WSO Group Services Operating Hours |
Over the years, the Group Services team has modified their work schedules to support later hours to serve members in various time zones. After careful review, we’ve found that we’ve been able to successfully meet our members’ needs during regular business hours at the World Service Office (WSO). The Group Services team will now be available Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET.
Including AFA in Your Public Outreach Projects |
The Al‑Anon Faces Alcoholism magazine (AFA) is a powerful tool for reaching individuals who may benefit from Al‑Anon’s support. Many people affected by the alcoholism of a relative or friend may not realize that Al‑Anon and Alateen can offer them help and hope. This magazine, filled with inspiring stories and valuable information, also helps professionals such as counselors and doctors guide clients grappling with the effects of someone else’s alcoholism toward joyful and serene lives.
This month, we highlight its significance in our public outreach efforts. By sharing AFA magazines through community locations like libraries or medical offices, we make Al‑Anon accessible to those who need it most. Let’s work together to spread this vital support and provide hope to hurting family members and friends.
Maintaining Anonymity While Sharing Meeting Information |
To help members and newcomers access meetings, Al‑Anon groups share information such as links or passwords to join electronic meetings or location details about in‑person meetings. Find out how to share meeting information while maintaining the vital principle of personal anonymity.
Growth in the Safety Zone |
“Like everyone else I know in Al‑Anon, I’m working on myself. It doesn’t matter that I’ve been doing so since I started in 1998. It doesn’t matter how many service positions I’ve held in the group, in the District, and in the Area…”
February 2025 Appeal Letter |
In February, May, August, and November, the Quarterly Appeal gives each member an opportunity to participate individually in Twelfth‑Step work beyond the group level.
CMA Shares In The Loop with Your Group |
The World Service Office (WSO) communicates regularly to groups. Each group needs to have someone who is willing to receive these postal and electronic mailings and inform the group of their contents. Having an up‑to‑date Current Mailing Address (CMA) ensures that the group promptly receives all communication from the WSO (Al‑Anon/Alateen Service Manual [P‑24/27]).
Share In The Loop with your group via smartphone, print and read excerpts at meetings, and invite others to subscribe.
New Topic for the Member Blog |
February’s topic is, “How do you contribute to a feeling of safety in your Al‑Anon group?”
As always, you can also write about Al‑Anon’s three Legacies. This month features Step Two, Tradition Two, and Concept Two.
Sharings on the Member Blog may be used in future Al‑Anon publications.
New topics are being added each month!
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