Collaborative for Community Engagement

Co-creating community engaged learning experiences.

Table of Contents

As we end the 2022-2023 academic year, we pause to celebrate the ways in which our campus has created community impact this year, and the ways we have learned and grown through that workIn this newsletter, we recognize the outstanding efforts of Community Engagement Recognition Night Awardees. We also celebrate the seniors who are reflecting on how they've made a difference during their CC journeys, and are about to begin new chapters in their lives.  
In addition to recognizing these individuals, we honor their ongoing, collective work that is not in the limelight. Through the infographic below, we aim to capture the scope and breadth of community engagement efforts at Colorado College, as well as the behind-the-scenes work of the CCEYou’ll see some highlights of how the CCE builds and sustains an engaged culture through inspiring, advocating, connecting, training and informing. We move others to action, build people power, fill gaps when needed, step back when work is thriving, and uplift good work.   
We celebrate the work to elevate the work, in an effort to inspire and energize all of us to continue. As always, the work continues.  Onward! 

Congratulations CERN Awardees!

We are proud of all our awardees and nominees for Community Engaged Recognition Night awards. Our community of students, staff, faculty, and community partners continue to inspire action and change. Cheers to another year of creating impact together!

Senior Highlights

As we wrap up the year we take some time to look back with our graduating seniors on the impact they created and how they were impacted through community engagement while at Colorado College.

Congratulations Class of 2023!

What's next for our CCE seniors? Here is a sample of what engaged students plan to do after CC:
  • AmeriCorps NCCC
  • Watson Fellowship
  • Arts Fulbright in Brazil
  • Japanese Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
  • Exploring journalism positions in Arizona
  • Conduct research at the National Institute of Health - Bethesda
  • University of Florida graduate school
  • Preparing for med school applications 
We know that their community engaged experiences at CC have made a huge impact on the change they want to make in the world. We wish all of our graduating seniors luck in whatever comes next. May you continue to make change and be changed! 

State of the CCE

Get Involved


Volunteer and Internship Opportunities
Staying in Colorado Springs and looking for short-term or long-term opportunities to stay engaged with the community this summer? Keep an eye on our Opportunities to Volunteer webpage!

Faculty and Staff Educators

CCE Grants
The CCE invites you to apply for grants to support your community-engaged learning and research.  Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis through the CCE Summit site, with a maximum award of $500 until funds are exhausted. The CCE offers a community-engaged learning (CEL) curriculum support grant as well as a community-engaged research (CER) support grant
The PEAK Project
Are you interested in transitioning a course you’re teaching this fall to community-engaged learning, but don't feel you currently have the community connections to do so? If so, you're invited to participate in the Publicly Engaged, Actionable Knowledge (PEAK) Project by filling out this brief interest form.

Campus Compact

Did you know Colorado College has an institutional membership with Campus Compact? Campus Compact is a national coalition of colleges and universities committed to advancing the public purposes of higher education. As a member institution, we have access to many great resources.

Don't miss out! 

We offer a number of ways for you to stay informed on issues and opportunities that align with your interests.
Sign up for the CCE Digest
Join an Issue Based Coalition Listserv
Join the Engaged Faculty Listserv
Subscribe to Campus Compact Newsletter

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