June 29, 2022  

Welcome      Grow       Serve      Celebrate

Welcome Haven!!
Please stop by the Garden Room at 9:30 Sunday morning, have some breakfast and welcome  Rev. Haven Boyd, our new Associate Pastor for Children and Outreach Ministries, on her first Sunday with us!
Sunday July 10 will be the day we share a Welcome Meal with Haven after our youth-led worship and "Pack the Pantry" for her. Bring in pantry items and gift cards as we celebrate her being a part of our PHUMC family.
You can also send her an email haven@parkwayhillsumc.org to tell her how happy we are that she's joined us and that we look forward to getting to know her as we work together.
Tonight is the night we've been waiting for. Bring your questions and comments to our "Evening of Conversation" at 5:30 in the Garden Room as we wrap up our June worship series. Bring a snack to share.
This Sunday we dive into a new worship series, “Come to the Water.”  Water is everywhere in scripture.  Throughout July we will look at passages where water helps us reflect on our story of faith.  Summer is in full swing which means it is HOT.  We all too well understand the value of water this time of year.  This month, as you drink that glass of refreshing cool water, as you water those drying plants, as you get soaked by the pop up summer storm, as you relax and play at the pool or at the beach, as you simply change your sweat soaked clothes….again, allow those moments to remind you of the waters that name us and claim us.  I hope to see you in July as we dive into a new series and if your summer plans do not allow you to be present in person, remember, you can always engage in worship and give online.  May we all come to the water!
July 3: Genesis 1:1-2, “Wade in the Water: Our faith story through Water”
July 10: Youth Led Worship after their mission week in Panama City, “Life at the Edge”
July 17: Matthew 14:22-33, “Walking on Water: Let’s get out of the boat”
July 24: Rev. Haven Boyd preaching Acts 8:26-39 “Baptized in Water”
July 31: John 4:4-26 “Stay Hydrated”
Summer is here! (In case you haven't noticed)
Visit parkwayhillsumc.org/summer to see all we have planned, check for any updates, and register for events.
Parkway Hills will once again participate in the Habitat for Humanity Women Build. As a church, we gave a $1000 sponsorship to aid with the build.  Our June communion offering has aided with this expense. To date our June communion offering is $782 which means we are $218 short of covering the full sponsorship. In addition to our sponsorship, we will participate in the build for the morning shift Saturday, August 13 from 7:45 to noon. They request 10 to 12 volunteers per shift. Let Pastor Dawn know if you can attend.There is an available afternoon shift from 12:45 to 4. If you would like to work the afternoon shift, just let Pastor Dawn know and she will let the Women Build coordinators know to expect you.  
-No S. E. W. tonight
-Panama City trip participants meeting after church on Sunday; lunch will be served. Let Geoff know if you're coming.
Please be in prayer for our students and adult leaders as we travel to Florida next week!

-Youth-led worship July 10

-Adults, make Summer 2022 your chance to get involved in our youth ministry! To see our volunteer needs and get signed up, click here
-Click here to read summer newsletter.

Picured Left: Our Youth served at Camp Wesley Pines this week.
Six Welcome Baskets for new residents of Miss. Methodist Children's Home were delivered this past week as part of the PHUMC Women's Ministry Spring Project.
          Meeting This Week:    
Tonight at 5:30: Conversation in the Garden
Handbells meet in the choir room on Thursday 9-10 am. 
No Choir Practice this Sunday. 
Renew Sunday School Class will not meet in July.
Grace Sunday School Class will not meet July 3.
Men's Morning Group meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am.
Join them at PHUMC in The Garden Multipurpose Room,
via Zoom.
   **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635
     New Password: 142295
Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Meeting ID: 848 7196 9988 (note new meeting id number)
Women of ALL ages are always welcome!

Prayer Quilt Ministry Mondays, from Noon to 3:00. 
Join us in the Garden Multipurpose Room to create comforting quilts for children in distress. 

Year to Date, May 2022
Income: $236.521.59
Expenses: $278,794.72
Stewardship Goal:  "Debt-Free in '23"
Mortgage Principal Balance: $113,712.65
(Only 7 remaining payments!)      

June Communion Offering will support Habitat for Humanity's Women Build. To date: $782.00
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