In hopes of making your winter break a little more restful, the team at Martha Bradley Evans Center for Teaching Excellence has prepared some resources to help you get ready for the start of Spring semester.
Some reminders:
Final grades are due on Monday, December 23 for the Fall 2024 semester. It is imperative that all grades are submitted by the due date, including term grades (A-E, CR/NC, V, EU), Incompletes, or “T” grades. A quick reference guide, training manual, and other grading information are available online to assist you with grading. If you have any questions or anticipate that you will not be able to meet the grading due date, please contact registration@utah.edu or call 801-581-8969 for assistance.
University of Utah PPM 6-100 requires for ALL U of U courses that instructors will post course syllabi that include course outcomes and learning objectives, course expectations for earning credit and grades, and if applicable, a preliminary schedule for major examinations and assignments. Per policy, this information must be made available to students every semester, one week in advance of classes starting. For the Spring 2025 semester, all instructors are required to post core syllabi by December 30, 2024.
University Professorship – Deadline Extended! |
The University of Utah’s University Professorship is a special rank that recognizes tenure-line faculty who have demonstrated extraordinary skills in teaching, distinguished scholarship in their field, and an interdisciplinary approach to undergraduate instruction. The University Professorship provides time and funding for faculty to launch new Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) projects related to general education courses. We highlight general education courses with this award because they have broad impact across disciplines and can make significant differences in our efforts to provide exceptional educational experiences for students. University Professors hold this special rank for two years. The application cycle for the 2025-27 University Professorship is now open. For more information, see the University Professorship website. Apply by December 31, 2024
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