrate their accomplishments during Division III Week!

This week, the National Collegiate Athletic Association celebrates Division III Week.
As one of the faculty athletics representatives at CC, I am excited to spend this week celebrating the academic, athletic, and co-curricular accomplishments of our student-athletes and sharing information on Division III.
Each day this week, I will send short emails highlighting a pair of CC student-athletes.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or fellow faculty athletics representative, Pedro de Araujo.
Enjoy this showcase of our student-athletes and go Tigers! 

Olivia Hatton

Associate Professor of Molecular Biology
Co-Faculty Athletics Representative 
Class Year: 2025
Sport: Volleyball
Major: Double Major in Computer Science/Studio Art
Favorite Class: Figure Drawing Adjunct
Special Talent/Skills: graphic design, videography, 3D design, 
Hobbies: Video gaming, art, reading
Proudest Moment at CC: Working with my classmates to design games in my comp sci classes, or winning SCAC Defensive Player of the Week
Community Service Experience: Volunteering at community cleanup 
Class Year: 2025
Major: Economics
Favorite Class: Marketing: The Power of Story 
Top CC Academic Moment/Accomplishment: Dean's List/SCAC Academic Honor Roll
Special Talents/Skills: I can juggle golf balls on a golf club (most of the time). 
Hobbies: I love to cook and golf with friends and family
Proudest Moment at CC: Making my college debut in front of my friends and family in Seattle  
Community Service Experience: 
I volunteer with the Portland Rescue Mission, serving my local community in Portland, OR. 
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