News and Programs 04.14.22
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Seniors RSVP Today: Multifaith Baccalaureate Ceremony for the Class of 2022
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Friday, May 6, 2022, 4:30 p.m., Cannon Chapel
Baccalaureate is a multifaith spiritual time of reflection and celebration on the Friday afternoon before Commencement. This includes:
- Graduating seniors sharing music, reflections, and meditations with one another
- President Fenves, Deans, and chaplains offering their best wishes and blessings to the graduating class
- Receive a special class gift
- Refreshments to follow
Seniors: All graduating seniors are encouraged to attend in regalia. Please RSVP here.
Family and Friends: Due to space constraints, we cannot accommodate family and friends in the chapel. Please register for the livestream here: https://bit.ly/EmoryBacc22Livestream.
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Emory Buddha Day Celebration
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Thursday, April 21, 6:00 p.m., Brooks Commons, Cannon Chapel
All are invited to join the celebration of Buddha's life and teachings with the Buddhist and interfaith communities at Emory University and Atlanta.
Popularly known as Buddha Jayanti Vesak/Vaisakhi/Visakha Full Moon Day commemorates the birth, enlightenment and final passing of the Buddha in the Theravada Tradition.
We will celebrate this occasion with traditional Buddhist chants, Dharma reflections and a communal meal. If you are joining in person, we encourage you to please RSVP at https://tinyurl.com/buddhaday2022. For questions, please contact Buddhist Chaplain Venerable Priya Sraman.
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Beloved Community Holy Week 2022
Good Friday: April 15, 12:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel
Easter Sunday: April 17, 11:00 a.m., Cannon Chapel
Join the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life in Cannon Chapel for three major services to celebrate Holy Week. Good Friday we are joined by Dr. Nichole Phillips, Associate Professor and Director of Black Church Studies in the Candler School of Theology. Finally on Easter Sunday we are joined by Oxford College Chaplain The Rev. Dr. Lyn Pace.
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Catholic Community Holy Week 2022
Good Friday Stations of the Cross Friday, April 15 at 3:00 p.m., University Catholic Center Join us in prayer and reflection on the Passion of Christ with our newly installed outdoor Stations of the Cross, a 14-step devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ's last day on earth. All are invited.
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Rabbi Jordan Braunig
Emory OSRL Jewish Chaplain
April 15-23, 2022
The heart of Pesach is telling our stories. At every seder whether it’s in Atlanta or Budapest or Haifa, we are meant to dive into our narrative of liberation. We begin with the pain and degradation of slavery and end with the praise and joy of freedom. We retell this ancient tale, but we are meant to connect it to our lives today. Because, in truth, we feel ourselves torn between feelings of powerless and agency in our own lives. Whether it’s watching the atrocities in Ukraine or seeing the ongoing scourge of gun violence, we constantly feel both responsible and overwhelmed. By telling our stories, both the old and the new, we are reminded that change and liberation are possible. This year (every year!) can be the year in which we commit to serving something bigger than ourselves. Wishing all of us a Passover of storytelling, redemption and justice.
There are a number of ways to observe Passover at Emory University. See our Passover website below for updated programming and email Emory Jewish Chaplain Jordan Braunig at jordan.braunig@emory.edu for more information or with questions.
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Hillel Passover 2022
Passover is coming and Emory Hillel is excited to be offering meals over Passover at no cost to students, thanks to the generous support of the Emory community. Please RSVP for the meals you would like to attend, including Seders (DIY options available) and meals during the week.
All food served at Hillel is Kosher for Passover under the supervision of Rabbi Ilan Schwartz, Executive Director of Emory Hillel.
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Chabad Passover 2022 Chabad is hosting Seders on Friday, April 15 and Saturday, April 16 at 8:00 pm. There will also be a dinner each night of Passover at 6:00 p.m. For more information about Passover at Chabad, please click here.
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Holocaust Remembrance Day Observance (Yom HaShoah)
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Thursday, April 28, 12:00-12:45 p.m., Cannon Chapel and Zoom
All are welcome to join members of the Emory University community as we reflect on Yom HaShoah, the day in the Jewish calendar for remembering the unfathomable destruction of the Holocaust. Emory Jewish Chaplain Rabbi Jordan Braunig, affiliates, faculty, staff, and students will lead a time of poetry, prayer, and reflections to remember the 6 million Jews and all victims of the Holocaust.
Attend in-person or register for the livestream here. Hosted by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life.
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April 2-May 1, 2022
Emory Iftar Prayers and Dinners The Muslim month of Ramadan will span April 2-May 1, 2022. During this time, Emory’s Muslim community will be observing with daily fasting from dawn through the sunlight hours and nightly iftar communal prayers and dinner. On Atlanta campus, weeknight prayer and dinner will occur at Cannon Chapel with gathering at about 7:45 p.m., followed by prayer and dinner. Saturday and Sunday prayers and dinner will occur at the Emory Student Center. Weeknight iftars are hosted by OSRL, MSA, GMSC, Emory Muslim Alumni, and several Emory schools, divisions, and units.
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Dr. Iris PrettyPaint of Kauffman and Associates, Inc. (KAI), a Native-led consulting firm, facilitates an Atlanta campus engagement session on April 7.
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Emory University students, staff, faculty, and community members gather in Convocation Hall for an Indigenous Language Path engagement session on April 7.
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Emory University Indigenous Language Path Engagement
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On April 6-7, Emory University hosted two days of engagement planned by the Indigenous Language Path Working Group and Kauffman and Associates, Inc. (KAI) including tours of both campuses, meetings with Emory spiritual leaders, Native students, staff, faculty, and allies, and Carlos Museum staff. The second day involved open sessions on the Oxford and Atlanta campuses for students, staff, and faculty. Additional opportunities to engage in this process are being planned for the Fall 2022 semester.
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Christopher Lawrence 23C and the VOIS Gospel Choir perform at VOIS Spring Concert on April 9.
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Voices of Inner Strength Gospel Choir Spring Concert 2022
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On Saturday, April 9, the Voices of Inner Strength Gospel Choir, Emory's longstanding and spirit-filled gospel choir, performed their annual Spring Concert in Cannon Chapel. It was a time for worship, community, food, and celebration as we move closer to the end of the Spring 2022 semester.
You can view a recording of the concert on the Emory OSRL Facebook page here.
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Last Midweek Musical Meditation of the Semester Wednesday, April 20, 12:00 p.m., Zoom and Facebook Live
All are invited to reflect and decompress in a mid-week, mid-day time of sacred music. Join Maury Allums, Director of Music, and the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life in taking a moment to breathe and connect with others in our community.
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Midweek Musical Meditation, Spring Holidays, April 13, 2022
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InterVarsity Chats with Glenn Goldsmith Friday, April 15, 12:00-1:30 p.m., Outdoor Table Near the Emory Student Center
Join Glenn Goldsmith for a casual conversation at the Emory Student Center. If interested, email Glenn at ggoldsm@emory.edu.
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Emory HSA Aarti Friday, April 15, 5:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel
Join Emory Hindu Student Association for weekly Aarti this Friday at 5:00 p.m. in Cannon Chapel.
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This Week at Hillel April 11-17
Check out what’s happening at Hillel Hive this week. RSVP on the Hive for all events and find Leadership/Internship applications too.
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Emory MSA Meal Pack Saturday, April 16, 11:00 a.m., ESC Multipurpose Rooms 1-3
Looking for an opportunity to increase your good deeds during Ramadan. Emory MSA is hosting a meal packing event in collaboration with Islamic Relief USA and other MSAs across Georgia.
To RSVP for this event, click here.
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Emory Muslim Student Association: Ramadan Reflections
Join the Emory MSA for their discussion series during Ramadan.
Check out this flyer and their Intagram for more information on hese upcoming programs.
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OSRL and Office of RACE: Chef's Table-Jeong Kwan Thursday, April 19, 6:00 p.m., AMUC 125
Hang out with the interfaith community exploring the intersectionality of spirituality and food in this one-hour documentary featuring a Korean Buddhist nun, with refreshments. For questions, please contact psraman@emory.edu.
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Ilia Delio: Catherine of Siena Lecture Thursday, April 21, 2022, 7:30-9:00 p.m., Zoom and In-Person at Cannon Chapel
Join the Aquinas Center for their seminar with Ilia Delio, in person or via Zoom. This talk will focus on wholeness in nature, the rise of the individual and the disconnections that have ensued. Ilia will examine the emergence of computer technology and the impulse to move beyond the autonomous individual; and will explore the need to connect head and heart, the inner universe and the outer universe, and hence the need for a new religious spirit.
To register for the seminar either in person or via Zoom, click here.
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Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta: Weekly Church Action Enewsletter
The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta welcomes churches, faith-based and secular nonprofit organizations, individuals, businesses, and others to join us for fellowship, to network, and to explore ideas and issues of importance to the community. We work together to promote the common good, magnify the work and witness of the church, and help establish the kingdom of God throughout our region, nation, and all of creation. View their website here and see a few highlighted items from their most recent newsletter below:
40th Annual Ecumenical Good Friday Pilgrimage (Urban Way of the Cross) Friday, April 15, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m, Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception This walking prayer is a moving experience that includes scripture readings, reflections, prayer and music as we remember the passion of Christ and the social injustices in our world today. Please contact Kat Doyle for more information. This event is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s Justice and Peace Ministries.
12th Annual Atlanta Interfaith Hunger Seder Wednesday, April 20, 6:00 p.m., Temple Kol Emeth This is an opportunity for people of all faiths to join together to examine our community's food insecurity landscape and to reach for solutions. Bill Bolling, founder of the Atlanta Community Food Bank, is the featured speaker. Join in for good food, meaningful discussion, and a call to action and advocacy. April 20, 6 p.m. Register to attend here.
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Learning, Reflecting, and Modeling: How Educators Can Support Their Students in Facing Acts of Hate and Bigotry Tuesday, April 26, 6:00 p.m. EDT, Zoom
This workshop is designed for classroom educators to reflect on your own commitment to building empathy and awareness of histories/current realities of injustice, analyze the systems and ideologies at the root of injustice to better understand their particular manifestations in the world today, and explore the differences and the interconnections between hatreds various forms of discrimination, in order to effectively unite as upstanders/allies in the face of hatred targeting any community or identity group. Sponsored by Interfaith Youth Core.
To register for this Zoom session, click here.
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Listen and Be Listened to! Join Us For A Religious, Spiritual and Secular Dialogue Event Wednesday, April 27, 1:00 p.m. EDT, Zoom
April is the convergence of many religious and cultural holidays celebrated around the world - Passover, Easter, Vaisakhi, Earth Day, Ramadan, Yom HaShoah, to name a few. Grow your religious literacy at www.ifyc.org/interfaithamerica and join us to dialogue about the themes of remembering, life, and renewal. The goal is to listen, to be listened to, to learn, and to connect to a growing movement of people committed to a healthy diverse democracy.
This dialogue opportunity is for all ages and all levels of experience with interfaith cooperation. Sponsored by Interfaith Youth Core.
To register for this Zoom session, click here.
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The Mandala of Avalokiteshvara Saturday, April 30 and Wednesday, May 4, McDonough Plaza (across from ESC)
The Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics, in conjunction with our founding partner, Drepung Loseling Monastery, would like to announce a special virtual event. Beginning on Saturday, April 30 through Wednesday, May 4, monks from the 600-year-old Drepung Loseling Monastery will construct a mandala of the Buddha Avalokiteshvara with millions of grains of colored sand.
Additionally, each webcast session will include traditional monastic chanting and guided meditations in English focused on peace and healing that are appropriate for those of any or no faith tradition to practice. In response to the many crises and divisions that are ongoing around the world, the mandala of Avalokiteshvara was selected as Avalokiteshvara represents compassion united with wisdom. In the Tibetan tradition, this Buddha is invoked through ritual arts and meditation to promote peace and healing particularly in response to war, epidemics, and natural disasters. Given the prevalence of so many crises around the world and the many people suffering because of these events, this five-day event is dedicated to all affected by these difficulties.
We invite you to attend the opening and closing ceremonies as well as the daily meditations, and to view the livestream of the mandala construction.
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OSI Annual Earth Day Celebration Friday, April 15, 7:30-9:00 p.m., Zoom
Join the Office of Sustainability Initiatives as they host their virtual Earth Day Celebration. They will be highlighting major sustainability accomplishments from Emory students and employees and sharing ways everyone can get involved with sustainability on campus.
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Emory Cares: National Volunteer Week April 17-23
Can you believe we’ve already stepped into the month of April? It’s now your time to take one step forward this month by serving with us during Emory Cares.There are many ways to volunteer this season at varying commitment levels. If you are interested in learning more about what opportunities are available to you this month, click here. Whether by encouraging an Emory student during finals week, volunteering at an in-person service project in your area, or supporting the Sustainability Initiatives Fund, you can be a part of Emory Cares wherever you are. Let’s get out there and show the world that #EmoryCares.
Here are a few ways to get involved:
- Find an in-person volunteer opportunity with the Emory community near you here.
- Don’t see a project listed in your area? Take the lead, and add your own. Submit an Emory Cares project plan here.
- Build common ground with other changemakers in the Emory community by hosting a virtual Emory Community Conversation.
- Join the dialogue on Food Justice and Sustainability and register for our virtual Emory Explores event on April 21 with Yaza Sarieh 18Ox 20C.
- Support the Sustainability Initiatives Fund to grow and sustain experiential sustainability internships and programs for Emory students.
- Show your love and appreciation for your community throughout April by downloading our Emory Cares promo toolkit and spreading the word on social media using #emorycares.
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Race and Difference Colloquium Series Monday, April 18, 12:00 p.m., Zoom
The next guest for the James Weldon Johnson Institute's series is Dr. Celeste Lee our 2021-2022 UNCF Fellow. Her title is "We Can’t Blame it on ‘The Man’ or Can We?: Black Millennials’ Explanations of Racial Inequality in a ‘Post-Racial’ Era."
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Asian Student Center: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
This week marks the start of our annual Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month celebrations. While on a national level these celebrations fall during May, the Office for RACE and the Asian Student Center (ASC) will be holding a series of programs throughout the month of April to highlight the distinct histories and shared experiences of this ever-evolving group of communities.
This year, we are centering a theme of “I Am, We Are (Still Here),” to reaffirm our commitment to caring for ourselves and each other. Stop by the ASC (AMUC 108) any time this month to share what this sentiment means to you, and check out the calendar below for upcoming programs and events. Learn more here.
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Opportunities and Resources
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Emory Libraries: "Library Voice"
Emory Libraries is launching a campus-wide engagement survey to learn how members of our community perceive and use the libraries’ services, programs, and spaces.
Be on the lookout for our print, digital, and online campaign from March 30 through April 20. During this time the Emory community will receive weekly email reminders with unique links to the survey and the chance to sign up for a raffle and win one of five sets of earphones valued between $20 and $50 each.
Learn more about the Libraries here.
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CAPS: Spring 2022 Virtual Groups
This includes our Stress Clinic Classes and our classes on Coping with Difficult Thoughts and Feelings (5 sessions). For more information or to sign up, students can go to https://thehub.emory.edu/organization/caps.
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Emory Votes Initiative: Emory University Serving as Polling Site
Emory University is teaming up with DeKalb County Voter Registration and Elections (VRE) to serve as a polling site. Emory’s 1599 Clifton Road building was chosen to serve as the polling precinct for this area for the primary and midterm elections, at the request of DeKalb County.
Emory Votes Initiative is thrilled to partner with the Office of Government and Community Affairs and numerous partners across the university to support this effort. The polling site will operate on the first floor of 1599 Clifton Road. Emory has agreed to serve as a polling site for the General Primary Election (May 24) as well as Early Voting (May 2-May 20). Emory will also serve as a polling site for November's General Midterm Election and early voting period.
Please use this sign-up form to join us in supporting this polling site throughout upcoming elections.
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Faculty and Staff Resources
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Midweek Musical Meditation
Every Wednesday in Term, 12:00-12:15 p.m., Zoom and Facebook live
Take a moment to breathe, relax, and connect with others, guided by OSRL Music Director Maury Alums. To register for updates and register for the event via zoom, visit http:bit.ly/OSRLMidWeekMusic. You can also watch the event live on Emory OSRL Facebook.
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Spiritual Life Employee Resource Groups (ERG)
ERGs are employee-led groups established around common interests or identities. ERGs enable employees to create supportive professional communities and provide opportunities for networking, mentoring, advocacy, and professional development. To explore the possibility of joining or creating an ERG related to a religious or philosophical tradition, please email religiouslife@emory.edu.
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Pastoral Care
All of the chaplains in OSRL are available for pastoral care, which is a form of confidential care and counseling provided by spiritual and humanistic leaders. As practiced by OSRL, it is offered to Emory students, faculty, and staff members of all faiths and no faith, and it makes no assumptions about a person's faith or practice. It can be as simple as a listening ear for emotional and existential support, or it can involve exploring beliefs, teachings, scriptures, and rituals. For an appointment, please contact the chaplains directly here.
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Weekly Spiritual Gatherings Open to All Faculty and Staff
There are a plethora of weekly religious and philosophical gatherings offered at Emory.
Here are a few that are open to faculty and staff:
- Compassion Meditation, Wednesdays, 5:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel 106 and via Zoom, contact us for more info here
- Buddhist Meditation, Thursdays, 6:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel 106 and via Zoom
- Jumu’ah Prayer, Fridays, 1:55 p.m., Cannon Chapel
- Hindu Aarti, Fridays, 5:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel
- Hillel Shabbat, Fridays, 6:00 p.m., Marcus Hillel Center, RSVP Here.
- Chabad Shabbat, Fridays, 7:30 p.m., RSVP Here.
- Catholic Mass
- Sundays, 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel
- Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, 12:00 p.m., University Catholic Center
- Beloved Community Protestant Worship, Sundays, 11:00 a.m., Cannon Chapel
- Emory Employee Christian Prayer Group, Mondays, 8:00 a.m., via Zoom, contact Jacynta Brewton for information.
Other gatherings are listed here.
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Weekly Spiritual Gatherings
There are a plethora of weekly religious and philosophical gatherings offered at Emory. Many of them are listed here and at the button below.
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Upcoming Religious Holidays
These events are drawn from the multifaith calendar maintained by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Harvard Divinity School. To see more upcoming religious holidays and festivals, please click here.
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Great Lent Mon., Mar. 7 – Sat., Apr. 23, 2022 Tradition: Christianity-Orthodox In Orthodox churches, the first day of Lent marks the beginning of the Great Fast, the final six weeks of a 10-week period leading up to Holy Week and Easter (Pascha). In the churches that follow the Gregorian calendar, Lent is a six-week observance (40 days excluding Sundays) beginning with Ash Wednesday and culminating in Holy Week. It is a time of repentance and sacrifice in preparation for Easter.
Ramadan Fri., Apr. 1 – Sun., May 1, 2022 Tradition: Islam The Holy Month of Ramadan is the month of fasting during which Muslims who are physically able do not eat or drink from the first sign of dawn until sunset in honor of the first revelations to the Prophet Muhammad. The evening meal is celebrated with family.
Holy Thursday/Maundy Thursday Thu., Apr. 14, 2022 Tradition: Christianity-Protestant, Christianity-Roman Catholic Commemorates the institution of the Lord's Supper/the Eucharist by Jesus prior to his arrest and execution. "Maundy" is derived from the Latin text of John 13:34, in which Jesus gives a mandatum novum ("new commandment"). The date observed by Protestants and Roman Catholics differs from the date observed by Orthodox Christians.
Mahavir Jayanti Thu., Apr. 14, 2022 Tradition: Jainism Celebrates the birthday of Lord Mahavira. Born with the name Vardhamana in ca. 599 BCE, he was later given the titles of honor, Mahavira ("Great Hero") and Jina ("Conqueror" or "Victor"), a title applied also to the other Tirthankaras.
Vaisakhi (Baisakhi) Thu., Apr. 14, 2022 Tradition: Hinduism Occurs on the first day of the solar year. It is primarily an agricultural festival, celebrating the harvest, and is especially important in North India. It is named after the month Vaisakh. For Sikhs, it is also the anniversary of the creation of the Khalsa (the "Brotherhood of the Pure") in 1699 by Guru Gobind Singh.
Good Friday Fri., Apr. 15, 2022 Tradition: Christianity-Protestant, Christianity-Roman Catholic Commemorates the Passion of Jesus Christ, i.e., his death by crucifixion. Observed as Holy Friday by Orthodox Christians on a different date from the one observed by Protestants and Roman Catholics.
Passover (Pesach) Fri., Apr. 15 – Sat., Apr. 23, 2022 Tradition: Judaism Passover commemorates the deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. It is celebrated for eight days with special prayers and symbolic foods at home, starting with the Seder, a ritual meal that re-enacts that ancient deliverance and emphasizes the freedom of the Jews under the guidance of God. The first two and the last two days are holidays.
Easter Sunday Sun., Apr. 17, 2022 Tradition: Christianity-Protestant, Christianity-Roman Catholic Celebrates the resurrection from death of Jesus Christ. It is the oldest and most important festival in the Christian year and initiates the 50-day period culminating in Pentecost. Protestant and Roman Catholic Christians often observe Easter on a different date than Orthodox Christians.
Palm Sunday Sun., Apr. 17, 2022 Tradition: Christianity-Orthodox Celebrates the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, marking the beginning of Holy Week that culminates in Easter or Pascha. In some churches, Palm Sunday is combined with the anticipation of Christ's death and so is also known as "Passon Sunday." Orthodox Christians often observe this Sunday on a date different from the date on which Protestant and Roman Catholics observe it.
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Emory OSRL ENews is published weekly during term by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life publicizing Atlanta-campus spiritual life programs. It is not a comprehensive listing. For Oxford College spiritual life, please click here. To submit information or to update your preferences, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.
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