Dear Fellow Tigers,

Are you currently experiencing angst about the Israel-Palestine conflict? Do you feel the notion of solidarity demands that you add your own clamoring voice to the noise? But do you also fear—in spite of your well-intentioned activism—that you might drown out the voice of someone more informed or more personally impacted?
You are not alone.
With our near constant connectivity, the terrors of the world come streaming steadily into our palms …and our hearts, and many of us feel enormous pressure to speak up and out—regardless of our subject matter expertise.
In a world rife with intractable conflict fueled by surface-level engagement, we believe that one of the most courageous things we can do is create space for our students to gather for a deep and sustained dialogue with open ears and non-judgmental minds.
To that end, the Ombuds Office, in partnership with other campus members, will be hosting a series of four facilitated conversations for our students through the end of Block 4.
Our collective goal is to strengthen our shared humanity by identifying the things we share in common and by seeking to understand how the Israel-Palestine conflict is personally impacting our students.
Please look for a forthcoming email with additional details on how you can participate.

Ty Nagamatsu

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