Upcoming Events
Weekly Schedule
9:30am: Sunday School
10:30am: Church-wide fellowship time in the Worship Center
10:45am: Church-wide worship
5:30-7:30pm: Engage (NOTE: No Engage on Easter)
Dates to Know
Adults, you make what we do possible! To volunteer with youth events, *sign up here*. The events below will note and explain our upcoming needs.
April 7: Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt, 7:30-9pm. The all day rain chances can't stop us from hunting eggs, so we're moving it till after dark! Light dinner will be served. Needs: two adult volunteers for event.
April 9: Easter brunch, 9:30am. This level of celebration requires we share a table together. Needs: someone to supply mixed fruit for breakfast.
April 12: Homework night, 5:30-7:30. Monthly homework night, brown bag dinner; we'll have drinks covered. Needs: 1-2 adult volunteers to hang out with our students while they work and fellowship.
April 21: Parents Night Out fundraiser, 6-9:30pm. Mark your calendars now to join in the effort to raise money for our summer trip! Needs: one more adult volunteer to help Haven and Geoff along with the students.
May 7: Baccalaureate Sunday. It's almost time for our annual recognition of graduates, and we want to bring back the Sunday School hour brunch after the disruption of the last few years. Needs: someone to coordinate the brunch.