Watch a special message from Pastor Jenn & view the Holy Thursday devotion.
Watch a special message from Pastor Jenn & view the Holy Thursday devotion.
Watch a special Holy Thursday message
from Pastor Jenn by clicking below:
Pastor jenn holy thursday message video link
“And when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, ‘This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way he took the cup also, after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.’” 1 Corinthians 11:24-25
Dear St. Lukers,
As a grandfather, I am firmly in the second half of my life. Thinking about the ritual of Holy Communion has me thinking about other rituals – especially those that pass something on to my family. The decorating of the Christmas tree and the flood of memories as each ornament is taken from the storage bin and placed on the tree. The family gathering around the table for Thanksgiving and the cacophony of noise that lasts for hours. The invigorating times teaching kids how to drive. Discussing politics, theology, friends – you name it, for hours until all the world’s problems are solved.
It also hits me how many of my rituals have been deeply, and in some ways negatively, impacted by COVID-19 and the desire to protect my family and friends. Isolation. No large gathering of family and friends. No choir and, therefore, no weekly meetings of the BRBs – the back-row basses. No hugs!
Why rituals? Merriam-Webster defines ritual as “an act or series of acts regularly repeated in a set precise manner.” But why? Why does mom always have to hang that ornament? Why does dad have to carve the turkey? Why does the choir take time to share prayer concerns? Why does the ballplayer adjust his arm band, then tap home plate with the bat, and so on – every time he comes to the plate? Why did Jesus say eat this bread/drink this cup? Perhaps it is to give us a sense of control, or perhaps to diminish negative or uncertain feelings. Perhaps it is simply to reaffirm the connection we seek and need.
COVID-19 has greatly impacted our rituals, including Holy Communion. I’ve always been moved when I stand with friends to receive the elements by intinction or, better still, to be able to serve the elements to one another. For now, this ritual is transformed into drink and bread shared at home or from a prepackaged cup and wafer at church. But the ritual continues. And it reaffirms my connection with Jesus and my fellow believers.
Grace and peace,
Richard Jans, St. Luker
Reminder: St. Luke's church campus will be closed on April 5 in observance of Easter Monday, and will re-open on Tuesday, April 6 at 9:00 a.m.
Holy Week and Easter with St. Luke's
Lent webpage link
Photo by Howard Clifton
Lent webpage link
Photo by Howard Clifton
Invite a friend, family member, or neighbor to experience Holy Week and Easter with St. Luke's! Click the button below to learn more about:
Learn More about Holy Week at St. Luke's
Reminder: Face coverings are required at all Holy Week and Easter services. Please bring your own chairs for Holy Thursday and Saturday services and field seating for Easter.
Easter commercial Facebook video link
Click the image above to watch a special invitation to Easter with St. Luke's at Olympia High School Stadium!
Easter webpage link
Prayer labyrinth facebook event page link
Video Message from Ben Adams
Ministry Guide webpage
Click the image above to learn more about connecting to one of the classes or programs you can participate in online or listen to on the phone. If you need help connecting to one of the groups on the schedule, email Liz Vasquez or call 407.876.4991 ext. 216.
Easter Worship Sunday, April 4:
Live Online Worship:
Click here to watch previous worship service videos
St. Luke's in Review
Thank you to all who attended Animals of Holy Week on Palm Sunday, a first-time event for St. Luke's! It was a beautiful service for all generations, and we thank everyone who helped make it possible (photos by Jackie Cornelius)!

Community Resources

COVID updates webpage
View COVID-19 Resources
Looking Ahead at St. Luke's
Glean info webpage link
Sign Up to Glean
Grow it forward webpage link
Due to climbing temperatures, the new volunteer hours will be 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays starting the week of April 6 (until further notice). Click the button to learn more about the upcoming workshop and to sign up to volunteer:
Sign Up to Volunteer @ the Farm
Ministry guide webpage link
Join one of the all-new book/Bible studies starting after Easter:
Register for New Classes
Rummage sale webpage link
Blood drive webpage link
Coping with caregiving webpage link
Drive it forward webpage link
Help Restore Hope for families struggling with job loss and a transportation barrier by volunteering at our next oil change event on April 24! The Drive it Forward car ministry helps struggling families stay on the road. Click the button below to get involved:
Learn More about Drive it Forward
Camps webpage link
Register for VBS and Summer Camps
Passion play webpage link
App webpage
Opt-in for Texts webpage
Give to St. Luke's Ministries
February 2021 Financial Update
Giving to the budget through February 2021: $518,406
Expenses through February 2021: $475,303
Favorable 2021 YTD position of $43,103

Click the button below to start giving online or call the finance office at 407.876.4991 ext. 227 to learn more about additional ways to give.
Click to Give
Ministry Links
Worship webpage Connect webpage Care webpage
Grow webpage Serve webpage Commit webpage
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