Plus, it’s Earth Month! And, a celebration of children and literacy
Plus, it’s Earth Month! And, a celebration of children and literacy
April 2024
Book cover of Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow next to author Gabrielle Zevin, link to Everybody Reads 2024, link to Literary Arts website Everybody Reads author event ticket page.
Hear from bestselling author of Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, Gabrielle Zevin, at the culminating event of Everybody Reads 2024, presented by Literary Arts. Save your seat for Thursday, April 4, from 7:30 to 9 pm, at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall.
Get your ticket
Child on the right and another on the left, in the middle it says Día de los Niños Día de los Libros in big bold letters, link to page with more information about library events.
Día de los Niños y Día de los Libros (Children’s Day and Book Day), often referred to as Día, is an annual library celebration of children, literacy, culture, family and multilingualism. Visit your local library to check out books, attend fun music and craft events, and more.
Join the festivities
Globe on top of mossy grass, link to article on sustainable library spaces.
The library has an active part in supporting a healthy community. Through green electricity, solar panels and electric vehicle charging stations and more, Multnomah County Library is minimizing its impact on the environment.
Your energy efficient libraries

Events & Resources

Giờ Đọc Sách
Vietnamese Storytime

Native Story Hour
April 17, online

Día de los Niños: 123 Andrés!
April 23, Gresham Library

Весенняя цветочная композиция
Spring floral arrangement in Russian

Construction closures
New libraries coming!

All events & classes
Current schedule