Tamron Hall show is still a go despite Harvey Weinstein fallout.
Tamron Hall show is still a go despite Harvey Weinstein fallout.
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October 13, 2017
Obama Summit Adds Speakers, Ben Carson Faces Maxine Waters and Nydia Velázquez, and CBC Heads to Silicon Valley
The major news is this: Trump is determined to get his way on healthcare. Yesterday, he signed an Executive Order allowing the sale of cheaper policies with fewer benefits, potentially sending premiums soaring and insurance companies fleeing the ACA’s online marketplaces. It would scrap subsidies for insurance companies to help pay for the medical costs of low-income people. Open enrollment for the ACA begins in just two weeks. Trump will also announce today that he doesn’t plan to certify Iran’s compliance with the nuclear agreement negotiated by former President Barack Obama. During his interview with Sean Hannity, Trump sat and talked through the nightly playing of "Retreat" as the American flag was lowered on a Pennsylvania Air National Guard base. He appeared outright confused by the longstanding military tradition on Wednesday night. But he’s such a champion of the military and standing for the flag. It may be Friday the 13th, but it’s the news coming out of the WH that’s making us feel nervous. We’re kicking off the weekend with this...
  • Obama Foundation Summit adds speakers.
  • Congresswoman Grace Meng (D-NY) wants Governors to provide products to incarcerated women. Period.
  • Kevin de León leaning toward challenging Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).
  • Only POC drops out of IL gov race.
  • Congresswomen Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Nydia Velázquez (D-NY) give it to HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson straight, no chaser.
  • Facebook COO tells CBC members there will be a Black board member -- but when?
  • Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Congressman G.K. Butterfield (D-NC) head to Silicon Valley to talk diversity in tech.
  • Apple Diversity Chief offers an interesting take on what diversity means.
  • DACA extension likely if Congress fails to act.
  • Congressmen Ami Bera (D-CA) and Darren Soto (D-FL) head to India.
  • Former AG Loretta Lynch expected to meet with congressional committees investigating Russia.
  • Staffer for Congressman Al Green (D-TX) heads to nonprofit.
  • NBC News is opening a bureau in San Juan and also hires new WH correspondent.
  • Essence and People en Español magazines downgraded to cut costs.
  • Tamron Hall talk show is still a go.
  • Obama alumna named to Step Up national board.
  • Coalition of groups in Chicago push for community benefits agreement with Obama foundation.
  • Senate ramps up efforts to stop drug company patent transfers to tribes.
  • Black man beaten in Charlottesville turns himself in to authorities.
Danny Vargas with Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday at the VP's residence commemorating Hispanic Heritage Month.
Vanita Gupta of the Leadership Council on Human and Civil RIghts testifying Thursday on the importance of an accurate 2020 Census count.
Obama Summit Speakers Announced
As we previously reported, the Obama Foundation Summit will take place in Chicago on October 31st and November 1st. The Foundation will welcome approximately 500 civic leaders from around Chicago and other parts of the U.S., and from around the world for the immersive event. New details have been announced, including breakout session topics ranging from communicating across differences to art and culture’s role in creating productive cities, and understanding race in relation to one’s civic identity. Additionally, an initial selection of main stage speakers and breakout facilitators will include Prince Harry; Former Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi; Whitney Kimball Coe, Director of the National Rural Assembly; Hamdi Ulukaya, humanitarian and Founder of Chobani; Bahia Shebab, artist; Brian Alexander, journalist and author; Tod Williams and Billie Tsien, Obama Presidential Center architects; Gabriella Gómez-Mont of the community engagement group Laboratorio para la Ciudad in Mexico City; Eric Liu, CEO of Citizen University in Seattle; Elizabeth Alexander, poet and author; and Theaster Gates, artist. For more information on the summit, click here.
Ben Carson Faces Maxine Waters
HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson faced Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) on Thursday during a House Financial Services Committee hearing. Carson had the awkward position of defending Donald Trump’s tweets, which have wrongly accused Puerto Rico of not working to help themselves and threatening to pull FEMA at a time when only about 10 percent of the island's 3.4 million residents have electricity. Pressed by Waters if he agreed with the president's tweets, Carson expressed support for Puerto Rico. "I think that our job is to make sure that we take care of the disaster that has occurred," Carson said. Waters then pressed Carson on whether the American territory should be "shamed for its own plight?" Carson replied, "I don't think it is beneficial to go around shaming people in general." The Congresswoman replied, “I am glad to hear you don’t agree with the president.” More here. Carson was also confronted at the hearing by a visibly angry Congresswoman Nydia Ve
láquez (D-NY). The Puerto Rico native called the tweets "unpresidential" and "shameful," and suggested to Carson that he pass on some words from her: "I want you to let him know how offended and insulted I am as an American citizen. And I would like to suggest that the president get some history lessons regarding the Puerto Rican relationship with the United States." Click here to see the video.
Meng Asks Governors to Provide Products for Women. Period.
Congresswoman Grace Meng (D-NY) sent a letter to every U.S. Governor, requesting that each state require local police lockups to have feminine hygiene products on hand for female detainees if such a policy is not already in place. This request is similar to the letter she sent to former AG Loretta Lynch in July 2016 requesting that federal prisons provide these products to female inmates, a policy that the DOJ announced it was implementing this past August. Meng was instrumental in getting a new DOJ policy announced in August that states the Federal Bureau of Prisons is required to provide these essential products to incarcerated women free of charge. Earlier this year, Meng introduced the Menstrual Equity for All Act of 2017, which contains five provisions to help different populations of women and girls better access feminine hygiene products. See the letter here.
Rosselló Asks WH to Treat Puerto Ricans Equal to Other U.S. Citizens
After Donald Trump’s tweets yesterday in which he threatened to pull FEMA, the military, and first responders out of Puerto Rico while victim-blaming the island, Puerto Rican Governor Ricardo Rosselló called the White House to ensure that his island would not be left in the lurch. Rosselló said that despite the president’s tweets, the WH pledged its full support to the island during the phone call. “I further spoke to the White House because I wanted clarity. I spoke to Gen. Kelly, and he reiterated that they were going to be here for Puerto Rico for the long haul,” Rosselló told HuffPost. “But the truth of the matter is, what I want is results ... I won’t accept anything less than to be treated equal, as a U.S. citizen. Not for me and not for all my constituents in Puerto Rico,” he added. More here from HuffPost.
Henry Louis Gates with former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo at the induction ceremony of The American Academy of Arts & Sciences at Harvard on Saturday.
Jessica Byrd conducting a workshop last week.
Facebook Tells CBC They Will Add a Black Board Member ... In the Future
During yesterday’s meeting with the CBC, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg told the Caucus that Facebook will appoint an African American to its board in the “very near future,” though she did not provide a timeline. Congressman G.K. Butterfield (D-NC) told Axios that the CBC “got a commitment today from Ms. Sandberg that an African-American will be appointed to the board of directors in the very near future ... And once a vacancy is created in the C-suite, there will be African-American representation in the C-suite.” Facebook’s board is currently comprised of six men and two women -- including Sandberg -- and has no Black, Latino, or Asian representation. Call us, Facebook. We have binders full of diverse candidates. Sandberg also met with leaders of the CHC on Thursday. Politico reports that the meeting focused on Russia, as well as corporate diversity, aid to Puerto Rico, and helping “DREAMers.” More here.
Lee and Butterfield Head to the Valley
Next Monday, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Congressman G.K. Butterfield (D-NC), co-chairs of the CBC Diversity Task Force, will kickoff the CBC’s second congressional delegation (CODEL) to Silicon Valley, with a press conference at Hustle headquarters. While in the Valley, the pair will also attend a series of meetings with the nation’s foremost technology companies, during which they will press companies to move beyond conversations about diversity and take meaningful action to bring inclusion to Silicon Valley. This is part of the CBC’s TECH 2020 initiative, which was launched by the CBC Diversity Task Force Co-Chairs in 2015 to address the underrepresentation of African Americans in the technology industry. More here.
Apple’s Diversity Chief Says She’s Not Just Focused on People of Color
Looks like the members will be right on time. Apple’s leadership appears to lack diversity, as 82% of it is white. Earlier this week, Apple’s Diversity Chief Denise Young Smith was on a panel in Bogotá, Colombia talking diversity with Quartz when she was asked about inclusion and whether she would focus on any particular group. She said, “I focus on everyone. ... Diversity is the human experience. I get a little bit frustrated when diversity or the term ‘diversity’ is tagged to the people of color, or the women, or the LGBT.” She went on to say, “There can be 12 white, blue-eyed, blond men in a room and they’re going to be diverse, too, because they’re going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation.” To be clear, she is responsible for improving Apple’s diversity figures and ensuring the company’s hiring practices and retention is open and inclusive. More here.
Pastor Delman Coates invites you to join him for The New Abolitionism Symposium on Money Mechanics and a Moral Economy. Click the image to hear more. Click here to RSVP.
WI congressional candidate Randy Bryce aka "Iron Stache" was fundraising in DC on Wednesday.
Senator Says DACA Extension Likely If Congress Fails to Act
Senator James Lankford (R-OK) said Donald Trump directly told him that Trump will extend the March 5th deadline to give Congress more time to act on a bill to protect “DREAMers.” “The president’s comment to me was that, ‘We put a six-month deadline out there. Let’s work it out. If we can’t get it worked out in six months, we’ll give it some more time, but we’ve got to get this worked out legislatively,’ ” Lankford said during a townhall in Tulsa on Thursday. However, the conversation between Trump and Lankford in which this comment was made took place last month -- before the White House released their stringent immigration proposals -- leaving some DACA recipients and advocates skeptical. More here.
Congressmen Head to India
Congressmen Ami Bera (D-CA) and Darren Soto (D-FL) are joining a bipartisan congressional delegation scheduled to visit India next week to discuss key issues of cybersecurity and space cooperation. The delegation of 11 lawmakers is being led by Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX), who is Chair of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. According to those involved in the planning of the trip, in Bangalore, the lawmakers will focus on cooperation in the space sector, and in Delhi, they plan to talk with Indian leadership on cybersecurity and information technology. More here.
Loretta Lynch Expected to Meet With Russia Investigators
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is expected to meet with the House and Senate committees looking into Russia’s role and influence in U.S. politics. CNN reports that she is voluntarily meeting with them and is likely to be questioned about her handling of the email probe regarding Hillary Clinton. Lynch will be the latest Obama official to meet with the congressional committees as they try to figure out how Russia meddled in the 2016 election, whether any collusion took place with the Trump campaign, and whether Obama and his administration did enough with the information they had at the time on Russia’s meddling. Samantha Power, Obama's ambassador to the United Nations, is scheduled to testify before the House Intelligence Committee today. Get more here.
Kevin de León Leaning Toward Challenging Feinstein
California Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León is strongly considering a primary challenge against Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) who just announced that she would run for re-election. De León is term-limited and has been considering a Senate run for months. There was speculation that he would announce this past Monday, but Feinstein beat him to the punch. The LA Times reports that de León has been reaching out to state labor leaders and his colleagues, asking them to hold from making any endorsement announcements. Some say de León faces an uphill struggle should he challenge Feinstein, both on fundraising and name recognition. "I told him despite all his notoriety for all of his good legislative accomplishments, most people don't know who the hell he is," a Senate colleague told LAT. Billionaire Tom Steyer is also said to be considering a run, and as The Beat DC told you this week, Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA) called on Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) to run as well. More here.
Bakari Sellers with Charles Barkley last week recording an episode of the ViewPoint podcast.
Congresswomen Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) and Jenniffer González (R-PR) with Senators Bill Nelson (D-FL) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) last week traveling to PR to survey Hurricane Maria damage.
NBC to Open Bureau in San Juan
NBC News is finalizing plans to open a bureau in San Juan, PR. TV Newser reports that the network will rent a house where news crews will be based, covering the story of the recovery after Hurricane María. NBC will have a full-time presence for now, then periodically as the story warrants. The network continues to work with its Spanish-language network Telemundo, which has deep roots in Puerto Rico as WKAQ, a Telemundo flagship station in San Juan that first started broadcasting on the island in 1954. A permanent correspondent hasn’t been named, but NBC’s Gabe Gutiérrez, Gadi Schwartz, and Tammy Leitner have done the most reporting on the island for the network. More here.
NBC Hires New White House Correspondent
NPR Washington correspondent Geoff Bennett is joining NBC News as a White House correspondent. Before NPR, Bennett covered Capitol Hill and national politics for NY1 News in NYC and for more than a dozen other Time Warner cable news stations across the country. He also regularly guest-hosted C-SPAN's Washington Journal. He began his journalism career at ABC News in New York after graduating from Morehouse College. More here.
The Beat DC's Tiffany D. Cross with Don Bell from the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies on Wednesday at the NMAAHC at a NAIC reception. 
Professor Spencer Overton of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies with Kristen Clarke and other panelists on NewsOne Now to talk about affirmative action issues.
Time Slashes Circulation for Essence and People En Español
Time Inc. is cutting back on the circulation and frequency of Essence and People en Español magazines as part of a wide-ranging cost reduction and restructuring program meant to ensure the profitability of its core brands, reports the Wall Street Journal. Essence will publish 10 issues a year instead of 12, and People en Español will lower its circulation from 540,000 to 500,000, in addition to cutting two of its print issues to nine annually. Cuts were also coming to several other major titles, including Sports Illustrated, which will drop to 27 issues from its current level of 38. More here.
Tamron Hall Show Still a Go
The firing of Hollywood studio chief Harvey Weinstein in the wake of sexual harassment reports hasn’t derailed plans for a daytime talk show to be hosted by Tamron Hall. In July, the former Today host and MSNBC anchor announced she’ll develop programming with The Weinstein Company, including a talk show focusing on current events, human interest stories and interviews with celebrities and newsmakers. 
Hall said she called Weinstein at 5A the morning after the NYT story came out and confronted him with the allegations and his admission. She described her approach to Weinstein in the call as one of “take no prisoners.” Weinstein apologized to her and told her he needed help. Hall left NBC News earlier this year and hosts Deadline: Crime on Investigation Discovery. So far, all things are still a go. More here.
Pai Silent After Trump Threats on Media
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai -- typically a vocal defender of the First Amendment -- has remained silent after Donald Trump said that a U.S. regulator should pull broadcast licenses from networks that have unfavorable coverage of Trump. Reuters reports that Pai has been urged by members of Congress to denounce Trump’s idea. Pai has defended free speech and press freedoms. In October 2016, he said anyone at the FCC "has the duty to speak out whenever Americans' First Amendment rights are at stake,” and previously said that “the government has no place pressuring media organizations into covering certain stories." More here.
Melissa Harris-Perry jamming to DJ Jazzy Jeff last week in Tucson, AZ.
Detavio Samuels, Shante Bacon-Cius, David Fuscus, and Imani Greene on Wednesday in DC at a forum hosted by Urban One on the changing media landscape and how it affects African American businesses and consumers.
Green Staffer Heads to Center for Responsible Lending
After serving as a Senior Legislative Assistant for Congressman Al Green (D-TX) for two years, Cheye-Ann Corona is leaving Capitol Hill. The California native is heading to the Center for Responsible Lending where she will focus on policy around consumer lending. Corona came to DC as a Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Housing Fellow after working as a Legislative Assistant in the California State Assembly. After completing her undergraduate studies at UCLA, the trilingual policy enthusiast who is fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, stayed at her alma mater to earn her Masters in Urban Planning and Latin Studies.
¡Felicidades Cheye-Ann! More about her here.
Step Up Names Obama Alumna to National Board
The national nonprofit Step Up announced the appointment of Heather Foster to its national board of directors. Foster currently serves as Vice President of Widmeyer Communications, a strategic communications and public policy advocacy firm specializing in education. Prior to joining Widmeyer, she held posts with My Brother's Keeper Alliance and the Obama White House, where she was an advisor to President Obama in the Office of Public Engagement and the Department of Education. More here.
Our Revolution's Nina Turner with Jim Hightower last week in San Antonio.
Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) with La Isla Cuisine GM Vicente Bravo last week in Seattle at a Puerto RIco hurricane relief fundraiser.
Pawar Drops Out of IL Gov Race
Chicago’s North Side Alderman Ameya Pawar launched his candidacy for Illinois Governor in January. Though his candidacy was well received in the state, he acknowledged that he faced a big challenge in trying to corral progressive support to make up for his lack of significant money and name recognition. The Chicago Tribune reports that on Thursday, Pawar became the first major-tier contender to drop out of the race, candidly telling supporters he lacked the campaign cash needed to fully organize and compete across the state compared to better-funded and wealthier rivals in the March 18th primary election. The remaining major Democrats are billionaire investor and entrepreneur J.B. Pritzker; businessman Chris Kennedy, a member of the iconic and wealthy Massachusetts political family; and state Sen. Daniel Biss, an Evanston lawmaker who with Pawar had sought most diligently to compete for support from populist progressives. Pawar, the son of Indian immigrants, made combating institutional racism his campaign theme. Now he said he will be launching One Illinois, a PAC to buttress movement toward progressive issues in Illinois. More here.
Chicago Teachers Union and SEIU Push for Community Benefits Agreement with Obama Presidential Center
The Chicago Teachers Union and the Service Employees International Union Healthcare Illinois announced that their groups will join the Community Benefits Coalition, a group working to get a signed agreement with the Obama Presidential Center (OPC) that guarantees jobs and benefits to local residents. For months, the coalition has been asking the OPC for an agreement that would lock in certain guarantees -- such as at least 80 percent of workers who build the Obama center would be hired from surrounding South Side neighborhoods, and the freezing of property taxes in surrounding neighborhoods as the OPC is built. Former President Barack Obama said he does not agree that a community benefits agreement is the right tool for this project, and instead asked the community to trust his vision, which would be inclusive. On Wednesday, a spokeswoman with the mayor’s office said the city agrees with Obama. “President Obama has addressed this directly, and we take the former president at his word when he says he is committed to an inclusive community process that will greatly benefit communities on the South Side of Chicago.” The Chicago Tribune has more here.
The Peace Corps' Ashley Bell on Wednesday in Albuquerque, NM speaking at a Global Livingston Institute forum.
Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) on Tuesday at the
Summerville/Dorchester County Chamber Legislative Luncheon.
Black Man Beaten by White Supremacist Turns Himself Into VA Authorities
DeAndre Harris, the Black man who was beaten by white supremacists during the hate march in Charlottesville in August, turned himself into authorities on Thursday. Harris swung a flashlight at a white supremacist trying to spear a counterprotester with the pole of a Confederate flag. Within seconds, he was kicked the ground by a group of at least five white supremacists, who pummeled the 20-year-old with sticks and a large board. We reported earlier this week that he had been charged. With what you may ask?? After being left with a spinal injury and 10 stitches in his head, he is charged with unlawful wounding -- a similar crime to the one his three attackers are facing. Yes, it’s 2017. Are we great again yet? More here.
Andrew Mangum for The New York Times
NFL Players May be Protected by Labor Laws
As the NFL aims to appease Donald Trump and force players to stand for the national anthem, the issue of labor laws has surfaced. NYT reports that the laws are expansive, protecting any “concerted activities” that employees engage in to support one another in the workplace, whether or not a union is involved. The National Labor Relations Board and the courts have defined such activity to include everything from airing complaints about one’s boss through social media to publicly supporting political causes that have some bearing on one’s work life (see Jemele Hill). The league’s operations manual says players must be on the sidelines during the anthem and should stand. While the law might not bear on whether an individual player can kneel during the anthem, experts say it could protect players from repercussions for making such a gesture together to show solidarity on the job. An interesting note: last Saturday at Howard University’s kickoff game, the cheerleaders took a knee when the university’s marching band played “The Star-Spangled Banner.” More on the NFL and labor laws here.
Senate Ramps Up Efforts to Stop Drug Companies from Transferring Patents to Tribes
Back in mid-September, we told you about the first-of-a-kind patent deal between the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe and drug maker Allergan in which the company transferred Restasis patents to the tribe and licensed them back. Immediately after the deal, four Senators demanded an investigation, alleging the move to protect Restasis is another example of pharma "putting profits before patients." The Senators wrote to Allergen CEO Brent Saunders to ask for documents about the deal. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) has also introduced legislation to make this type of transaction illegal, and Indian Country is not happy. “The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is outraged that U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO), has introduced legislation that specifically targets Indian tribes, yet exempts state universities and other sovereign governments engaged in the very same IPR process. The double standard that is being introduced by the Senator as a solution for a perceived abuse of the IPR proceedings does nothing to solve the underlying problem. The Tribes authority is inherent and has been reaffirmed through treaties and legislation from the earliest days of the country,” said the tribe. Learn more about the Senate’s investigation here and see the tribe’s statement here.
Today - Saturday, October 14th: Moving Mountains, A Southeast Asian American Equity Summit. Renaissance Washington Hotel, 999 Ninth Street, N.W. Click here to register.
Today - Sunday, October 15th: The Black44 Annual Retreat and Professional Development Weekend. Confirmed special guests: Valerie Jarrett, Former Senior Advisor and Assistant to President Obama for Intergovernmental Affairs and Michael Strautmanis, Vice President, Civic Engagement, The Obama Foundation. George Washington University, 805 21st Street, N.W. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.
Wednesday, October 18th, 6P: We Act for Environmental Justice 2017 Awards & Gala honors changemakers New York City Councilmember Costa Constantinides, Native American activist Dallas Goodtooth, The Raben Group's Robert Raben, Hip Hop Caucus Senior Vice President Mustafa Santiago Ali, NYC Council legislative attorney Samara Swanston, and 1199 SEIU Executive Vice President Estela Vázquez. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.
October 19th - 21st: The Brooklyn Conference: Inspiring Social Change. Featured speakers and performers include Charles BlowLinda Sarsour, Neera Tanden, Touré, and more. Brooklyn. Click here for the full schedule and for ticket information.
Friday, October 20th - October 23rd: The Thurgood Marshall College Fund’s 17th Annual Leadership Institute. Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, 2660 Woodley Road, N.W. Click here for more information. Members of the media who wish to cover the event must obtain press credentials by contacting Paris Dennard at: paris.dennard@tmcf.org
Sunday, October 22nd - 25th: The National Minority Supplier Development Council annual conference in Detroit, MI. Click here for more information and to register.
Monday, October 23rd, 5:30P: Join Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes-Norton (D-DC) for a reception in support of One Fair Wage, an initiative to raise the wages of tipped workers. Special guests include DC Councilmember Elissa Silverman and actress Jane Fonda. Click here to RSVP and purchase tickets. Location revealed with RSVP.
Wednesday, October 25th, 11A: A presentation ceremony in the U.S. Capitol to honor Filipino World War II veterans. The event will be livestreamed on speaker.gov/live. More here.
Wednesday, October 25th, 6P: An evening reception in support of Stacey Abrams, candidate for Governor of Georgia. Skadden, Arps, 4 Times Square. NYC 10036. Click here to RSVP or contact zach@gstrategiesllc.com with any questions.
Thursday, October 26th, 6P: The Women's Media Awards 2017 honors María Hinojosa, April Ryan, María Elena Salinas, and Gail Tifford, and also recognizes the film Hidden Figures. Capitale, 130 Bowery St., NYC. Click here to purchase tickets.
Friday, October 27th - 29th: The Women's Convention, Reclaiming Our Time. Cobo Center, Detroit. Click here for more information and to register.
Saturday, October 28th - October 30th: The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities 31st Annual Conference in San Diego. Click here for more information and to register.
Monday, October 30th, 5:30P: The 23rd annual ADL In Concert Against Hate. This year's honorees are Gavin Grimm, Tolu Olubunmi, Ann Jaffe, and Chief Louis M. Dekmar. Kennedy Center. Click here to purchase tickets.
Tuesday, October 31st, 9A: "The New Abolitionism: Symposium on Money Mechanics & A Moral Economy." Mt. Ennon Baptist Church, 9832 Piscataway Road, Clinton, MD. Free. Click here for more information and to RSVP.
Thursday, November 2nd, 6P: Join the Film, Gun Violence Prevention, and Hillary for America alumni communities for a reception in support of Lucy McBath for Georgia House District 37. NYC. Click here for more information and to register. Address provided upon RSVP.
Thursday, November 9th: Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund's Los Angeles Awards Gala. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.
Friday, November 17th: The 24th Annual Caribbean American Heritage Awards to honor visionaries from across the Caribbean. J.W. Marriott Hotel, 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. To learn more about the Caribbean American Heritage Awards, visit: www.caribbeanheritageawards.org
Sunday, November 19th: The National Portrait Gallery Second biennial American Portrait Gala, honoring former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, HIV/AIDs researcher Dr. David D. Ho; artistic director, choreographer, and dancer Bill T. Jones; film director, producer, writer, and actor Spike Lee; and multi-award-winning actress Rita Moreno. Click here for more information.
Wednesday, November 29th, 8P: Join Congressman André Carson (D-IN) for JAY-Z's 4:44 Tour. Capital One Arena, 601 F Street, N.W. For more information or to RSVP, contact Courtney Hodges or Randy Broz at: 202.403.0606 or email: Courtney@ABConsultingDC.com
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