With autumn here, it’s time for raking leaves and doing some fall cleaning. The results can mean energy and money savings for your family.
You can do special cleaning measures every season that reduce energy use and decrease your costs.
With its fluctuating temperatures, fall can be a challenging season to save. But there are things you can do:
- Adjust your thermostat or install a programmable thermostat
- Check your heating, ventilation and air conditioning; get a tune-up and needed repairs
- Clean gutters
- Clean your refrigerator
- Clean windows
- Insulate attics and crawl spaces
- Seal leaks around doors and windows
- Set your water heater to 120 degrees
These are just a few ways to can help make your home more energy efficient. Remember that regular cleaning, maintenance and seasonal tune-ups keep equipment and appliances running at top efficiency and can result in savings.