LAC DPH COVID-19 Vaccine Update:
Vaccine Recommendations-Boosters and Staying Up To Date with Recommended Doses
May 24, 2022
This message is intended for all healthcare providers in Los Angeles County.
Please distribute as appropriate.
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Updated COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendations
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have updated its vaccine guidelines in the Use of COVID-19 Vaccines in the United States Interim Clinical Considerations. Significant changes include a recommendation for booster doses for all children ages 5 through 11 after completing a primary series, a strengthened 2nd booster dose recommendation for certain populations at higher risk of severe disease, and the addition of a deferral option for any vaccine dose for 90 days after COVID-19 infection.
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New CDC booster recommendations:
- Children ages 5 through 11 years should receive a single 10-mcg booster dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at least 5 months after completing the primary series. Children that are severely or moderately immunocompromised should receive their booster dose at least 3 months after completing a 3-dose primary series.
- Everyone ages 50 years and older who received any COVID-19 booster dose should receive a second booster dose at least 4 months after their first booster dose using an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.
- Everyone ages 12 years and older who are moderately or severely immunocompromised should receive a second booster dose at least 4 months after their first booster dose using an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.
In order to remain up to date with vaccination, these individuals should get these booster dose(s) when due. Additionally, individuals aged 18 through 49 years who received a Janssen/J&J COVID-19 vaccine for both their primary and booster dose may get a second booster dose of either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, but the second booster dose is not required to be considered up to date.
Note: the CDC has released an interactive tool for patients called Getting Your COVID-19 Vaccine Booster. It is hosted on the COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters webpage and will help patients determine if they (or their child) can get one or more boosters.
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People with prior or current SARS-CoV-2 infection
COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for everyone aged 5 years and older, regardless of a history of prior COVID-19 infection.
- People with known current SARS-CoV-2 infection should defer any COVID-19 vaccination, including booster vaccination, at least until recovery from the acute illness (if symptoms were present) and criteria to discontinue isolation have been met.
- People who recently had SARS-CoV-2 infection may consider delaying a primary series dose or their first or second COVID-19 vaccine booster dose by 3 months from symptom onset or positive test (if infection was asymptomatic).
For additional details, see People with prior or current SARS-CoV-2 infection
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LA County Situation and Actions Requested of Providers
Similar to most of the country, in LA County we are experiencing increasing rates of COVID-19 transmission. As of 5/19/22, the average number of daily new cases reported over the last 7 days increased to more than 3,800. We have also started to see a modest increase in hospitalizations, with the 7-day average daily hospitalizations reaching 378 on 5/19/22, compared to 220 one month ago – an increase of 72%.
Emerging data from Israel supports that a second booster dose can be effective in decreasing severe illness, hospitalizations, and death in higher risk individuals. Furthermore, the side effect profile and safety data suggest that a second booster dose is safe and well-tolerated. Given rising hospitalizations, the CDC now recommends that those most vulnerable to adverse outcomes from COVID-19 receive their second booster dose when eligible.
Additionally, on 5/17/22, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration amended the Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to allow the use of a single pediatric booster dose for children 5 through 11 years of age, at least 5 months after completing a primary series. The FDA’s authorization of the booster dose was based on its analysis of immune response in a subset of children participating in the ongoing randomized placebo-controlled trial that supported the original EUA approval for the vaccine. The FDA also reviewed safety data for children who received a booster dose at least 5 months after completing the primary series. The side effects most commonly reported were pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, chills and fever.
The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) met on 5/19/22 to further review the safety and effectiveness data, and made a strong recommendation that all eligible children aged 5-11 years old should receive a booster dose. In LA County, only 33% of children aged 5 through 11 years have completed their primary series, even though children aged 5-11 can get severely ill from COVID-19. There have been more than 4.8 million reported cases, over 15,000 cases that have been hospitalized, 3700 cases of MIS-C, and 180 deaths due to COVID-19 in this age group in the US to date (See ACIP slides). Per Kaiser Family Foundation, physicians are the most trusted source of information on the COVID-19 vaccine. For these reasons, we urge providers to do the following:
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Actions Requested of Providers:
- Familiarize yourself with resources to address questions about COVID-19 vaccines and vaccine confidence. Resources include:
- If not yet administering vaccines, enroll in the California COVID-19 Vaccination Program.
- To learn more, please go to: Become a COVID-19 Vaccine Provider!
- Grant funds are available for “Vaccines for Children (VFC)” providers for up to $25,000.
The funds may be used to enroll in the COVID-19 vaccine program and to extend hours. For information on applying, please go to: KidsVaxGrant
- Contact patients (or parents/caregivers) 5 years of age and older and:
- Urge them, if not already, to get up to date with their vaccines (i.e., complete a primary vaccine series and get their booster(s) when due).
- Tell them how to access COVID-19 vaccines if you are not offering it. Vaccines are widely available across LA County, including at primary care provider offices, DPH vaccine sites, pharmacies, school-based vaccine clinics and other trusted sources and many do not require an appointment. To search for a vaccine provider, including by location and vaccine type, visit ph.lacounty.gov/VaccineAppointment or ph.lacounty.gov/CitaDeVacuna (Spanish).
- Continue to report any suspected adverse events following receipt of any vaccine to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).
- Refer to LAC DPH COVID-19 Vaccine resources:
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Vaccines are widely available across LA County.
Visit VaccinateLACounty.com (VacunateLosAngeles.com – Spanish) to find a vaccination location. Individuals can call 1-833-540-0473 if they need help making an appointment, need transportation to a vaccination site, or are homebound. Phone lines are open from 8am to 8:30pm, 7 days a week. Information is also available in many languages 24/7 by calling 2-1-1.
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This communication was sent by Dr. Nava Yageneh, Medical Director, Vaccine Preventable Disease Control Program, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
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