It’s been a busy week at The St. Michael School! One of my favorite things about this school is the way kindness permeates our building. The children here are helpers – they will hold a door, help a younger student, carry a heavy box, ask a friend if they’re okay. This week we saw a tangible representation of this as each morning children brought canned goods and other non-perishables to the front office.
Food Drive Update
Seventh grader Reed B. shared today in Chapel that our school wide food drive surpassed his goal. Ms. Pombrol’s class brought in the most items, but participation at every grade was inspiring. Reed organized this food drive for his mitzvah project, an important part of his preparation for his bar mitzvah.
Open House - Saturday, October 12th
Word of mouth is the number one way that families find us! Please share our social media posts and invite your neighbors and colleagues to our Open House on Saturday, October 12th. You may also refer people to Corinne directly, Families can rsvp by going to our website:
Yard Signs
We will have yard signs available on Monday during dismissal. If you already have a yard sign, we will have new “toppers” announcing our Open House. If your sign is damaged, please keep the metal “rider pins” (they hold the smaller piece in place) and the stand. Those can be used and reused for years! (Please keep the “enrolling now” toppers or return them to school - we’ll use them again in the spring.)
Reminder to Label Coats
Fall is here with a blustery Friday! As raincoats, sweatshirts, coats, and umbrellas begin to come to school with your child, remember to label them so we can return them to you if they get left.
After School Classes - Starting October 14th!
We are putting the finishing touches on our after school class offerings for this semester. For your planning, know that our first session will run between the weeks of October 14th and November 18th (6 sessions). These enrichment classes will cost an additional fee to cover material and staffing and will complement our extended day program (meaning, families will not be double billed if they participate). Details coming next week!
Welcome, Mrs. Rose
This week we’ve had a new face in Middle School. While Mrs. Bean is out for a planned absence, Mrs. Rose has been steering the ship. Please say hello if you see her around campus..
Playground Reminder
Families, please help us teach all of our students that our playground rules are in place every minute that school is in session. If you visit our playground after hours (we hope you do!) you can choose how to play with your child/ren. From 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. each school day, we want our students to go down the slide feet first, follow all the tetherball rules, use the equipment that is age appropriate for them, etc. Thank you for your partnership with this!
Invitations from The Church of St. Michael and St. George
St. Michael's Sunday (known as Michaelmas in some faith traditions) is this Sunday, September 29th. Join us for bagpipes, a picnic, and a petting zoo after the 10 AM service.
Blessing of the Animals - NEXT Friday, October 4th, we will meet at 6 p.m. on the playground for the blessing of the animals. Please bring your pet/s and join us!
Classroom Highlights
We wanted to give parents a snapshot of what’s going on throughout the whole school. Below, you’ll see each teacher highlighting something that they worked on this week. Teachers who teach multiple grades may focus on just one. We hope you enjoy seeing what the whole school is doing.
Ms. Barb: PreK began our color theme this week. On red day, we made patterns with big and small red Legos.
Ms. Erin: This week JK learned about apples. We took a learning journey to an apple orchard, sampled our apples, and made a graph of our favorites.
Ms. Elise: Kindergarten finished learning all of their color words and are putting them into simple sentences such as "A red hat." We also had fun at the apple orchard this week and made apple butter with some of the apples we picked!
Mr. Milo: Apples, apples, apples – we had fun at the apple orchard and a great learning journey. Students were excited to see apple trees and have the fun of picking them themselves.
Ms. K. Eppert: In Social Studies, students are learning Missouri geography. Students are learning about the major cities and rivers in Missouri.
Ms. Pombrol: In Ms. Pombrol's homeroom, the students are learning multiplication songs to help build their fluency with their multiplication tables. This fluency will support them as they learn more complex topics, such as fractions.
Mrs. Myrick: 7th and 8th grade math students are exploring area and perimeter of rectangles and squares. They are working on using formulas in order to have algebraic solutions to geometric problems.
Mrs. Bean: Students investigated the Underground Railroad and learned important figures and communication techniques used by enslaved people on their journey to freedom.
Mr. Eppert: Biking skills continue in grades 3rd through 8th. Students continue to practice biking skills in a group setting.
Ms. Abby: This week in 1st/2nd grade, we started fall themed PE activities! Students played a fall themed locomotor "Would You Rather", and a fall themed yoga version of "4 Corners". Both activities focused on following directions, listening skills, and using good sportsmanship.
Ms. T. Eppert: Students moved from line to shape, Elements of Art, exploring the artwork of Henri Matisse and his use of paper cut-outs and creating a shape and line drawing with chalk pastels.
Ms. Ginger: Our learning journey gave students an opportunity to see fruit trees in action, complimenting their work on summer trees earlier in the year!
Ms. Maurys: Every Friday in our Spanish classes, we celebrate "Fiesta Day!" It is a fun time for dancing and playing, helping reinforce the vocabulary learned throughout the week.
Dr. Human: Latin students are working on conjugating verbs, matching nouns with adjectives, and learning about first, second, and third person. They are coming up with some very inventive sentences.