Tools You can Use! Visions and Steps!
Let's talk about visions and steps. We discussed the use of vision boards in the March 2014 Newsletter. A vision board is a visual representation of your goals and dreams. If you haven't created one, you might want to try it. It helps you keep your eye on the prize.
I challenge you to look at your vision board every day (or imagine your goals) and think of one small step that will move you closer to your goal or dream. One. Small. Step. Not the entire plan. Not in the perfect order. Just one small step.
I am planning a trip to Scotland, a vacation on my bucket list. I have pictures of Scotland everywhere I look. Planning a trip can be overwhelming. Where does one start? I have my airfare and I have a place to stay but other than that, its a blank slate.
So, I started with making a hotel reservation for the second night of a side trip I have planned in the middle of my vacation. Talk about out of order. But, making that one reservation, taking that one small step provided the motivation to continue to frame the rest of the side trip.
I firmly believe your path rises to meet you but you need to take action. Take small steps and evaluate your progress. In the evaluation, you will listen to your intuition. How did that step feel? Were you excited? Happy? Motivated? If yes, then that was a step in the direction of your goal. If not, spend some time brainstorming a different approach.
Keep your eye on the prize and take one small step towards it.