Jonathan Meyrav - SPNI (BirdLife Israel) 
Sometimes big things evolve by themselves.  As a birder and a conservationist I strongly believe in evolution. That mysterious process of nature, where trial and error develops into the perfect result, is something that we live by but we never truly understand. Champions of the Flyway started with a disorganized draft of an idea for a bird race in Eilat to highlight the beauty and magnitude of migration. Read more...
This annual real-time bird spotting race, organized by SPNI (BirdLife Israel), pitches teams of world class birdwatchers against each other in a ‘race’ to spot the highest number of birds within a 24 hour period.

Road construction through Belarus’ Almany Mires is devastating ancient bogs in one of the country’s Important Bird & Biodiversity Areas, putting globally threatened species like the Greater Spotted Eagle in jeopardy.

For the first time in ten years, an active nest of Saker Falcon Falco cherrug has been found in Bulgaria. Hopes are high that this endangered raptor is one step closer to establishing a sustainable breeding population in the country.
After ten years of conservation efforts, one of Sweden’s rarest breeding bird species, the Black-tailed Godwit, is making a stunning recovery.  

Bird-friendly farming could save the species

Back from the brink of extinction in Spain

A bridge over troubled water

Are ancient methods the future of farming?

Hotel complex threatens waterbird paradise
The Ecuadorian solution being tested in the Mediterranean  
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