Tips from your personal librarian!
Tips from your personal librarian!
Bucknell University
L&IT First-year personal librarians

Welcome!  We're here to help you!

Greetings from Bertrand Library! We're only a few weeks into the semester, but professors are already assigning projects, papers, and other assignments that require you to do research. Bertrand Library librarians and staff can help you find research materials or data and cite your sources.

If you need help with any of the above, or have any questions about Bertrand Library, please do not hesitate to make an appointment for a research consultation with Research Services staff by clicking the button below.
Grid image of librarians
Schedule a Research Consultation
Image of Katie Akateh

Meet Katie Akateh, Data Services Specialist

Hi! My name is Katie Akateh and I am the Data Services Specialist at the Bertrand Library. I love working with data and am passionate about building data literacy for everyone, regardless of background or field of study.

I grew up in a small town in Michigan and have a BS in Education and Masters in Public Policy from the University of Michigan. Before calling Pennsylvania home, I lived in Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, and California. Prior to joining the Bertrand Library, I spent the past decade working on data analysis, research and evaluation for public schools and local government. When not working, I enjoy spending time with my family, watching college football, reading, traveling, and catching up on Jeopardy! reruns.

As a data specialist, I provide in-class instruction, design data workshops, and offer one-on-one consultations. I meet with students and faculty to provide assistance with all phases of the data life cycle. You can make an appointment with me, by clicking here.
board games

Borrow a board game!

Did you know that the Bertrand Library has a growing collection of board games that you can borrow?  The collection is located near the Tech Desk, and features many recent games and tried-and-true classics.  Check one out today and have a fun study break with your friends!
Zotero logo

Featured resource:

Have you ever struggled with managing and citing sources in your research projects? The Library can help! Bucknell offers a resource called Zotero, which allows you to organize and share citations and reference lists, and store research documents.  By signing up with your Bucknell e-mail, you get access unlimited storage space!  Get started with Zotero today!
Check it out!
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