You’re probably thinking “wow, this must be another
You’re probably thinking “wow, this must be another

CC Students,

You’re probably thinking “wow, this must be another survey asking me to share my feedback on one of CC offices.” And guess what, YOU’RE RIGHT!! This IS another survey asking for your feedback about one of CC's offices. But not just any office – it’s the office of (flippin’) OUTDOOR EDUCATION!! AND there are really COOL PRIZES (see below).
Survey Link
So why are we emailing you? Well, it’s because we sincerely want your feedback.   The survey linked eight times in this email was written by student leaders at Outdoor Education in an effort to help us determine how we can best serve the student body moving forward. 
At CC Outdoor Education we work to provide students with access to the outdoors with opportunities to advance leadership skills, instill a sense of stewardship, and engage in self-discovery. As we commit ourselves to serve anyone and everyone at CC in an ever-evolving student-centered program, we want your feedback as we plan for next year! Please help us out by completing the 10-15 minute survey!
Not only will you help us ensure that Outdoor Education continues to provide inclusive and positive experiences in the outdoors to CC students, by completing this survey you’ll be entered to win any of the following prizes....
  • Spikeball set
  • Crazy Creek Chair (5 winners!!!)
  • Hammock (5 winners!!!)
  • ‘Bestie Blankets’ (lawn blankets) (5 winners!!!)
  • $20 CCOE Gear House coupon (2 winners!!!)
  • Outdoor painting kit
  • Brand-new never-before-seen Outdoor Education stickers (for everyone)

Thank you in advance! We are excited to read your survey responses!

Please reach out to Koray Gates or Jake Hams with any questions or comments. 

We will be in contact shortly following the closing of the survey to award prizes to respondents. 

Kindest regards,

The Student Team at Outdoor Education

Images: Happy and hardworking students.   
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