News and Programs 02.23.23
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WISE Pre-Orientation Peer Mentor Applications Open Now
Application Deadline: Sunday, February 26
Interested in engaging with diverse spiritual traditions? Looking to have deep conversations and build strong connections? Apply to be a WISE Peer Mentor and guide first-year students in a five-day interfaith pre-orientation program designed to build deep community, grapple with contemporary issues through an interfaith lens, and engage with a multitude of spiritual communities at Emory and in Atlanta.
We welcome applications from all religious, non-religious, spiritual, and ethical identities. Peer Mentors receive a $600 stipend, enjoy covered delicious meals, transportation during the program, and early move-in.
During the program, participants will:
- Explore Atlanta and the Emory campus through visits to vibrant religious and philosophical communities and service and social justice organizations
- Grow your religious and philosophical literacy skills by experiencing different spiritual practices and meeting leaders from different background
- Build leadership skills through workshops and small-group discussion
- Connect with other students and build long-lasting friendships
- Enjoy fun activities such as outdoor barbeques, campus scavenger hunts, and more
Program timeline (subject to change):
- Peer Mentor Move-in: Friday, August 11
- Peer Mentor Training: Saturday, August 12-Sunday, August 13
- WISE Program: Monday, August 14-Friday, August 18
A more robust job description can be found on the application here. For questions, please email OSRL Program Coordinator Caroline Penfield at caroline.penfield@emory.edu.
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Tonight: "Beyond Bilal: Black History in Islam," Mustafa Briggs Lecture
Thursday, February 23, 7:00-9:00 p.m., Brooks Commons, Cannon Chapel
Don’t miss out on an invaluable experience to learn about the richness of Black history in Islam. The Emory Muslim Student Association board has worked hard to organize this event with the esteemed Ustaadh Mustafa Briggs. We are so excited to benefit from his knowledge, and we hope you all are too. Cosponsored by the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life and Emory Campus Life Belonging, Community and Justice.
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Buddhist Art Workshop: Shakyo, Tracing Buddhist Scriptures
Friday, February 24, 1:00-4:00 p.m., Cox Hall Computing Center, Classroom A
Join Emory Buddhist Club for a collaborative workshop to practice and learn about Shakyo which is a Buddhist meditative practice of tracing sacred Buddhist texts in various scripts (Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan, Roman, and others). Shakyo is a significant practice of Buddhist spirituality in several Asian Buddhist communities that supports spiritual progress through the cultivation of the mind and body. Participants can take the art-piece that they work on upon its completion.
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Weekday Morning Prayer in Lent
Weekdays until April 6 Excluding Spring Break, 9:30-9:45 a.m., Rustin Chapel (the small side chapel in the Cannon Chapel sanctuary)
This year, the Christian Chaplain and Christian Religious Life Affiliates are collaborating to offer weekday morning prayers during the season of Lent. From February 23 to April 6 (excluding spring break), Monday-Friday, you are invited to join us in prayer from 9:30-9:45 am in Rustin Chapel (the small side chapel in the Cannon Chapel sanctuary). Please see below for the weekly schedule of prayer leaders.
Our Lenten prayer practice will prepare us for our Holy Week services, which you can find listed in this semester’s preaching schedule too.
Lenten Prayer Schedule:
- Monday: Office of Spiritual and Religious Life
- Tuesday: Bread Coffeehouse
- Wednesday: Grace House (Lutheran)
- Thursday: University Catholic Center
- Friday: Reformed University Fellowship (PCA)
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Emory Buddhist Club Buddy Program Recap
On Saturday, February 18, members of the Emory Buddhist Club came together for their first Buddy program meeting. Sharing stories, conversation, and ideas — what better way to spend a weekend?
Prompted to artistically depict their spiritual journeys, members of the Emory Buddhist Club found unique ways to express themselves.
In sharing with one another, the participants found the ways in which their stories converged and diverged — highlighting common and unique struggles. The EBC Buddy program ended with pairing participants up as “buddies,” encouraging them to connect independently until the next event.
To join us at future Buddy program events, follow EBC on instagram, or email Vice President Steven Chen for any questions. All are welcome, and we would love to have you.
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Mahashivratri Hindu Temple of Atlanta Visit Recap
Last Saturday, February 18, Emory OSRL and Emory HSA organized a visit to the Hindu Temple of Atlanta to witness the Mahashivratri festival observance. Mahashivratri, or “The great night of Shiva” is a Hindu holiday that celebrates the deity Shiva through a day and night of sacred chants and meditation. We had a wonderful group of around 40 undergraduate and graduate students from across campus who joined in on the lively festivities. Learn more about Emory's Hindu Chaplaincy here.
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Ripple Interfaith Conference at Elon University RecapThis past weekend, February 17-19, a group of students and staff from Emory OSRL attended the Ripple Conference at Elon University in North Carolina. Ripple is a student-led interfaith conference designed to grow interfaith leadership through breakout sessions, service, and small-group discussions. The group had the opporunity to engage with interfaith leaders from other campuses, hear from speakers, and participate in a service project making bedrolls from plastic bags turned into "plarn" (plastic yarn). You can read more about the conference here.
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Soul Food Gospel Fest Recap
On Sunday, February 19, 2023, Voices of Inner Strength Gospel Choir and Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life hosted about 200 attendees for Soul Food Gospel Fest in the Emory Student Center. The program included amazing performances, delicious soul food, and time for community in Black History Month. Guest choirs included the Emory AHANA A Cappella, the Gammon Theological Seminary Worship Ensemble, Emory InterVarsity Worship Team, Candler School of Theology Voices of Imani, University of West Georgia United Voices Gospel Choir, Emory Zuri African Dance Troupe, and spoken word by Candler student Taylor Gaskin.
Special thanks to Mr. Maury Allums, Dean Greg McGonigle, Dr. Carol Henderson, and D’ Marquis Allen for providing opening remarks, reflections and prayers.
See more photos from Soul Food Gospel Fest here.
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Midweek Music Meditation
Wednesdays during Term, 12:00-12:15 p.m. EST, Zoom and Facebook Live
All are invited to reflect and decompress in a midweek, midday time of sacred music. Join Music Director, Maury Allums and the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life in taking a moment to breathe and connect with others in our community. Register on Zoom here. Like us on Facebook to receive updates on the Livestream.
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International Community Friday Lunch
Fridays during term, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Cannon Chapel
Friday, February 24: Hosted by Emory Jewish Chaplaincy, Office of Spiritual and Religious Life
Hosted by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life and International Student and Scholar Services, International Community Friday Lunch is a longstanding community-building tradition at Emory where international students and scholars can meet each other over a meal or drink, learn about resources, and network. Lunch hour will be in-person this year, and we are excited to offer this as a time to pause and relax as a community, connect with one another, and learn about the many resources available for internationals at Emory.
RSVP Required. For more information, please email religiouslife@emory.edu.
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TONIGHT: Buddhist Guided Meditation
Thursday, February 23, 6:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel Sanctuary
Join us for Buddhist meditation this Thursday at 6:00 p.m. You may also come early starting at 5 pm for the new weekly tea ceremony and the usual snacks while we prepare for the meditation session.
Note that while the meditation will be taking place upstairs in the Sanctuary, the 5:00 p.m. tea and snacks will remain in Room 106. They will be there for your enjoyment before and after the meditation. For questions, please contact Venerable Priya Sraman.
This week, EBC is pleased to welcome Dr. Brendan Ozawa-de Silva from the Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics at Emory. He is responsible for Emory’s SEE (Social, Emotional and Ethical) Learning program, a worldwide K-12 educational curriculum based on compassion and secular ethics. He also serves as Associate Director for Buddhist Studies and Practice at Drepung Loseling Monastery and as a level 2 certified instructor for Emory University’s Cognitively-Based Compassion Training program.
Please feel free to enjoy the provided snacks and tea before and/or after the session.
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Tonight: On One Foot, A Quick History of Judaism and Antisemitism
Thursday, February 23, 7:30 p.m., Oxford Chapel
How did Judaism develop from an ancient, Near Eastern religion to a modern culture, people, and tradition? Join Rabbi Jordan Braunig, Jewish Chaplain in Emory’s Office of Spiritual and Religious Life, for a conversation on the history of Judaism with a particular focus on how the oppression of Jews has informed the evolution of traditions. The workshop aims to help identify Antisemitism in its various forms and to combat it. Learn more here.
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Tonight: Bread Coffeehouse DBS
Thursday, February 23, 7:15 p.m., Bread Coffeehouse
Join our family and friends at Bread Coffeehouse for a dinner of chicken tetrazzini and pumpkin muffins, the band Fanye, and a story from Katalia. Learn more here.
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Muslim Jumu'ah Prayers
Fridays, 1:55 p.m., Cannon Chapel
Join Emory's Muslim community for Friday Prayers. For questions, please contact Isam Vaid.
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HSAxMSA Luncheon Discussion
Friday, February 24, 3:00-4:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel
Join HSA and MSA this Friday, February 24 for a Luncheon and Discussion. We will be serving hot Halal food. Be sure to RSVP here.
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Hindu Aarti
Fridays, 5:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel
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Purim Shabbat
Friday, February 24, 2023, 6:30 p.m., Marcus Hillel Center
Purim falls during Spring Break this year, but we won't let that stop us from celebrating a Shabbat in the Hebrew month of Adar as our own Purim themed Shabbat. Join us for services, dinner, and friends.
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Emory MSA Presents: Field Day
Saturday, February 25, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Istanbul Cultural Center
Emory MSA will be hosting a field day THIS Saturday at the Islamic Cultural Center in Alpharetta (address below) for kids k-5. This is an amazing volunteer opportunity for anyone interested and lunch/rides will be provided. If you’re attending, RSVP ASAP.
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Beloved Community Protestant Worship
Sundays during the term, 11:00 a.m. Service, Noon Lunch, Cannon Chapel
Emory Beloved Community is a weekly progressive ecumenical Protestant worship service for the campus community, held in Cannon Chapel and followed by a free lunch.
All are welcome.
For more information please contact Christian Chaplain Rev. Maddie Henderson.
Preacher for February 26: The Rev. Lyn Pace, Oxford College Chaplain
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Emory University Catholic Center: Spring Semester Mass and Reconciliation Schedule
Saturday, 5:00 p.m., Oxford College Day Chapel
Sunday, 9:00 a.m., Emory University Cannon Chapel
Sunday, 6:00 p.m., Emory University Cannon Chapel
Wednesday, 12:00 p.m., University Catholic Center Halligan Chapel
Sundays from 8:30 to 8:50 a.m. - Reconciliation at Cannon Chapel at Emory University
Sundays from 5:30 to 5:50 a.m. - Reconciliation at Cannon Chapel at Emory University
Reconciliation can also be scheduled at other times by contacting the chaplain. Weekday Mass times and locations will be announced soon.
Catholic Student Union Bible Study
Thursday, February 23, 7:30 p.m., Cannon Chapel Room 314
Join the Catholic Student Union as they dive into the upcoming Sunday Gospel reading and focus on growing in faith and following Christ. They meet at the Cannon Chapel Room 314 every other Thursday at 7:30 p.m. during the school year.
Stations of the Cross
Friday, February 24, 5:30 p.m., University Catholic Center
Join the Catholic Center in prayer and reflection on the Passion of Christ with their outdoor Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross is a 14-step devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ's last day on Earth. All are invited to come.
Meatless Lenten Dinner
Friday, February 24, 6:30 p.m., University Catholic Center
All students are invited to join us for a Lenten dinner at the University Catholic Center, hosted by the Catholic Student Union. Join friends new and old for refreshments, fellowship, and prayer.
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University Catholic Center: Lenten Resources
As we enter into this season of Lent with a desire to prepare our hearts to contemplate the death and resurrection of Jesus, we invite you to spend some time in prayer and reflection. There are many resources available online and we've compiled a short list of opportunities for you, available here.
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Jake Krakovsky: My Grandfather's Legacies
Tuesday, February 28, 6:00 p.m., Callaway N-204
Join us in a conversation with actor, director, writer, puppeteer, and Yiddishist Jake Krakovsky (14C) about his grandfather Bert Lewyn (1923-2016). After his parents were deported in 1942 and he was assigned to forced labor in a munitions factory, Bert Lewyn removed his yellow Judenstern and became a "U-boat," one of the ~7500 Berlin Jews who remained in the city between 1941-1945. Through luck, skill, courage, and the help of "righteous gentiles," Bert would become one of the fewer than ~2000 such U-boats who would survive the Holocaust and the war, immigrating to the U.S. and settling in Atlanta in 1949.
In 2001 he published a memoir about his experiences, On the Run in Nazi Berlin (2nd edition Chicago Review Press, 2019). In an event hosted by the Tam Institute for Jewish Studies and the Department of German Studies, Dr. Frank Voigt will talk with Jake about his grandfather, their relationship, and the impacts of Bert's story on Jake's perspective as a cultural and creative worker. Register here.
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Jewish Studies Tenenbaum Lecture
Hidden Heretics: Jewish Doubt in the Digital Age
Thursday, March 16, 7:30 p.m., White Hall 205
Dr. Fader asks, “What would you do if you questioned your religious faith, but revealing your doubts would cause you to lose your family and the only way of life you had ever known?”
This talk will explore the heart-wrenching dilemmas of married ultra-Orthodox Jewish men and women in New York who secretly explore the outside world, in person and online, in English and Yiddish, while remaining in their communities to protect those they love.
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Mindfulness and Well-Being Circle
Mondays, 12:30 p.m., Cannon Chapel, Room 106
Mindfulness and Well-Being Circle is a space for cultivating and engaging in mindfulness practices for our individual and collective well-being. It is a place for community, rest, and learning. All are welcome to the circle for group meditations, contemplations, and reflections facilitated by Buddhist Chaplain Venerable Priya Rakkhit Sraman. Light refreshments will be provided.
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Latino Bible Study
Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m., Centro Latinx (AMUC 116)
Join us tomorrow for our first Bible study of the semester. Come explore your faith in community :) Everyone is welcome, we hope to see you there. Click here for more information.
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Beyond the Bars: South Conference at Morehouse College
Thursday, March 23 - Saturday, March 25, Morehouse College
The Andrew Young Center, in partnership with the National Executive Council at Columbia University’s Center for Justice, will host a conference at Morehouse College, Beyond the Bars: South. This conference will focus on the relationship between universities or colleges and neighborhoods. Gentrification, income inequality, and mass incarceration have transformed southern cities that are home to leading institutions of higher education. This conference will foster conversations, build relationships, and generate practical solutions for building strong and more resilient communities. If you are interested in registering, click here.
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Air Force Chaplain Candidate Program
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 2:00-3:00 p.m. EST, Zoom
The United States Air Force is hosting a Career Conversation on March 29 to share more about the calling of AF Chaplaincy and specifically what the AF Chaplain Candidate Program could look like for students on your campus. Join using this Zoom link.
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Race and Antisemitism
Thursday, February 23, 5:30-7:00 p.m., Oxford Road Auditorium
Join the Tam Institute for Jewish Studies and the James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference for a panel on Race and Antisemitism. Register here.
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“Little Syria” Performance and Workshop
Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Harland Cinema
Fresh off the heels of three sold out shows at Brooklyn Academy of Music, and over a dozen high-profile performances at FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar, Omar Offendum brings his love for Hip-Hop and Arabic poetry for a very special performance-lecture event. Joined by LA-based Beatmaker Thanks Joey, these multi-talented musicians offer a unique perspective on Arab-American artistry that is both forward-thinking and firmly rooted in
the time-honored traditions of their Syrian homeland.
Click here for more information.
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Community Conversation: Emory Talks Climate Action
Wednesday, March 1, 4:30 p.m., Campus Services, Building B, Training Room B
These facilitated Conversations will ensure that the work being completed by Emory's Climate Action Task Force, a group of student, faculty, staff, and community members spearheading Emory's Climate Action Plan, is informed by the entire Emory Community. Community Conversations are a key part of the University's continued progress toward its goals of reducing emissions by 45% by 2030 and reaching net zero emissions by 2050 using a 2010 baseline. They are also imperative to upholding new commitments: Second Nature’s Climate Commitment and the United Nation’s Race to Zero campaign.
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First Fridays at 4 Speaker: Karida L. Brown
Friday, March 3, 4:00 p.m., Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library (Woodruff Commons)
Emory College and the James Weldon Johnson Institute present Dr. Karida L. Brown of the Sociology Department, who will give a lecture on “Shirley: The Audacious Life of Shirley Graham Du Bois.” Refreshments will be provided. Registration is required-- please do so using this link.
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Emory Living Health Week: Spring 2023: Focus on Purpose
The Center for the Study of Human Health often hears that it is challenging for students to find the time to practice the healthy habits they discuss in class. To address this, they created Living Health Week, which focuses on applying the evidence-based health practices students discuss in class to their own lives. To learn more about Living Health Week, click HERE.
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Opportunities and Resources
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Eagle Food Pantry
Mon/Wed 9-5 p.m., Tues/Thurs 9-6:30 p.m., Bread Coffeehouse (1227 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30307)
The Eagle Food Pantry is open to all Emory University students.
Here are the hours of operation for the Spring 2023 semester. Learn more here.
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Bread Coffeehouse Spring Retreat
Bread Coffeehouse will be hosting their Spring Retreat on Friday, March 31 through Sunday, April 2 at Woodland Christian Camp in Temple, GA, about an hour away from campus.
The deposit is $25 and is due Friday, March 10. The total cost of the retreat will be no more than $75. Scholarships may be requested by contacting Alex Zhong.
To sign up for the retreat, click HERE
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Intervarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship: Lenten Devotional - "A Just Passion"
The Intervarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship will be gathering throughout the season of Lent to collectively complete devotional time.
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International Intervaristy Fellowship
The International Intervarsity Fellowship, a sister organization of the Graduate Christian Fellowship, is hosting weekly events throughout the semester.
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Intervarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship: Lenten Devotional - "A Just Passion"Want to make a difference in the lives of young children? Casa de Esperanza seeks applicants for the Hands of Hope Service Year Program. Casa de Esperanza provides residential foster care to children ages birth through six who are in crisis due to abuse, neglect, or the effects of HIV. For a complete description visit our website. The application can be found by clicking HERE.
For more information, please email Darean Talmadge.
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Weekly Spiritual Gatherings
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There are a plethora of weekly religious and philosophical gatherings offered at Emory. Many of them are listed here and at the button below. Can't find what you are looking for? Contact many of our undergraduate and graduate communities directly or contact our religious life affiliates and OSRL staff.
For questions, or to add an item to our weekly gatherings page, please email our office here.
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Upcoming Religious Holidays
These events are drawn from the multifaith calendar maintained by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Harvard Divinity School. To see more upcoming religious holidays and festivals, please click here.
Great Lent
Mon., Feb. 27 – Sat., Apr. 15, 2023
Tradition: Christianity-Orthodox
In Orthodox churches, the first day of Lent marks the beginning of the Great Fast, the final six weeks of a 10-week period leading up to Holy Week and Easter (Pascha). In the churches that follow the Gregorian calendar, Lent is a six-week observance (40 days excluding Sundays) beginning with Ash Wednesday and culminating in Holy Week. It is a time of repentance and sacrifice in preparation for Easter.
Nineteen Day Fast
Wed., Mar. 1 – Sun., Mar. 19, 2023
Tradition: Baha'i
A designated 19-day period of fasting each year immediately before the Bahá’í New Year. The fasting is seen as a period of spiritual preparation and regeneration for the new year ahead.
Laylat al-Bara'ah
Mon., Mar. 6, 2023
Tradition: Islam
Begins at sundown.
(Night of Repentance)
On this night, God approaches the Earth to call humanity and to grant forgiveness of sins. Observed on the 14th day of the lunar month of Sha'ban.
Purim (Feast of Lots)
Mon., Mar. 6, 2023
Tradition: Judaism
Celebrates the rescue of the Jews of ancient Persia from a plot to destroy them as related in the Book of Esther, which is read at this time. Purim is a joyous holiday, celebrated by wearing of costumes, giving gifts to friends, giving to the poor, and socializing. Preceded by the Fast of Esther, Purim is a day of feasting. Begins at sundown.
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Emory OSRL ENews is published weekly during the term by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life publicizing Atlanta-campus spiritual life programs. It is not a comprehensive listing. For Oxford College spiritual life, please click here. To submit information or to update your preferences, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.
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