Dear St. Lukers,
We hope you have received and read the St. Luke's COVID-19 Task Force email about moving forward based on the revised CDC and county guidelines on masks and social distancing. We have officially stopped registration for on-campus worship, and for those who are fully vaccinated, we are bringing singing back, and masks are now optional. We recognize some in our congregation have health issues that preclude them from being able to receive a vaccine, and want to make sure we are protecting those who are still vulnerable during this time, so we ask that you take seriously the parameters of social distancing, and we will continue for a while to help escort and seat people in our worship venues. We also want to remember that children age 11 and under and their families still do not have the possibility of vaccination. As an inclusive body who is committed to being 1 of 5 in the lives of our St. Luke’s children, we want to create opportunities for them to have programming with fully-masked staff and volunteers during the entire worship service. If you have any questions regarding the decisions made, we invite you to refer to the CDC chart and information available, as well as our Bishop and the Florida Conference's guidance. We look forward to seeing more of you in worship on campus as we begin to slowly make our way toward the rhythm of learning, engaging, listening, and echoing our story through worship and discipleship.
This week we celebrate the birth of the church on the day of Pentecost. In both worship venues we will celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit to God’s church and how the Spirit is still empowering us today. After each service there will be an opportunity for you to join Liz Vasquez, Director of Adult Discipleship and Evangelism, and Caryn Royer, Director of Adult Engagement, both in-person and virtually to learn more about Spiritual Gifts, and to begin your journey of understanding your unique wiring and giftedness. Click here to take the Spiritual Gifts Assessment and to sign up for one of the two class times (10:15 a.m. or 12:00 p.m.).
The following week, we kick off the summer with a weekend of fun activities and worship! Families of children and youth can participate on Saturday, May 29 in Summer Splash from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. with water activities, inflatables, and a cook out (click here to RSVP by May 26). On Sunday, May 30 starting at 6:30 p.m., Theatre at St. Luke's will be hosting an outdoor Disney and Dessert concert with some of our top Central Florida entertainers and band leading us in some of our Disney favorites, and maybe some new songs you haven't heard before! Bring your own picnic dinner, chairs, and blankets, and we will provide something sweet for dessert (click here to RSVP).
On Sunday, May 30 we will bring back "Ask the Pastors" Sunday with all of your clergy, including Pastor Bill Barnes and Pastor David Stephens! In fact, we will have the first round of "Ask the Pastor" on Wednesday night (May 26) at 6:30 p.m. if you would like to sign up for a more intimate time with your clergy via Zoom (click here to register). We will try our best to answer your burning questions about theology, church life, our family lives, and whatever else you might throw at us. Send your questions ahead of time, or during online worship on May 30 to askthepastors@st.lukes.org. If you attend worship in person, we will receive your questions on cards during the service. Then for the following three weeks, we will consider the top three lessons we have learned over the last year with feedback you offered in a recent worship survey.
We cannot wait to kick off the summer with you, because remember: it's not St. Luke’s without U!
Grace and peace,
Your clergy.
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St. Luke’s is currently seeking applicants for the Director of Video Production, Technical Director, and Children's Ministry Worker positions. Click the button below for job descriptions and to apply:
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Click the image above to learn more about connecting to one of the classes or programs you can participate in online or listen to on the phone. If you need help connecting to one of the groups on the schedule, email Liz Vasquez or call 407.876.4991 ext. 216.
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Current Worship Series:
Come Alive - Living as Jesus' Sidekick
We aren’t supposed to be the hero of the story – on Easter we find out Jesus is. But heroes always need sidekicks…how can we play the supporting roles that help the hero shine? Who have been the supporting characters in God’s story throughout Scripture and history? How do you come alive in your supporting role? Find out by worshiping with St. Luke's this month on-campus or online.
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| Registration for on-campus worship is no longer required
On-campus Worship Sunday, May 23:
Contemporary at 9:15 a.m. and Traditional 11:00 a.m.
*Childcare for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, as well as worship enrichment for kindergartners through 5th graders is available every Sunday during on-campus worship.
Live Online Worship:
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Long & Scott Farms donates fresh produce for the Supporting HEARTS weekly food distribution and allows our teams to come glean their fields. St. Luke’s thanks Long & Scott Farms for their generosity and partnership over the last year to help ensure food stability for those in our community.
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Looking Ahead at St. Luke's
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Sign up to glean fresh produce with Society of St. Andrew on May 22! This ministry has become a critical source of fruits and vegetables to those facing food insecurity. Click the button below to learn more and sign up.
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St. Luke’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, and the onePULSE Foundation to present "Overcoming Barriers Between the LGBTQ+ and Faith Communities."
Join the conversation on Wednesday, June 9 at 7:00 p.m. either in-person (Founder’s Hall) or online via Zoom. Click the button below to learn more and register:
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Join this study Sundays at 5:30 p.m. on Zoom
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St. Luke's Summer Camps are almost at capacity! Click the button below and register today to reserve your child's spot for a week of learning and fun:
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The Children's Ministry team is looking for nautical/ship pieces and decor for VBS like: anchors, nets, barrels, crates, rope, seagulls, etc. Click here to learn more, and please bring your donations to the church office.
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Give to St. Luke's Ministries
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March 2021 Financial Update
Giving to the budget through March 2021: $976,119 Expenses through March 2021: $713,336 Favorable 2021 YTD position of $262,783
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Did you know St. Luke’s has an Endowment Fund for Congregational Care? The income from this fund supports developing and executing St. Luke's mission of congregational care. This may include support groups, disaster relief efforts, job placement assistance, and financial support of individuals experiencing exceptional financial hardship. For information on how to support congregational care St. Luke’s, email Scooter Leonard, Executive Director of Administration.
Click the button below to start giving online or call the finance office at 407.876.4991 ext. 227 to learn more about additional ways to give.
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