Highlights | Workshops | Speakers | Social Action | Sponsorships
Highlights | Workshops | Speakers | Social Action | Sponsorships
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Northeast District
Convention 2020 Issue

October 20, 2020
This eblast is sent from northeast@wrj.org
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The Northeast District
of Women of Reform Judaism
invites you, your friends, and your family
to "Celebrating Our Stories"
at our first virtual convention
Friday, November 6, 2020
and Saturday, November 7, 2020
The convention is open to all, without charge, but you must register in advance.

Two Pre-Convention Meetings

Constitutional Revisions

Read the summary of changes to the constitution
Have questions about changes to the constitution?

Monday, October 26, 2020, 7:30 p.m.

Welcome to WRJ Today

Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 8:00 p.m.

Want to learn more about WRJ, who we are, and what we do?
Need a refresher about resources available to WRJ members?
This webinar is for you!
This webinar is especially recommended for first-time convention attendees

Convention Highlights

The Northeast District Convention will kick off at 2 p.m. on Friday, November 6, and will continue through Havdalah on Satuday, November 7.
We have a full schedule of events, including guest speakers and workshops (listed below), Shabbat services, Torah study, and the installation of our new president and Executive Committee.
There will be several philanthropic opportunities available, including convention sponsorhips and donations, a special social action project, and a YES Fund Virtual Lunch with WRJ Vice President of Philanthropy Abby Fisher.

Our guests will include:

Professor Pamela Nadell, author of America’s Jewish Women: A History of Colonial Times To Today, winner of the 2019 National Jewish Book Award Book of the Year
Susan Weidman Schneider, editor-in-chief, Lilith magazine
Ilana Goldman, cantorial student, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Rabbi Julie Bressler, assistant rabbi, Temple Beth Shalom, Needham, MA
Julia Weinstein, vice president, WRJ Programs & Education
Cantor Harriet Dunkerley, spiritual leader, Temple B’nai Chaim,  Georgetown, CT

Workshop choices include:

  • The Politics of Abortion: Advocacy for Reproductive Health and Right
  • Sisterhood Stories and Communication: Telling Stories to Personalize and Humanize Sisterhood
  • Writing and Celebrating Our Jewish/Family Stories
  • Virtual Programming for Your Sisterhood
  • Anti-Semitism and Racial Injustice: Systemic and Interpersonal Responses
  • Writing and Celebrating Our Jewish/Family Stories
  • Did You Really Just Say That? Moving From Divisive to Respectful Communication
  • Sisterhood Leadership Stories: Continuing the Leadership Legacy
  • Membership Stories: Creating Connections


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Our Social Action Project

As is our custom, we have chosen a social action project for our convention. In keeping with our convention theme, "Celebrating Our Stories," we plan to share the joy of storytelling by starting a children's library with the Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network, a not-for-profit, interfaith, culturally-competent organization that assists homeless families.


Executive Committee Installation

We will welcome and install a new set of district officers and area directors


Honor our outgoing district president and welcome our incoming district president

Outgoing President Trina Novak
Incoming President Sharon Sobel

Convention Sponsorships and Donations

It is because of the generosity of our sponsors and donors that we are able to offer this exciting weekend of programming at no cost.
There are many opportunities to support the Northeast District Convention. The money will help defray the costs of our virtual convention and support the work of the Northeast District and WRJ.
  1. Sponsorship Support Six levels of sponsorship are available. Sponsorships will help underwrite the cost of the convention and future Northeast District progamming.
  2. Tribute Tree This is an opportunity to honor convention attendees. There are five levels of sponsorship available. Each contribution will be displayed in the form of a fruit or a leaf on our new Tribute Tree. Proceeds from the Tribute Tree will support the WRJ YES Fund (Youth, Education, and Special Projects) and the Northeast District's programs and scholarships.
  3. Tree Quilt Embroidery Sponsorship The District is getting a new Tribute Tree quilt! You can have your name or the name of your sisterhood/women's group permanently embroidered on the new quilt with a minimum contribution of $380. The quilt will debut at the 2021 Northeast District gathering in Tarrytown, NY.
  4. 2020 Convention Note Cards These cards feature the beautiful convention design made just for us! Proceeds from note card sales will benefit the WRJ YES Fund.

Got questions?

Contact Marilyn Shebshaievitz at NEconventionMS@gmail.com
Please share this invitation with your sisterhood and women's group members, and with others who would like to participate in this special weekend
We look forward to seeing you in November!
Visit our website Follow us on Twitter www.facebook.com/WRJNortheast wrjneblast@gmail.com
Share this newsletter by using one of the "Share this" icons at the top of the newsletter.
The next monthly eblast will be sent on November 3, 2020
Send program listings, photos, and articles to wrjneblast@gmail.com by October 26, 2020
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