Making Vegetable Bags
Choose any date:
March 27, 28
April 3, 4
9:15 – 10:00 a.m.
Westminster Café
Gleaning is the act of collecting leftover crops in the field after harvest. During harvest, there is food that is left or missed often because it does not meet store standards for uniformity. The vegetables aren’t “pretty” enough. Gleaning is used to provide fresh foods to those in need. The vegetables are perfectly fine for consumption and are used by local food banks.
As part of our Hands On Mission Lenten experience, please join us in the Café to make bags for these vegetables.
This is a super easy service project! If you can cut and tie a knot, we need you! We will be preparing bunches of mesh bags for folks who will glean various fields in the area. Come one day or a couple of days!
Please let Beth Drake know if you can participate.