News for and about CC's Thriving Research Grant Community
News for and about CC's Thriving Research Grant Community

Progress Together

Dear colleagues,

In the Spring 2021 Faculty Survey seeking feedback on how to better support your efforts to seek and obtain external funding (part of a self-study), several faculty shared that they would appreciate the College supporting them in having structured time to make progress on grants.

As a first step in this direction, I would like to learn more about any goals you may have related to grant or fellowship activity this summer. Whether you just want to dip your toe in the process, or you have larger goals for the summer, please let me know about your goals and interests so that I can best support you.

Second, I would like to invite you to join others in the grants community this summer as we make progress together toward our individual goals. I invite you to take advantage of the following opportunities offered throughout the summer:

Independent work time in Cossitt Faculty Lounge with informal lunch conversation on scholarly & creative goals on Tuesdays throughout the summer

Brief virtual presentations on a variety of themes (such as identifying funders, elements of proposal development) to be followed by independent work time

Discipline-based virtual discussions based on prior reading or webinar viewing

Learn more and sign up here!

And if you are fairly new to the grants and fellowships process, I’ve included information on the services I provide and the benefits of grants work in a new “introduction” section on my home page.

I'm looking forward to seeing you this summer!

Tess Powers

Director of Faculty Research Support

Join the Inner Circle

There is no better way to become competitive for external funding than by serving as a grant reviewer – ideally the same funder you aim to approach one day. Many funders are looking for reviewers - from different career stages, disciplines, institution types and geographic regions – and generally it is not expected that you will have already been a successful grant receipient. Learn how you could serve as a reviewer for eight funders. Through this work, you will develop an understanding of a funder’s review process and meet colleagues in your field. Colorado College recognizes the value of this work by supporting it with a $1000 stipend through the SEGway program. Please reach out to Tess for more information.

Photo by Matheo JBT on Unsplash

Participate in Diplomacy Lab

As noted in a Fall Gold Mine issue, Colorado College joined a network of ~45 colleges and universities in the Department of State's Diplomacy Lab program.

“Students participating in Diplomacy Lab explore real-world challenges identified by the Department and work under the guidance of faculty members... This initiative allows students to contribute directly to the policymaking process while helping the State Department tap into an underutilized reservoir of intellectual capital.”

There will be two deadlines each year by which brief 200-word “bids” are submitted to the Department of State. The next deadline for participating is April 13th for research projects to be conducted in Fall 2023. We invite CC faculty to learn more.

Photo by Anne Nygard on Unsplash

Rule of Thumb

If you are interested in exploring external funding opportunities, it's best if we can connect at least two years before you anticipate needing the funding. This gives us time to identify the best funders, prepare an application (many programs have only one deadline per year), and wait several months to hear back. ~ Tess

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