Plus, we've added some new fields to your profiles!
Plus, we've added some new fields to your profiles!
Announcing The Big Payback 2021
Training Calendar 
Preparations for The Big Payback 2021 are officially underway. More than 500 organizations have already been approved to participate. Is your 501(c)(3) public charity, school, or religious institution one of them? Be sure to register by March 31 if you'd like to participate. You'll also need to make sure your profile is current as of this date. 
The Big Payback Team is excited to announce its virtual training offerings for 2021. Trainings will be recorded, so you'll be able to view them in the Training Video Library if you can't make the live event or would like to view the sessions again later. Reserve your spot today!
Another exciting resource to help you make the most of The Big Payback is our Resource Sharing Group on Facebook. Joining this group allows you to connect with our team, as well as other participating nonprofits. If you haven't already joined, you can do so here.
Questions? Email
New Fields on Profiles
In an effort to expand on the information reflected on profiles, our team has added two new fields: 
  1. Is your organization Black-led or Black-benefitting?
  2. Does your organization have a Disaster Preparedness Plan?
These new fields appear on the Management section of your profile. Next time you log in to make updates, be sure to navigate to this page and click on the green Edit button so that you can fill them out accordingly. 
Questions? Email
Last Call for Capital Campaign Survey Responses
Each year, the team releases a Capital Campaign Report to Middle Tennessee funders. This report provides information about current and anticipated capital campaigns in our community. You can view the 2020 report here.
If you'd like your organization's Capital Campaign to be included in the 2021 report, please complete our Capital Campaign Survey. This short survey should take no more than five minutes to complete. Please submit only one survey response per organization. 
As a thank you for helping us to compile this data, each organization that submits a survey response will be entered to win a $50 grant from The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.
The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, February 26.
Before beginning the survey, you'll want to have the following information on hand:
  • If currently in a Capital Campaign: campaign description, financial goal, amount raised-to-date, and start/end dates
  • If planning a future Capital Campaign: proposed start date
  • If a campaign was completed in 2020: total amount raised
Capital Campaign Report
Opportunities, Events, and Deadlines 
  • March 1 - profile updates due for MetroArts Grant Applicants
  • March 31 - Registration deadline for The Big Payback 2021
  • May 5 - The Big Payback 2021 begins at 6pm
Rolling Deadlines

Kathryn Bennett Manager

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