April 26, 2023  

Welcome      Grow       Serve      Celebrate

-Need a study break during the home stretch of the semester? Game night tonight, Wednesday April 26  5:30-7:30. Brown bag dinner; we'll have drinks available.
-Join us for our Baccalaureate service on May 7 as we celebrate our graduates!

-We're headed back to Panama City Beach, July 2-7!
Registration is $380, and a $50 deposit secures your spot. Click here to make a payment, or contact Geoff for more info. 
-For more info on our Youth Ministry, check out the April Youth Newsletter.

April 23, Sunday night, PHUMC hosted a gathering of the Women's Ministry to watch a Kate Bowler live video presentation. Kate Bowler is an author and faculty member of Duke Divinity School.

Our next event is the Saturday May 6 Plant Swap at 10:00 am at Rebecca Olack's. E-mail or call to get her address and directions. Dig up a "passalong plant" from your yard to share during this year's Annual Plant Swap. Or, if you're not a gardener and don't have a plant to share, how about bringing a bag of coffee beans or a box of tea? (News flash: both are plants!)  A favorite book to swap will be printed on (you guessed it) plant based paper! Maybe you are a cook with some recipes or a jar of jam to share? Not only are your recipe cards plant-based, but you are certainly using ingredients God provides from a garden. You get the idea. This is just a fun morning get-together where all are welcome. Bring something to swap, a treat to share, and the desire to meet some new friends and enjoy the company of those you already know.  See you then!

Join us for Missions in May on Saturday, May 6 with the East and West Jackson Districts. Click the link below to register for this event. The five mission areas provide an opportunity for all skill sets to serve so we hope you'll join us. 
Once you're registered a follow up email will go out closer to the Mission Date. It will include arrival times and details for the mission site. 
Register here.
Picnic in the Park: Sunday, May 7 following the Worship Service.Join us for fellowship and fun at Liberty Park around noon. Bring your brown bag lunch and the church will have drinks and popsicles for the children. All ages and families welcome, so invite a friend. 

Volunteer Meeting: Sunday, May 21 following the Worship Service
All volunteers are encouraged to join us for Safe Sanctuary and VBS Training. If you are interested in volunteering for Children's Ministry this meeting will be informational for background checks, volunteer opportunities, along with VBS information. Nursery will be provided upon request. 

Sunday School Volunteers: We are starting a new Sunday School unit and learning about the early life of the church as we Celebrate Wonder in the Garden on Sundays starting at 9:30 a.m. If you are interested in volunteering, click here to sign up to teach. All volunteers must have a background check before volunteering in children's ministry. 
Lenten Jar Coin Collection: This Sunday, April 30 is the last Sunday to bring in your change collected for the Webster Animal Shelter. 
A huge thank you to Landry Holland for her birthday mission project. She asked all guests attending her birthday party to bring a jar of peanut butter for this worthy cause, the MadCAAP ministry.
We have collected 106 peanut butter jars for MadCAAP so far this year! Thank you to all the family and friends of PHUMC that bring in peanut butter to help support this ministry. 
Meeting This Week: 
Tonight, Wednesday: Youth game night     5:30-7:30; bring brown bag supper; drinks provided.
Men's Morning Group meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am.
Join them in the Garden Room or 
via Zoom.
   **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635
     New Password: 142295
Handbell practice: Thursday at 9:00 am.
Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am.
                  Meeting ID: 848 7196 9988                  (note new meeting ID number)
Women of ALL ages are always welcome!

Sunday: Worship 10:45 am online and in person
      Choir Practice: 5:30 pm  
ENGAGE: 5:30-7:00 pm

Year to Date, March 2023
Income: $134,401.15
Expenses: $128,703.66
April Communion Offering to date: $2,849.00
for support of tornado victims of Rolling Fork and Silver City through UMCOR. 
Easter Communion offering to date: $664.00 for the Good Samaritan Fund, to purchase Kroger Cards for emergency food assistance.
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