Join us for the Chili Cook Off on Sunday
Join us for the Chili Cook Off on Sunday
Sunday info

Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

Having Your Hands Full

Donovan Drake preaching

Sophie Maness assisting

Job 23:1-9, 16-17

Psalm 22:1-15, Hymn 210


Mark 10:17-31


8:30 a.m.
Chamber Choir

What Does the Lord Require?
Eric Nelson

11:00 a.m.

Westminster Choir 

Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep

John Arnn

What Does the Lord Require?
Eric Nelson


13 The Mighty God with Power Speaks
776 O God, Be Gracious
372 O for a World

For those of you worshipping with us online,
the hymns are available at the back of the bulletin.

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Update Your Membership Contact Info
Visit the membership table in the Parlor and talk with a member of the GETconnected team to update your contact info and family photo.
Even in the midst of our 2025
generosity campaign, we are reminded that the care and support we offer each other—through meals, prayers, cards, support and gracious acts of kindness—are powerful expressions of the same love that drives our financial stewardship. Together we are witnessing how God is doing new things through and among us.

Below, Anne Ridley shares how the love and congregational care from our church family has been a source of comfort and strength.

I’m surrounded by a wonderful church family. Last night, Roberta Rodgers picked
me up and took me to her house for dinner and invited a fellow choir member
to join us. I couldn’t have asked for a better distraction while my friends were at
the airport headed to Italy. Today, Frances Baird brought me lunch and stayed the
afternoon, which was a great distraction to my emotional and physical pain.
Next week, I’m having lunch with Laurie Cooper and dinner with Carolyn Harris.
In between, other choir members are bringing me dinner every few days. There
are others who have offered to help.

And the blanket. Sylvia Leins brought the blanket earlier this week. I’ve been surrounded by the church this week, but the blanket is such a reminder and just makes me feel comforted. Carson and Jane carried me during Dad’s decline. Mom’s decline was much shorter, but the church was there for me, so I praised the church for the love I received during that time. Now, I need it directly for meals, groceries, distractions, and perhaps doctor appointments in the future. I can’t do anything that requires two arms.

I can’t say enough for the love I have received from the church. I’m unable to draw
direct correlations to God or Jesus but the love is there, and I believe. I wish I could
find a way to express this to the church, but I don’t have ideas about how to do that.
So, you get my thoughts for those days when you might need reminders of how much
the church means. WPC is a special place to experience God’s love and your leadership
in that endeavor.

The generosity we show in caring for one another is mirrored in our stewardship, as our shared resources enable us to support, nurture, and sustain the well-being of our entire congregation.
Generosity 2025 Pledge

All Sunday School classes begin at 9:45 a.m.

Covenant Class • Fellowship Hall

Is Tennessee’s Death Penalty System Broken
Beyond Repair?
Eleanor Bryant, a member of Westminster and a student at
the University of Tennessee Chattanooga, served as the 2024
summer intern for Tennesseans for Alternatives to the Death
Penalty (TADP). Eleanor will share about her experience
with TADP and will be joined by TADP’s Executive Director
Reverend Stacy Rector, a teaching elder in the Presbytery
of Middle Tennessee, who will provide both a theological and policy framework for a
conversation about Tennessee’s death penalty system. Sharing the facts about the
failures of the current system, they will provide an analysis of the death penalty and
information about other ways to address violent crime while providing surviving families
of murder victims the support that they need so that their healing isn't reliant on what
happens to the people who have caused them harm.

Eleanor Bryant is a Nashville Native who grew up attending Westminster Presbyterian Church. In the summer of 2023, she served as the Koinonia Youth Intern and as an intern for Tennesseans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty the following summer. She currently attends the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, studying Philosophy and Sociology.

Reverend Stacy Rector is a native of Dyersburg, Tennessee, a graduate of Rhodes College and Columbia Theological Seminary, and an ordained Presbyterian minister. She served as Associate Pastor of Second Presbyterian Church in Nashville for nine years. In 2006, Reverend Rector became Executive Director of Tennesseans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (TADP), an organization that works to honor life by abolishing the death penalty, preventing violence, and supporting those who experience harm. She also served as spiritual advisor to Steve Henley, an inmate on Tennessee’s death row, who was executed in 2009. Reverend Rector served as the vice-president of the national board of People of Faith Against the Death Penalty and on the boards of UKIRK Nashville (Presbyterian Campus Ministry) and Community Shares Tennessee. She is currently active in the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee and serves on the Presbytery’s Social Justice Committee. 

Meeting ID: 836 8687 0878
Passcode: 674684

Last week's Covenant Class

Last Sunday, we experienced an audio outage during the recording of the Fellowship Hall class with our guest, Sebber Banda. Unfortunately, her presentation was not captured due to this issue. We are actively working on resolving this problem and aim to have it fixed by Sunday.
Back to Basics: Bible • Room 10
Westminster is launching a new series of Sunday School
classes to help us get back to the basics! This fall, we’ll start
with an introduction to the Bible. We’ll explore what exactly
the Bible is including its structure and history as well as
spend time learning about and interpreting various texts
together. Attendees will become familiar with the Bible and
its contents and develop the skills and understanding so
they can comfortably read and interpret Scripture. This class
is great for anyone who is new to the faith all the way to seasoned Bible readers who would like a refresher—all are welcome! If you have any questions, please contact Will,

Faith & Fellowship • 214
We will be exploring A.-J. Levine’s new book The Gospel of John.
For more info, please contact Donna Schwaber,

Murdoch MacLeod • Library
We will discuss this week's gospel lesson.
For more info, please contact Paul DeWitt,

Young Families • Overlook Room
Fellowship Sunday

Fall New Member & Inquirer Class
9:45 a.m. • Goodpasture Hall
Led by: New Member Committee, church leaders and staff

Not meeting this Sunday.

For more info, please contact Rev. Heidi Hudnut-Beumler, hhudnutbeumler@

Sunday School begins at 9:45 a.m. in the Koinonia Youth Café

Combined 6th-8th Grade Sunday School

T.J. will be there! Come join him!

Senior High Sunday School
9th - 12th Graders will discuss the call to discipleship (Mark 10:17-31).

T.J.'s last day at Westminster is Sunday, October 27. There will be opportunities to say goodbye to him, and one of those opportunities is on Sunday night, where we will host a GIANT game of Grog covering most of the church building. T.J. hopes to see you there!
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN  | 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
Two-year-olds through Kindergarten go directly to their classrooms in the preschool hallway. 
First through third grades come to the Chapel at 9:45 a.m. and are picked up down the hall in their classrooms.
Fourth and fifth grades sign in on the first floor of the Wilson wing and then go upstairs to their classroom.
Contact Sophie Maness for more information.
Collecting Underwear for Kids Who Need Support
During October, we will be collecting new underwear for boys and girls. Please bring in sizes girls 4 - 16 and boys 4 - 20.  We will have bins around to collect them. This collection will help support various families who just need a hand. Thank you for contributing.

Children & Youth Choirs

4:00 p.m. Rehearsals


5:00 p.m. Rehearsals

Not Too Late to Register - Join Children's Choir

Children from Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to jump into Westminster’s Children’s Choirs. If you have missed out on the fall season so far, now is the perfect time to join, as we learn new music in preparation for Children’s Sabbath and Christmas Eve. Information, the schedule, and a registration link can be found on the church’s website. Feel free to contact Dale Nickell, the Children’s Choirs Coordinator, at

Woven Book Study
4:00 p.m.
Magnolia Room

Join Sophie for a conversation about the book Woven by Meredith Miller.
"Much like a spider's web in which anchor strands
and internal threads combine to form a unique
web, Woven can help children anchor to who God
is and have faith practices that are rich and textured."
Based on great research and real-life experience,
the author brings practical, delightful ways to nurture your child's and your family's faith at home.
All are welcome.
We will meet while the children sing during choir rehearsal.
Contact Sophie,, for info.
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