The renovated Reynolda Gardens greenhouse in Winston-Salem features curved glass panels.
Historic Horticultural Oasis Revived |
Reynolda Gardens’ 1913 conservatory, one of the most treasured public greenhouses in the South, recently finalized an extensive renovation to restore the iconic venue to its original splendor. The glass structure is now the welcoming entrance to Winston-Salem’s Reynolda, the retreat that Katharine Reynolds, the wife of tobacco magnate R. J. Reynolds, dreamed up and built. Up ahead: Workshops, plant sales, and garden displays will tie in to the house museum’s exhibitions. Below, read senior editor CJ Lotz Diego’s spotlight on the innovations—and see what’s in store for the future.
The Belmont Inn in Abbeville.
GET IN THE SPIRIT: If the holiday season hasn’t officially begun until you’ve watched White Christmas, you probably have an appreciation for vintage vibes. Indulge that feeling in South Carolina’s Old 96 District, a five-county region filled with charming B&Bs. Sharon Manor in Abbeville, for instance, resides in a beautifully restored former schoolhouse. Azalea Inn in Johnston was built out of a stately home nestled on a 137-acre working farm. And in the center of historic Greenwood, the Inn on the Square dates back to the early twentieth century, but it received a full renovation earlier this year. With so many timeless accommodations in Old 96 District, you’re sure to find the perfect place to live out your classic Christmas fantasies. Plan a holiday getaway to Old 96 District.
A Legendary Texas Ranch
Makes a Tasty Comeback |
Celebrating Ten Years
of the Grey in Savannah |
A Vintage Resort-Wear Brand, Treasured
by Tropical Travelers, Gets a Second Wind |
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