Pre-Medical Students Gain Confidence at Pediatrics Event |
Undergraduate students from groups under-represented in medicine (URiM) often overlook pediatric medicine as a career choice. Larner medical students hosted an event to increase pediatrician diversity and support undergrads who feel apprehensive about medical school.
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“Many doctors haven’t received training in exercise, nutrition, and holistic ways of taking care of yourself,” says first-year medical student Briana Leger. A new elective course, created by a medical student/UVM soccer coach, aims to change that paradigm.
| NEGEA Conference at Larner |
At their first in-person conference since 2019, AAMC-affiliated medical educators and learners from across the northeastern U.S. gathered at UVM for “Fostering Personal and Professional Vitality in Academic Medicine.”
| Study Finds Potential Treatment for Obesity-Linked Asthma |
A new study by Professor Albert van der Vliet, Ph.D., and University of Vermont colleagues is honing in on why people with asthma often have worse symptoms if they are obese. The research was published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology.
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“The jerseys I wear are not the same as yours, which is exactly what the future of medicine needs. This diversity of identities makes us more interesting and unique as individuals and allows us to connect with those who don’t wear our jersey.” – Lauren Tien, Class of 2026
Nathan Bombardier, M.D., Nadeem Marghoob, D.O., Hannah Porter, M.D., M.B.A., M.S., and Santana VanDyke, M.D., resident physicians in the Department of Medicine’s Division of Dermatology, won the Dermoscopy Bowl during the annual American Academy of Dermatology meeting in New Orleans on March 17 for correctly diagnosing an image of a cutaneous lesion.
UVM biomedical engineering doctoral student Haorui Sun is a co-author on a study titled “A highly replicable decline in mood during rest and simple tasks.” The study was published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour on February 27, with David Jangraw, Ph.D., assistant professor of electrical and biomedical engineering, as first author.
Larner medical students Jasmine Bazinet-Phillips ’25 and Ashwini Sarathy ’25 partnered with several local child support organizations and were awarded a $2,500 Co-op Seedling Grant from City Market on March 24. The grant will help ensure that all families have access to an age-appropriate library and prenatal nutrition, and that there is food equity for all in our community.
A Larner College of Medicine hockey team led by Matt Breseman ’24 and Nick Brunette ’24 met players from Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine on March 25 for the annual Specimen Cup, held in honor of the late Bruce Fonda, a long-time anatomy instructor at UVM who started the school’s first intramural hockey team. Larner brought it home at home with a final score of 10-1.
| May 1-5, 2023, is Professionalism Week
Professionalism guides our passion for lifelong learning and improvement. Join us for a week of events and awards as we celebrate our commitment to cultural humility, kindness, and respect during Professionalism Week May 1-5, 2023.
Published by the Office of Medical Communications © 2023
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