News from the University of Kansas Medical Center
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Spring/Summer 2024 Edition
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| Wei Zhang, MD, PhD
Focus: diagnostic surgical and molecular genetic pathology; tumor genetics
Dr. Wei Zhang received her medical degree from China and her PhD in Japan. She was working as a Research Associate Scientist...
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Dr. X. Long Zheng, MD, PhD, has been chosen by the Board of Directors as the 2024 recipient of the CAPA Distinguished Pathologist Award...
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A surprise announcement was made at the Clinical Microbiology team meeting on February 22, 2024, when Tammy Peterman, President of the Kansas City Division; Dr. Steven Stites, Chief Medical Officer; Chris Ruder, COO; and Rick Couldry, VP Health Professions...
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National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Congratulations to our Faculty on your exceptional contribution to our NIH dollar ranking spot! Your efforts have helped elevate our position to #15, up from #25 and #26 in 2021 and 2022, respectively, in the field of pathology among all universities - both private and public. Furthermore, we are now ranked #6 among all public universities. Your NIH/NCI grants in 2023 have played a pivotal role in the substantial increase of our total funding by $18.3 million. Thank you for your valuable contributions!
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The annual SOM department review in early March 2024, went very well. Our faculty provides high quality care, exceptional research funding, outstanding educational experience for medical students, residents, fellows, and we were ranked #15 in the nation for 2023 NIH grant funding.
| Donald C. Johnson Trainee Travel Award
Congratulations to Mahfuz Adnan, Purbasa Dasgupta, Esteban Dominguez, Ayelen Moreno, Regan Scott, Vinay Shukla, and Mikaela Simon on being selected as recipients of the Winter/Spring 2024 Donald C. Johnson Trainee Travel Award!
| Research and Scholarly Activities
Recent Grants
Sushanta Banerjee, PhD
PI, "ERK-Signaling in Microenvironment of Pancreatic cancer: Development of NovelTherapeutic Hypoxia-Responsive Nano-encapsulated ERK inhibitor." Department of Veterans Affairs: Biomedical Laboratory Research & Development, 01/01/2024 – 12/31/2024, $220,000.
The Institute for Reproductive and Developmental Sciences, in collaboration with several other departments on campus, sponsors the following seminar series:
Our annual Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Research Day was held on May 31st here at our Kansas City, KS campus. From insightful presentations to dynamic poster presentations, the day was a celebration of innovation and collaboration in the field. Thank you to everyone who attended!
| Our annual Research Retreat will take place on October 11th from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Carriage Club in Kansas City, Missouri.
Dr. Ameer Hamza to Associate Professor, on the Clinical Scholar Track
| Dr. Sarah Kelting to Clinical Associate Professor on the Clinical Track
| Dr. Anders Meyer to Associate Professor, on the Clinical Scholar Track
| Dr. Wei Zhang to Associate Professor, on the Clinical Scholar Track
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KUMC PATHOLOGY GIVING: Gifts to the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine help in our pursuit of excellence in our academic activities, while attracting the most talented students and scholars. (LINK)
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