Welcome Grow Serve Celebrate
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Join us for a church wide Sabbath tonight as part of VBS at PHUMC. We will have hot dogs and hamburgers, water slides, and fun. Bring a chair for outside, but inside seating will be available. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun.
Note: We are monitoring the weather and will move all activities indoors if needed.
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We've had a blast at Operation Restoration this week! Through Healing, Forgiveness, Prayer, and Rest, we've discovered how we can use these themes to be menders of God's world. We've had fun experiencing healing mud, acting out scripture stories, packing 81 birthday bags for Grace Place, sculpting Psalm prayers, practicing meditative forgiveness, making mosaic prayer hearts, crafting healing cards for those in need in our community, and enjoying the best supper each night.
A huge thank you to all the volunteers that donated items on the wish list. Because of your gifts we had all we needed to make this week successful. And thank you to those that assisted with decorating our church building in preparation for VBS, and those that led stations and small groups. Your time spent with our children and their faith formation has made for a fun week of learning and growing together in God's love. Thank you all for being God's menders.
-Pastor Haven
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Sunday I asked the church a question: Who knew the age of the roof on the worship center building? The answer is 24 years old. It is the original roof, and if you stand in a certain spot in the middle of the worship center during a big rainstorm, you can probably catch some drops of water. This means we as a church have some work to do. We are trying to raise $60,000 to replace our worship center roof, and the good news is that we already have $20,000 designated. We are asking each household to prayerfully discern giving $300 this summer to get us to our goal. My family turned in our check for $300 Sunday! We know this is a big ask that goes above your regular gifts, tithes, and offerings. We know some of you can give more, and we know some of you may have to give less, and this is why we do best the things we do together! If you can’t give $300 at once, maybe give $100 in June, $100 in July, and $100 in August. If you can’t give $100, can you give $50? If you have not given to support the mission and ministry of Parkway Hills in 2023, this is a great time to begin that practice.
This week our VBS Kids participated in our Raise the Roof challenge and set a goal of $300 to match what is being asked of our members. To date they are at $286.34, and we have no doubt that they will reach their goal!! Let’s join our kids in Raising the Roof at Parkway Hills UMC!
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Sunday, June 25th will be a special
Lay-Led Service, and we encourage everyone to make plans to attend. It will be a little more informal. We will sit at tables, share coffee and donuts, worship, and reflect on how we are the church together. If you would like to help lead in the special service, contact John Reed or Drew Pruett.
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PHUMC volunteers worked on a "Faith Build" Habitat House as part of Service Day Saturday, a program of PHUMC Women's Ministry.
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PHUMC Service Day Saturday for volunteers included making improvements and repairs to our church building and grounds.
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PHUMC volunteers worked Saturday morning at Big House Books, helping provide books for those in prison and juvenile centers.
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VBS Preparation Teams worked several days last week, readying the campus for PHUMC VBS 23.
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Parkway Hills is a United Methodist congregation committed to being a place for everyone, so we want to pay particular attention to inviting members of our community who may have been affected by church disaffiliations or those who simply are looking for a safe place to worship. How can you help? Invite your friends to church, and share this welcome video that has beenposted across Parkway Hills' Facebook and Instagram. Your voice matters in welcoming our community!
Facebook: facebook.com/ParkwayHillsUMC
Instagram: @celebrateparkwayhillsumc
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Sunday School Volunteers: Join in the fun as we learn about the identity of God and the importance of hope in our lives. If you are interested in volunteering, click here to sign up to teach. We will need two additional volunteers to assist with Pastor Haven each Sunday in the Garden. All volunteers must have a background check before volunteering in children's ministry.
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New youth shirts are on sale now! $16/shirt. Deadline for orders is today. Click here to get yours!
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| -Youth are invited to join the regular PHUMC service opportunity at Grace Place on June 21, and Geoff will be bringing the message at the breakfast served by volunteers. Let Geoff know you're coming by Monday, June 19, and bring money for a brief stop and debrief at The Bean. We'll meet at PHUMC at 7am.
-Panama City trip participants, make sure to complete any outstanding balances by this week. Please contact Geoff about any questions or arrangements that need to be made.
-Is your next faithful step serving our youth? We're looking for a junior high Sunday School teacher for the 2023-2024 school year! If you're interested or want to learn more about this opportunity, contact Geoff. We also have lots of ways to volunteer for individual events this summer! Click here to get signed up.
Want to know more about what's going on in our youth ministry? Check out the June newsletter.
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Pastor Haven conducts Children's Moment at Sunday Worship in front of waterfall for VBS.
| Meeting This Week:
Tonight, Wednesday:
Sabbath Night at 5:30
Thursday: Men's Morning Group at 7:30 am. Join them in the Garden Room or via Zoom **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 263 New Password: 14229
Handbell practice 9:00 am
Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am. Meeting ID: 848 7196 9988 (note new meeting ID number) Password: PHUMCLADY Women of ALL ages are always welcome!
Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship 10:45 am online and in person
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Year to Date, May 2023
Income: $211,182.00
Expenses: $203,912.46
*Year to date PHUMC has paid 17% of District ($1,100.00) and 36% of Conference Apportioned Mission Shares ($25,942.85) coming from individual designated gifts and designated funds we received from the Employee Retention Tax Credit.
June Communion Offering to date: $745.00 "Raise the Roof" Funds to date: $25,032.84
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