Rock Steady Boxing Corner
Exercise can help improve many symptoms of Parkinson's disease, including balance, flexibility, tremor, and motor coordination. Some exercises that may be beneficial include:
- Strength Training: Use handheld weights, resistance bands, or weight machines to improve muscle strength.
- Balance Exercises: Try yoga, Tai chi, or boxing to improve balance, posture, and stability.
- Stretching: Try dynamic stretching or deep breathing to improve muscle stiffness.
- Aerobic Activities: Try walking, swimming, dancing, using a treadmill, or stationary bike.
- Functional Movements: Try exercises that mimic daily activities like standing up, walking, or reaching for objects.
Rock Steady Boxing provides a great workout in a camaraderie-filled environment.
All of the Active Wellness Center Napa Rock Steady Boxing Coaches are also certified Personal Trainers. Do not hesitate to reach out and schedule a consultation today.