Innovation with Deep Purpose
Internationally recognized pioneer in stem cell and vascular biology Sharon Gerecht is the new chair of Duke’s Department of Biomedical Engineering. Check out why she’s the perfect fit for the job.
innovation with deep purpose |
Computer vision has undergone a massive AI revolution over the past decade. See how Duke researchers are using the same playbook to spark rapid advancements in adaptive radar.
It’s a long flight to Mars, and if humans are ever going to make it to the red planet, they’re going to get sick along the way. Find out why Duke research says Rx expirations might pose problems.
Students need exposure to today’s best surgical robots to be able to upgrade them tomorrow. Discover how Duke is opening the pipeline for this critical area of a rapidly growing industry.
Even enthusiastic young students need support and community. Find out how Girls Exploring Math tackles gender stereotypes and challenges for women in STEM head-on.
Take a ride with Duke Motorsports to see how the growing club provides students from all across campus opportunities to grow and learn.
Is lightning the same everywhere? Does harvesting its energy to power society—or a time machine—make any sense? Take a deep dive into the flashiest secrets of this common but little understood natural phenomenon.
celebrating Duke’s centennial |
Marc Deshusses has been working on a novel "pressure cooker on steroids" sanitation solution for over a decade. Discover how his research-turned-startup could have an outsized impact both globally and at home.
“I am passionate about disaster education because disasters have an immense capacity to strip people of their dignity, and proper disaster education allows people to preserve or reclaim that humanity.”
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