Dear Friend,
Now that the latest
Samsung smartphone and phablet have
hit the market,
Apple will follow up with their annual update next Wednesday. In addition to new smartphones, the bigger announcement is likely to be a new Apple TV - their candidate for your home network "hub" as you enter (they hope) into the wonderful world of the
Connected Home.
What's a movie worth? If a picture is worth a thousand words
a YouTube video must be worth at least a million. So in the interest of making your life more fulfilling, I'm providing links to my three most recent YouTube videos. These were all live recordings. Enjoy - feedback and questions encouraged
1-The Internet of things - It's everywhere but what is it?
2-iPad Tips and Tricks - You've learned the basics, now see how to use it like a pro.
3-Mobile Payment Systems - They're here now and much safer than your 1980's era credit card.
I always appreciate comments of any sort about this publication. To address the only real complaint I get -
it's too darned long! - I try from time to time to publish longer pieces on my blog and link to them here - hope this helps.
As you can tell I haven't adapted well to the 140 character world! (PS - If you missed last month's issue,
click here for another copy.)