Convention - WRJ 101 Webinar - Toronto Area Day - Sisterhood Events - More!
Convention - WRJ 101 Webinar - Toronto Area Day - Sisterhood Events - More!
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News from the Northeast

October 2, 2018
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Did you miss the September newsletter? You can read it here.

Message from Vivian Blumstein
President, WRJ Northeast District

Two years already! I can’t believe that, at the end of this month, I will finish my term as president of the Northeast District!
If someone were to ask me what the best part of serving has been, I would say how lucky I've been to meet so many amazing women. And I have had many opportunities to do this during the past two years! We had a wonderful Kallah, where we learned more about each other and ourselves, and grew closer in the process. There were area events on Long Island, near Boston, and in Buffalo, so that women from all over the district would be able to attend. There were sixteen Northeast District Speakers Bureau visits, plus district events at the Fried Leadership Conferences – last year in Charleston, SC, and this year in Nashville, TN – reaching even more women.
Two more opportunities to meet will happen this month. On October 14, there will be an area event in Toronto, and I am looking forward to meeting many of our Canadian sisters.
Even more of us will gather at the Northeast District Convention in Framingham, MA, October 25-28. Registration has been climbing, but the registration deadline is tomorrow, October 3.
New sisterhoods have affiliated with WRJ and the District during the past two years, which goes to show the power of our connections. And we have amended our Constitution and our Policies and Procedures, so that more women will feel welcome in our district, however they choose to interact with us.
I’d like to close with two thank yous. First, I would like to thank all the women who have come to our events. We hope our events have inspired and taught you, but please know that you have taught and inspired us as well. Please continue to participate, on whatever level you choose, and always remember that we are stronger together.
Finally, thank you to all the women who have served on the board with me – thank you for your time and dedication. As they say, it takes a village, and I feel that we have forged special bonds and become an incredible team. I am truly grateful to each of you for all you have done, for me and for the district.
It has been a privilege and an honor to serve as your president.
Temple Am Echad, Lynbrook, NY

Convention is... approaching fast!


Convention starts on October 25 – You don’t want to be left out!




WRJ 101 Webinar

Monday, October 8, at 7 p.m.

Want to learn how to get more involved with WRJ? WRJ will host a webinar for learning more about WRJ. The webinar is open to all WRJ members.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Toronto Area Event

Sunday, October 14, 2018
Kol Isha – The Voices of Women for Social Justice

Speakers will include Vivian Blumstein, WRJ Northeast District president; Eva Karpati, president of the National Council of Jewish Women of Canada; Barbara Weinstein, associate director of the Religious Action Center; Fran Isaacs and Helen Poizner, who will speak about Canadian Brit Olam; and a representative from the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs.
The day will begin at 9 a.m. and includes lunch. Come and bring your friends; open to all women who are interested. GET THE DETAILS AND REGISTER BY OCTOBER 5.

Sisterhood Events

All WRJ members are welcome at these events

October 17, 2018, 2 p.m.
Visit to Mayyim Hayyim, Newton, MA
Join the B'nai Israel Southbury Sisterhood on their visit to Mayyim Hayyim in Newton, MA, on October 17. Mayyim Hayyim is a 21st century creation – a mikveh rooted in ancient tradition, reinvented to serve the Jewish community of today. GET THE DETAILS AND RSVP.
October 18, 2018, 6:30 p.m.
A Taste of the Neighborhood
Beth El Temple Center, Belmont, MA
Sample foods from local restaurants. Hear about this year's sisterhood programming for Women of Reform Judaism at Beth El Temple Center (WRJ@BETC). Listen to jazz by the Joe Reid Trio. GET THE DETAILS AND RSVP.

HIAS Holiday Calendar

HIAS was founded in 1881, originally to assist Jews fleeing pogroms in Russia and Eastern Europe, and continutes to welcome all who have fled persecution.
HIAS has prepared a new Jewish holiday calendar that you can download HERE. The second page of the calendar gives tips on how to be part of the American Jewish movement for refugees.

30th Anniversary Weekend
March 7-9, 2019

Women of the Wall (WOW) is sponsoring "Let Me Hear Your Voice," a weekend of events of learning and solidarity in Jerusalem for their Israeli and international supporters. The weekend will celebrate WOW’s three decades as a voice for feminism in Israel, and will coincide with Rosh Chodesh Adar II (March 7) and International Women’s Day (March 8).
WOW would like as many people as possible to join them in Jerusalem for this milestone.
Please share THIS FYLER with your sisterhood and congregation.
Early bird deadline is November 1, 2018 - Registration closes January 31, 2019
Want more information? GET THE DETAILS HERE.
Interested in bringing a group? Contact

WRJ Board Applications

Passionate about sisterhood? Women of Reform Judaism is still accepting applications for the next WRJ Board. You can make a difference... at the North American level! Applications are due by 5 p.m. on October 29, 2018. GET THE DETAILS.
Questions? Contact WRJ Manager of Operations Robin Cohen ( or 212-650-4056) or WRJ Nominations Chair Robin Sobol ( or 518-229-5559).
WRJ looks forward to welcoming a new group of talented women to its board of directors!

Register to Vote!

Canadians can register online, by mail, or at the polling place on October 22 (source)
U.S. registration deadlines vary by state:  CT: Nov. 1,  MA: Oct. 19,  ME: Oct. 18*,  NH: Oct. 29*,  NY: Oct. 14,  RI: Oct. 9,  VT: Nov. 2
*in person until Election Day, November 6

Countdown to Convention

Counting the days, hours, minutes and seconds
until the Northeast District Convention...


October 3 – WRJ Northeast District Convention Registration Deadline
October 5 – Toronto Area Day Registration Deadline
October 8 – WRJ 101 Webinar
October 8 – Columbus Day, Indigenous Peoples' Day (U.S.); Thanksgiving (Canada)
October 14 – Toronto Area Event
October 22 – Ontario Municipal Elections
October 25-28 – WRJ Northeast District Convention
October 29 – WRJ Board Applications Due
November 6 – U.S. Election Day

Convention 2018

October 25–28, 2018
WRJ Northeast District Convention
Framingham, MA


Request a Speaker

Your sisterhood is entitled to a District Speaker once every two years, without expense to your sisterhood.
In alternate years, you may REQUEST A WRJ SPEAKER.

WRJ Northeast is on...

Join the "WRJ Northeast District" group on Yammer, where you can ask questions, learn what's happening, and reconnect with friends in the district.
Not on Yammer yet? Then contact Heather Lorgeree in the WRJ office at 212-650-4063, or email her at, for an invitation to Yammer.
Confirm your subscription

Outreach Grants

WRJ is again offering Outreach Grants of up to $1,000 to WRJ sisterhoods for programs that reach out to interfaith families, unaffilited Jews, and non-Jews. To learn more about grants and how to apply, CLICK HERE. The deadline for submissions is June 15, 2019.


New Sisterhood Presidents and Leaders

  • Email or call 212.650.4050 to request Yammer invitations for your new leaders.

Northeast District Photos

Browse photos from past WRJ events on our District Facebook page and on YouTube:

...and please LIKE us!

Did You Know...

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease, and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. Thousands of people – not just women – will particpate in events throughout North America.
The American Cancer Society (ACS) is planning "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" events during the month of October throughout the U.S. Find an ACS "Making Strides" event near you.
Alternately, you can join Sharsheret, a Jewish Breast Cancer Organization that plans to participate in ACS events in Central Park (NYC) on October 14 and at Jones Beach (Wantagh, NY) on October 21.

The Board of the Northeast District of Women of Reform Judaism wishes you a very happy...

Columbus Day,
Indigenous Peoples' Day,
and Thanksgiving Day...

All on October 8
Share this newsletter by using one of the "Share this" icons at the top of the newsletter.
The next eblast will be sent on November 6, 2018.
Send program listings, photos, and articles to by October 30.
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