May 10, 2023  

Welcome      Grow       Serve      Celebrate

PHUMC Leadership Board
Pictured above: Jody Nichols, John Reed, Darlene Roberts, Bobby Stephenson (Lay Delegate to MSAC), Florence Cooper (Lay Delegate to MSAC), Drew Pruett, Cathy Robertson, Christine Morrison, Chris Gibbs (Trustee Chair), Pat Dunn (SPRC/Board Chair), and Edye Hambleton. Not pictured are  Alan Branson (Lay Leader) and acting photographer Pastor Dawn.
Sunday, April 16 our church unanimously voted to move to a simple governance board model to handle the administrative functions of the church. Our first meeting was held Wednesday, March 3. We celebrated the ongoing mission and ministry taking place within our church family from continued peanut butter collections by our kids (106 jars to date), increased support and connection with East Flora Elementary, women’s ministry gatherings, senior adult fellowship lunches, continued work and presence at Grace Place, and building and delivering beds with our beds for kids mission. We couldn’t even begin to list all the activities our youth and children’s ministry programs have held. We named that we have had 36 visitors in 2023 with one becoming a member and some soon to follow. If you have not looked for new faces and taken time to say hello, start this Sunday!  In addition to our celebrations, we named our concerns around our financial health. While we are currently bringing in more income than expenditures, we have only paid $2,900.00 toward our apportioned mission shares. The $2,900.00 paid has come from individual designated gifts. The budgeted amount designated for mission shares is $77,384.00. Mission shares are how we exist and do ministry as a United Methodist Church. It is how we share the story of our faith, how we feed people, how we assist in times of disaster, how we offer healing and hope not just in Madison but around the world. Mission shares are part of our responsibility as a United Methodist Church. If you have any questions around mission shares, or what to give to aid the church in meeting this piece of our budget, come see me. Finally, we named building needs and an upcoming building expense. We have much exterior building work that needs to be addressed, and our worship center roof needs to be replaced. The cost of this will be around $60,000, but good news!  We already have around $20,000 designated to kick-start a fundraising effort. Be ready to hear from us in the coming weeks how you may help us raise the funds!! 

I give thanks for this church family. I constantly brag to my clergy friends about all that this church does. I am amazed at your love and passion and I have no doubt that we can meet the needs ahead of us and continue to do good work. Parkway Hills family, we truly live into our motto, we do best the things we do together.  

With you on the journey,

Pastor Dawn
Part of our commitment at Parkway Hills is to celebrate, so we invite you to an adult night out. Join us Friday, May 12 at 6 pm in the Worship Center for food, fellowship, and fun. Bring a favorite game. Dinner will be provided, but feel free to bring a sweet treat to share if you feel so led. We will take donations to help cover the cost of food.  
Captial Area Habitat for Humanity's 2023 Faith Build is currently undeway. The home, located at 4663 Estelle Drive in Jackson, will house Latonia Blackmon and her 5 children (ages 16, 14, 12, 10, and 8), allowing her to move from a 3 bedroom apartment where she pays $1,200 a month in rent to a 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath home for $500-600 a month. All of this is possible because of monetary and building efforts of area churches. Parkway Hills has committed $1,000 to aid with the project. Our May Communion Offering will go toward this commitment and maybe even beyond! Our work day is the morning of  Saturday, June 10. We will need 10 to 12 volunteers. 
East West Jackson Districts of the UMC Missions in May Saturday
Photo on Left: PHUMC member Brad Norris serves as the District Coordinator for UMCOR Emergency Response Team. Shown above is one of the groups of volunteers working in Rolling Fork to aid with the tornado cleanup on Missions in May Saturday.
Middle Photo: West Jackson District Superintendent Rev. Dr. Stephen Cook was part of the Disaster Response Team in Rolling Fork who worked along with Rev. Mary Stewart, whose home (the parsonage of Rolling Fork UMC) was damaged by the tornado.
Photo on Right: PHUMC members John and Mary Lee Reed served with volunteers at the Methodist Children's Home, working on one of the MCH houses for Missions in May.
PHUMC Youth celebrated Baccalaureate Sunday with high school grads Amber Smith and Neal Wood. A celebratory breakfast in the Youth Suite kicked off Baccalaureate Sunday, and then grads helped serve Communion in Worship Service. Youth Director Geoff Davidson delivered the address for Baccalaureate Sunday, after which Neal and Amber were presented blankets from the PHUMC Yarn Ministry.
Thank you to all who donated food, time and gifts for theTeacher/Staff Appreciation Breakfast at  East Flora Elementary School. This morning,
 May 10, we were able to provide breakfast for over 50 teachers and staff as part of continued connection with the school.

Parkway Hills UMC Women's Ministry celebrated with its Second Annual Plant Swap Saturday morning at the lovely home and garden of Rebecca Olack.

Parkway Hills Kids Ministry collected $120 in coins for their Lenten Jar project to buy supplies supporting Webster Animal Shelter.
Volunteer Meeting: Sunday, May 21 following the Worship Service.
All volunteers are encouraged to join us for Safe Sanctuary and VBS Training. If you are interested in volunteering for Children's Ministry this meeting will be informational for background checks, volunteer opportunities, along with VBS information. Nursery will be provided upon request. 

Sunday School Volunteers: We are starting a new Sunday School unit and learning about the early life of the church as we Celebrate Wonder in the Garden on Sundays starting at 9:30 a.m. If you are interested in volunteering, click here to sign up to teach. All volunteers must have a background check before volunteering in children's ministry. 
PHUMC's Vacation Bible School Registration: Rising Kindergarteners - 6th grade are welcome to attend VBS Jule 11 - 14, 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. Our theme this year is Operation Restoration, where we learn about the many ways to mend God's world. Click this link to register. This is a great opportunity for your kids to invite friends and neighbors to join in the fun. 

-Tonight, 5:30-7:30: Need to get ready for finals? Grab your books and friends for Finals Homework Night! Pancakes will be served. 
-Our students want one more chance to meet for Engage before the summer, so meet us at Full Moon on Sunday, May 14 at 5:30! Bring money for dinner.  
-Our Parent/Guardian & Youth Volleyball Night to end the semester is coming up on May 21 at 5:30! Meet us at Liberty Park; a meal will be served.

-We're headed back to Panama City Beach, July 2-7!
Registration is $380, and a $50 deposit secures your spot. Click here to make a payment, or contact Geoff for more info. Deadline for deposits: May 25; deadline to make full payment: June 14.
-For more info on our Youth Ministry, check out the May Youth Newsletter.
Reed enjoys a popsicle at Liberty Park last Sunday during the Children's Picnic at the Park.
Hazel at Children's Picnic in the Park
Meeting This Week: 
Wednesday, Tonight: 
 Youth Homework/pancake night 5:30
Men's Morning Group  at 7:30 am. 
Join them in the Garden Room or 
via Zoom **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635
   New Password: 14229
Adult Game night in Worship Center
    Parkway Hills Women 
   meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Meeting ID: 848 7196 9988 (note new meeting ID number)
Women of ALL ages are always welcome!

Worship 10:45 am online and in person
     No Choir Practice, tonight. Enjoy your Mother's Day!
ENGAGE: 5:30-7:30 pm; meet at Full Moon BBQ; bring dinner money.

Year to Date, April 2023
Income: $175,692.46
Expenses: $167,539.84
May Communion Offering to date: $866
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